Harem King from A Slave in Another World

Chapter 586: Isolated

Mirai who was on foot suddenly stumbled as an enemy pushed her. He grabbed her hand and trapped her under the weight of his body.

"Mirai!" Malty could not reach her as she was on her horse. Before she could unmount, a sound of wind came from behind her.

Another enemy ran at her blind spot.

And then something as quick as lightning flew in.


The tip of a spear penetrated the face of the enemy and exited the back of his head.

"Wahahahahaha!! Get skewered! All of you!!"

It’s the loud Irijina with a body and strength uncharacteristic of an average woman.

"More skewering! More and more!"

Her agile thrusts punched holes in the enemy soldiers around her.


One enemy reacted late and died after getting impaled in the neck.

"Uwah, this, higyaaah!"

A different enemy successfully blocked the first strike only to fall prey to Irijina’s consecutive lunges and cried out in agony when her spear ran through his body.

"Hmp! Hm, hm, hm! Hngah!"

Irijina relied on her strength to break down the defense of a shield-bearing enemy, pressuring with relentless thrusts until she found an opening to land a knockout blow on his head.

"Wahahahaha! I’m gonna keep fighting! More skewering needs to be done!!"

Irijina spun her spear as she ran off, making enemies scream wherever she goes.

"She looks like she’s having fun."

Aside from Demia and her, the other heavily armed escort unit members were shining remarkably bright.

It wasn’t uncommon for any one of them to take out multiple enemies by themselves.

Nevertheless, the difference in numbers was too great.

As the enemy grew impatient, they would deliberately pull several thousand soldiers back and then have them charge at us repeatedly.

It didn’t matter if we knew they were coming, it still dealt a significant amount of damage and also dampened our morale.

After the second and third time, our disadvantage was made clear when another round of enemy reinforcement came. They were about 1,000 men.

"This is tough."

"They should have suffered way more casualties. How come they aren’t falling apart?"

Reina complained in frustration.

I’d felt this since the initial meeting with Saxon-Fanoss’s forces.

They didn’t really collapse unless you kill the commander or completely rip their army to shreds.

"The commander…… I can’t get him."

Naturally, their headquarters was at the very back.

It’s far enough that I couldn’t easily go there, kill everyone and come back.

"They’re weakening! Attack all-out, run them over!"

The enemy charged with more intensity. 

"Has Leonhardt made it through yet? We’re at our limits here."

I know complaining wouldn’t make a difference so I tightened my grip on the longsword and ran up to the front.

"Preparations are complete, firing now!"

A member of the chariot squad suddenly shouted near me.

Giant bolts rained down on the furiously charging enemies.

Knowing there wasn’t enough time to set up ballistae, this must be coming from the chariots.

"They’re firing from the highest point. This should confuse the enemy a little!"

Only 5 chariots or so remained and that was nowhere near enough to stop the enemy.

Still, the unblockable bolts dulled the enemy’s advance.

"Ballistae!? Where!?"

"It’s those strange carts! Demolish them!"

Chariots started to get targeted.

Obviously they ran from the enemy, allowing our allies to flank from the side.

"How annoying! Just make it easy for yourselves and surrender!"

"Get away from those things!"

"Good job!"

"Yes! ……except it’s merely a way to stall for time."

It couldn’t be helped.

This entire battle itself was a way to buy time for the infantry to breakthrough the enemy camp.

The enemy was dealing with another mess in a different location.

Sekrit, no longer on her horse, was leaping between horses and dancing, isolated within the horde of enemies, killing every enemy in her way.

"That woman..aaa"

"Stop that woman!"

I was really worried now as she had no back up and could run out of strength eventually.

At that moment, a thunderous sound resonated from the direction Leonheardt was attacking.

Simultaneously, I felt the vibrations travel to my stomach.

When I touched my side, blood was left on my fingers.

"Is he firing ballistae? Do we have anymore of those?"

Reina looked around.

I nodded and lowered my head so she could climb on and see further.

Her crotch had gotten nice and moist from fighting.

"That’s…… horses and wagons are running into the enemy. Ah, they exploded! It looks like they’re packed with gunpowder!"

"How extreme."

So he had his own secret plan prepared.

I could tell Leonhardt couldn’t afford to fight a long arduous battle.

He must have determined a certain amount of recklessness was needed to get through a force larger than ours in a short amount of time.

