Harem King from A Slave in Another World

Chapter 594: Baron Duverger

Baron Duverger stood atop the battlements of his crumbling fortress, his gaze fixed upon the horizon where the dust clouds stirred. He could sense the impending doom that loomed over his demesne, as the forces of the Orlais-Fanoss Union steadily advanced towards his castle. The fate of his land and the lives of his loyal subjects hung in the balance.

"Damn that treacherous Saxon family. They even bring the foreign invaders into our land. Now, its head, Selena Saxon declared herself as the Queen of Orlais!"

Duverger was a nobleman known for his resilience and unwavering dedication to his people. His small force of 500 soldiers, mostly composed of local villagers and men-at-arms, was vastly outnumbered by the well-trained and disciplined troops of the Orlais-Fanoss Union. Yet, he refused to yield without a fight, determined to protect his ancestral lands until the very end.

Within the walls of the castle, the atmosphere buzzed with a mixture of anxiety and determination. The soldiers prepared for the onslaught, sharpening their weapons and reinforcing the fortifications. The castle's inhabitants, from the youngest child to the eldest servant, braced themselves for what was to come.

Amidst the chaos, Baron Duverger sought counsel from his trusted vassals, a group of seasoned knights and loyal retainers. They gathered in the war room, maps and strategies laid out before them. Despite the dire odds, Duverger's spirit remained unbroken.

"We cannot let the invaders take our lands," Duverger declared, his voice resolute. "We fight for our homes, our families, and our way of life. We will make our stand here, and if need be, we shall meet them blade to blade."

His words resonated with his vassals, their loyalty to the Baron unwavering. Together, they devised a plan to maximize their limited resources and exploit the terrain to their advantage. Every inch of the castle would be defended, every arrow carefully aimed, and every strike delivered with conviction.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, the enemy forces emerged from the gloom, their banners fluttering ominously. The clash of steel echoed through the night as the battle commenced. Duverger's men fought with unwavering determination, their hearts filled with a fierce resolve to protect their homeland.

Duverger himself led from the front, his sword carving a path through the enemy ranks. He inspired his men with his bravery and unwavering resolve, never faltering even as the tide seemed to turn against them. Each life lost in defense of their demesne only served to strengthen their resolve.

In the darkest hour, when it seemed that all hope was lost, a horn blared from the distance. 

"Lord Duverger, Doucy faction appear!"

Reinforcements had arrived, led by the Doucy faction who had been moved by the bravery and determination of Baron Duverger and his men.

"Good. How many men?" Duverger exclaimed. 

"Probably 800 men!" His man replied after pausing for a while to count the number of reinforcement.

The balance of power shifted, and the Saxon forces found themselves outmatched.

With renewed vigor, the defenders launched a counteroffensive, pushing back the enemy troops with a relentless fury. The castle's battlements became a beacon of hope, a symbol of resistance against overwhelming odds. The tides had turned, and the forces of the Orlais-Fanoss Union found themselves in disarray.

At long last, the enemy forces retreated, defeated and demoralized. The Baron and his loyal soldiers stood amidst the wreckage, their bodies battered and weary, but their spirits triumphant.

He noticed a middle aged man was riding a horse towards him, accompanied by a dozen cavalry.

He recognized him as the head of the Doucy faction, Margrave Lothair de Doucy. He also noticed a teenage girl riding beside Doucy, who he recognized as Lothair's daughter. But there was another unknown man riding beside Lothair de Doucy. They arrived.

"I am indented to you, Margrave Lothair de Doucy for risking your life."

"It's nothing, Duverger. You were once my vassals after all."

Duverger glanced at the man in his late twenties who stood beside Lothair de Doucy. 

"May I know this knight's name?"

"Oh, forgive me for my late introduction, my lord. He is my mercenary."

"My name is Curtis Blackwell."

He noticed Curtis's armour and insignia were different from any nobles in Orlais.

"We defeated the enemies. Because of this foreign man and his reinforcement, we managed to defend your land from Saxon?"

Duverger knew that as he saw everything that happened in the battlefield.

Meanwhile, Doucy's daughter, Clarice looked at Curtis in awe.

"Indeed, without the aid of Curtis Blackwell and the Doucy faction, our chances of victory would have been significantly diminished," Duverger replied, gratitude evident in his voice. "Their timely arrival and their valor turned the tide of battle in our favor."

He turned to Curtis, his gaze filled with a mixture of curiosity and admiration. "You fought bravely, Curtis Blackwell, and I am grateful for your assistance. Your skill and dedication were instrumental in our defense. May I inquire as to your origins? Your armor and insignia bear no resemblance to those of any noble houses in Orlais."

Curtis Blackwell, his expression stoic yet respectful, responded, "My lord, I served my master, Hiro Hezri."

Baron Duverger's eyes narrowed slightly, his curiosity piqued further. "Hiro Hezri, you say? Your assistance was crucial, and I am grateful for it. I must admit, your arrival seemed timely, almost as if it were destiny that brought you to our aid. Tell me, Curtis Blackwell, what led your master to our humble lands and compelled you to stand alongside us in this battle?"

Curtis Blackwell's gaze met Duverger's, his eyes revealing a hint of determination. "My lord, fate is a fickle mistress. I have witnessed the suffering of innocent people, their lands torn apart by the ambitions of others. When my master learned of the plight of your demesne, I saw an opportunity to make a difference, to fight for a just cause. Your people's resilience and your leadership inspired me, and I knew that my skills could be of use in this battle. It was a matter of honor and the pursuit of justice that brought me to your side."

Baron Duverger nodded, his respect for Curtis Blackwell growing. "Your dedication and valor have not gone unnoticed, Curtis. You have proven yourself a worthy ally, and I am grateful for your support. You fought with the heart of a true knight, and your actions will not be forgotten. I offer you my gratitude and a place of honor within my demesne."

Curtis Blackwell bowed his head respectfully. "I am honored by your words, my lord. It was a privilege to fight alongside you and your men. If there is anything more I can do to assist you, please do not hesitate to ask."

Baron Duverger extended his hand in gratitude, which Curtis accepted with a firm grip. "Your presence alone has made a difference, Curtis Blackwell. You have not only defended our lands but also reminded us of the power of camaraderie and unity in the face of adversity. We shall rebuild what has been damaged and honor the fallen. Our victory today was hard-won, and it will be remembered as a testament to the indomitable spirit of our people."

Clarice pondered in her heart about her mysterious lover, "If Hiro is able to command a man as capable as Curtis Blackwell, Hiro must be a big shot in some countries."

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