Harem King from A Slave in Another World

Chapter 600: Rus City defence

In a sprawling bungalow nestled within the ancient walls of Rus City, Hiro Hezri, a mastermind from distant lands, engaged in a strategic discussion with the local lord, Baronet Hesse. The meeting room held an air of intrigue as Hiro's plan for defense unfolded. Present in the room were two remarkable women who played pivotal roles in this clandestine affair.

Seated elegantly beside Hiro was Reina Hesse, the Baronet's daughter, her fiery orange hair a stark contrast to her intriguing past. She had once roamed as a lawless bandit in foreign lands, only to be rescued and forever changed by Hiro. Their bond had grown deeper, intertwining love and espionage.

Next to Reina sat Gheyna, a red-haired archer hailing from the enigmatic Dalish tribe, found by Hiro deep within the mystical Korcari Wilds. The Dalish tribe, descendants of legendary elves, possessed extraordinary abilities that made them indispensable to Hiro's cause. Among their gifts were the fabled dark vision and the uncanny skill to shoot arrows with unerring accuracy, even at galloping steeds.

Hiro had wisely enlisted dozens of these skilled Dalish archers to thwart relentless invaders from the Principality of Fanoss.

Hiro Hezri leaned forward, his eyes focused on a detailed map spread across the table. "Baronet Hesse," he began, his voice carrying the weight of urgency, "our defenses must hold. The Principality of Fanoss will not cease their advances until they conquer Rus City."

Baronet Hesse nodded gravely. "I understand the gravity of the situation, Hiro. We're relying on your expertise to protect our home."

Reina, her fiery hair cascading over her shoulder, spoke softly. "Father, we must have faith in His Majesty's plan. He saved me from a life of lawlessness, and I believe in his wisdom."

Gheyna, the red-haired archer from the Dalish tribe, added, "Indeed, our people are ready to lend their skills. Our dark vision will keep us one step ahead, and our arrows will strike true."

Hiro nodded, acknowledging their trust. "Thank you, Reina, Gheyna. Together, we'll combine our strengths to repel the invaders. The Dalish archers will take positions along the city walls, hidden from sight. When the Fanoss troops approach, we'll unleash our arrows, disrupting their formations."

Hiro nodded, acknowledging their trust. "Thank you, Gheyna. Dalish ability to shoot arrows on running horses is something shocking to humans in this Thedas continent."

Baronet Hesse leaned in, his brows furrowed with concern. "Your majesty, we must also consider the possibility of infiltration. Fanoss has spies with cunning wiles. How do you plan to safeguard against such threats?"

Hiro's expression turned thoughtful. "You're right, Baronet. In addition to our defensive measures, we have scouts with stealth skills. They'll patrol the outskirts and root out any potential spies or infiltrators. And your daughter, Reina the thief is the best in stealth and speed."

Reina chimed in while grinning, her determination evident. "Father, I'll assist in this as well. I know the ins and outs of these lands, and I won't let anyone harm Rus City."

Baronet Hesse nodded approvingly, his worry easing somewhat. "Very well, Your majesty. It seems we have a plan in place. But I must ask, what of our alliances? Have you secured any support from your kingdom?" The old man asked expectantly, knowing Hiro ruled a country in their west and hadn't utilized his full army yet.

Hiro closed his eyes for a while before looking at Reina's father.

"Baronet. I have Cass Brankovic. She is my minister of military. She is devising strategy from my country."

Gheyna and Reina seemed jealous when Hiro mentioned Cass affectionately.

Baronet Hesse raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the mention of Cass Brankovic. "Cass Brankovic, you say? She must be quite skilled if you hold her in such high regard."

Hiro nodded with a hint of pride. "Indeed, Baronet. Cass is a brilliant military strategist, and she has the resources of our kingdom at her disposal. I've sent word to her about the situation here, and she's already coordinating with our forces. We are facing a threat from Dioral Kingdom, so at most, we can send a quarter of our soldiers. We don't have as many highly trained soldiers. We are a new country after all. "

Baronet Hesse leaned back in his chair, contemplating the situation. "It's heartening to know that you have Cass and your kingdom's support, Your Majesty. I am just a small noble lord here. We shall make the most of the resources we have. Let's hope that, combined with the Dalish archers, our defenses will be formidable enough to deter the Principality of Fanoss."

Reina, her fiery determination undiminished, spoke up. "Father, we have faith in His Majesty's leadership and Cass's strategic prowess. We'll stand strong and united to protect Rus City."

Gheyna nodded in agreement, her red hair gleaming in the dimly lit room. "We Dalish have faced many challenges in the Wilds, and we'll bring that resilience to this fight. Together, we will safeguard these ancient walls."

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