There were successive explosions, the booms echoing for a while until that moment.

"They’re through! They managed to breakthrough the enemy camp!"

The one who came running was the still unfit Myla.

She wanted to inform us immediately and chose not to send a messenger.

Why didn’t she just run away…… I didn’t have a blanket to wrap her in.

"There’s no need to continue stalling. Please withdraw now. We have a plan!"

I thought we would be staying here any longer.

"Everyone falls back. Careful not to let them cut you from behind."

A collective sigh of relief could be heard when the ally soldiers heard that command.

As expected, this situation was rather tiring.

"Don’t let them run! Chase!"

"It would be shameful if we let them escape like this!"

The enemy cavalry pursued us in a frenzied state.

With both of us being cavalry, it’s hard to catch up once we had a head start.

And there’s one more factor.

"Rear volley! Loose!"

Arrows from the bow cavalry were pouring down on the enemies behind them.

Wearing lighter armor also meant the bow cavalry were quicker.

The enemy could not get any closer and one-sidedly got shot full of arrows.

"Uwah! Damnmt!"

"How are they shooting behind…… argh, no good. Stop for now!"

I saw their pace decrease.

Good, we could shake them off like this.


An unfortunate accident happened at the end.

Malty at the tail of the line slowed down too much after shooting arrows and got caught by the enemy’s spear.

Luckily the spear only grazed her body, but it was enough to knock her down from her horse.

Normally, it shouldn’t be me who goes.

As a commander, that would be irresponsible of me.

I charged into a group of enemies without losing any speed.

Two men came at me from both sides and another one from the front.

I bashed my shield at the one on my left, leaving the other sides open to attack.

However, two arrows hit their heads. I glanced and saw Gheyna was pointing her bow at us. She killed these two from such a distance.

"Get on."

I grabbed the girl and pulled her up onto my horse.

It’s time to run.

However the enemy wasn’t making things easy and had surrounded us.

Did I underestimate their reaction?

"Keep your head low and hang onto me tightly."

An enemy rushed at us.

"There’s no escape. If you surrender now, you――"

His head gets lopped off before he could finish his sentence with “――can be a prisoner”.

Multiple enemies attacked at the same time.

Four were approaching while two more spears were thrown at me.

"My deepest apologies, mister."

The tearful voice of the girl clinging to my waist gave me strength.

Two arrows hit two enemies. Those were from Gheyna. 

Suddenly, Mirai appeared on my horse and stabbed a man in my right side while I blocked an attack from my left.she teleported.

I somehow blocked another attack with the tilt of my sword. My both hands were locked. 

Mirai's another attack was met with another man.

We were trapped when our soldiers were leaving us.

Mirai's foe was shot with an arrow at his head. It must be Gheyna's again. 

None of the enemies hesitate to charge with spears and swords one after the other.

We had no opening to run and we were forced to stay and fight.

Mirai killed the man on my right while my left hand blocked attacks with my shield. 

My longsword intercepted a cavalry charging in with a spear.

Since the blade was long enough to act as a lance of my own, the one who got skewered first was him.

"Do something about the left!"

Malty, sitting behind me grabbed the left man's hand and pulled him. Mirai stabbed his face.

Behind the next enemy charging at me, I saw another one aiming with a javelin.

"Here. Hold this for a second, will you?"


I stuck my longsword into the chest of the charging enemy, let go of the handle, quickly switched to my shield and blocked the thrown spear.


I left my shield immediately after I felt the impact and then retrieved my longsword from the first enemy’s body, kicking away to free my weapon.

Another enemy came from behind and the weaponless Malty was helpless but another Gheyna's arrow came. It nicely penetrated the enemy through his forehead, and he twitched a bit before falling off his horse. Hiw lucky to have someone like Gheyna who could shoot arrow accurately from hundreds meters away.

Three more cavalry ran in with spears. 

"Shadow binding!"

Mirai summoned her another ninja spell.

Black shadow stretched from her body and reached them. They couldn't move.


"I couldn't move!"

I took two all out with a single sweep from my longsword. Another one had his sword stolen by Malty. She cut him down.

"Mirai. Don't use another shadow binding. It drains a lot of your power!" I barked while cutting another enemy.

We should be long dead if not because of Gheyna's long range arrows, killing enemies coming at us. But we were still advancing slowly.

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