Harem King from A Slave in Another World

Chapter 579: Achilles, Attalus

Achilles, the commander-in-chief of the Orlais-Fanoss Union, stood tall and imposing on the battlefield. Clad in gleaming silver armor, he exuded an aura of authority and power. His armor was intricately designed, adorned with engravings depicting the history and heritage of the Orlais-Fanoss Union. The armor protected him well while maintaining flexibility for swift movements.

His helmet, crafted with great attention to detail, featured a majestic plume of red and gold feathers that cascaded down his back. The helmet's visor was raised, revealing Achilles' strong and determined face. His eyes, piercing and focused, showed his strategic prowess and unwavering determination to lead his troops to victory.

Achilles' dark brown hair flowed freely beneath his helmet, complementing his sharp features. A well-groomed beard framed his face, adding to his commanding presence. Despite the chaos of the battlefield, his expression remained calm and composed, radiating confidence and inspiring his soldiers to fight with unwavering loyalty.

In one hand, Achilles wielded a massive, double-edged sword, its polished blade reflecting the sunlight. The hilt of the sword was adorned with intricate carvings, showcasing the craftsmanship of the Orlais-Fanoss Union. In his other hand, he carried a round shield, reinforced with steel and emblazoned with the union's emblem—a majestic eagle with outstretched wings.

Achilles moved with grace and agility, leading his forces in a strategic dance of warfare. He galloped on a magnificent white steed, armored like its master. The horse's armor mirrored Achilles' own, displaying the unity of the commander and his loyal mount.

As the battle raged on, Achilles demonstrated his tactical brilliance. He commanded his troops with precision, constantly adapting to the changing circumstances on the field. With calculated maneuvers, he encircled Count Ambroise's forces, cutting off their escape routes and weakening their resolve.

Though the Marquis Cyril's reinforcement soldiers proved resilient, Achilles remained undeterred. He sent his top fighters to join the armies pressing the enemies.

After an hour, the enemies seemed more hard-pressed than before but his right hand man rode his horse to him.

"My lord! I have an urgent report!" 

"Attalus. You seem pale. What happened there?"

Attalus, the Second-in-Command of the Commander-in-Chief of the Orlais-Fanoss Union, was a formidable and esteemed military leader in the skirmish against Marquis Cyril soldiers.

His towering stature and piercing gaze instilled both respect and fear in his enemies. 

As a seasoned veteran, Attalus possessed a deep understanding of the soldiers under his command. He recognized the importance of morale and cohesion, instilling a sense of camaraderie among his troops. Attalus was known to lead by example, fearlessly charging into the heart of battle and inspiring his soldiers to fight with unwavering determination.

This capable man seemed hesitant which made Achilles worried. 

Attalus spoke, "Our top warriors. Demonicus the glaive wielder. Teutamus the fast swordsman. Demetrius the cavalry commander. Perdiccas the bastard swordman. Cleitus the Black. Eumenes the spear master. Philotas the thousand killer. These 7 men were defeated in the battlefield."

Before Achilles could say anything, Attalus added, "They were each defeated by young women."

Achilles furrowed his brow, a mix of concern and surprise crossing his face. The news of their top warriors being defeated by young women was unexpected and raised questions about the enemy's strength and tactics. He took a moment to collect his thoughts before responding to Attalus.

"Defeated by young women, you say?" Achilles repeated, his voice tinged with curiosity. "Tell me, Attalus, who are these women? What do we know about them?"

"Demonicus the glaive wielder was defeated by two girls, one looked like a thief and one looked like an average female soldier."

"Teutamus the fast swordsman was defeated by a foreign girl who could move instantly."

"Demetrius the cavalry commander was defeated by a half-elf archer."

"Perdiccas the bastard swordman was defeated by a woman who used a sword and fought like a dancer."

"Eumenes the master spearman was defeated by a tall spear woman."

"Philotas the strong was defeated by a woman with a shield."

Achilles listened attentively as Attalus provided him with details about the women who had defeated their top warriors. The information sparked both intrigue and concern within Achilles. Suddenly, he remembered what his superior, Xanthippus warned him.

Marquis Cyril de Montfort and Margrave Lothair de Montfort were assisted by a mysterious foreign man, Hiro Hezri who was accompanied by a handful of fighters. Several capable ones were women. They helped Count Rikat Guiscard when his fortress was besieged by Orlais-Fanoss Union and even defeated the besieger.

Achilles nodded, his mind racing with possibilities. The defeat of their top warriors by these women indicated a level of skill and strategy that could not be underestimated. He knew he had to gather more information about these formidable adversaries, but he now had to win the skirmish before him at all costs.

With a resolute expression, Achilles addressed Attalus, his voice filled with determination. "Attalus, gather our remaining forces. We must press forward and secure victory in this skirmish. Our top warriors may have been defeated, but we cannot falter. I want our troops to be prepared for any encounter with these women. Send scouts to gather intelligence on their whereabouts and strengths. We need to understand their tactics and exploit any weaknesses they may have."

Attalus nodded, understanding the urgency of the situation. "Yes, my lord. I will ensure our troops are ready and will dispatch scouts immediately. We shall not let these defeats deter us. Our union's honor and the safety of our people depend on our success."

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