Harem Overlord System

10. Surprising Results


" " Conversion or speech
' ' thoughts
[ ] Sys talking

       (Mc Pov)

On the second day,

"Yawn..n..hmm...Sys, you could have to wake me up, now I am getting late for my training." I said and hurriedly got ready then sprinted to the track field, after reaching track field I loosen up my body muscle's by stretching a little then jog around the field a few times when I felt my legs tired a little I stopped and thought about doing exercise which empathizes other body parts.
As to make most of the time, I did squats, push-ups, and other kinds of hard exercises after exhausting myself completely, I took the potion from daily reward and drank it.
Few minutes of rest then again I got ready but this time, I practised the body locking technique till my body felt a little sluggish then I stopped doing it and sat down in a meditation position to refine the energy in strand from inside my body and once in while the energy strands would move all over the body which affects the blood, veins, meridian's, skin, muscles etc. and the effect put them in unique pressure which by the starts to refine them.

Just like this day by day I started to improve a little.

(Time skip a week)

In these seven days, I continued with my training routine from morning to evening. At the start of the first day, I became completely tired but after that did it again and again so I got used to the intensity of training.
As not to waste the good opportunity I made myself, I also took a little tour around the academy and go to know about the different places of the academy were previously never bothered or got the chance to see to go those places.

I also met up with Lilith Asami from time to time, and we would have a little conversation about magic some time as she is one of the prodigies when it comes to studies so I took them whenever I get it. Also if I want to ask something about magic then who will be better than Lilith as she is herself working as a teacher so her explanations are much easier to understand.
From what I know about this world, the magic system is restricted in a lot of ways.
Originally, the seven greatest mages used their Last Crest to defeat the true Demon Lord and seal his soul into the furthest part of the world.
Afterwards, concerned over the overwhelming strength of the spell, the founders decided that only one mage should be able to use each of the Crest, thus establishing the system of the Trinity Seven. As a result, no one other than the Seven can understand the spell regardless of the amount of research.


Today was the same as usual and I was trying to find Lilith after I finished with my training to have a little talk.

My appearance has drastically improved with the refining technique as core and it also increased my physical strength, my body as a whole including skin, muscle, bone, blood and organs have been tempering this week so there's a stark contrast increase in body strength from the last week. Just throwing a fist into the air can make wind generate.
My body height also increased from 1.60m to 1.68m and muscles density increased to contain explosive power inside. With dark black hair, blue ocean eyes, couple with Idol-like faces make the whole appearance look like a handsome celebrity star.

'Enough with the nonsense monologue so where was I, Ahh yes,' I am going to our usual place to meet with Lilith.

The day when I was having fun exploring the academy I came across a very good spot from where you can see sunrise and sunset in full view, also from there the scenery looks quite good so It became our meeting spot to spend some quiet time talking and discussing.

"Hey, there Lilith how is it going." Upon reaching there I greeted Lilith as she had already arrived there and was sitting quietly to enjoy the gentle breeze.

"Hmmm hi Kosei, It's alright. So did you finish with your training," She greeted me back with a smile as you can see I became friends with her after I tried hard enough to earn her trust, still we are not so close but it started for me.

" Ahh yes, I just finished not long ago. So when are you going to introduce me to your friend of yours, who's going to be helping me in my combat training," I ask as I already have built stamina to last long enough to outrun 10 miles race?

"Soon, as she is busy at the moment but when she returns I will introduce you two, also don't piss her off otherwise she might crush you, well how should I say, she is a little short-tempered".

She said with warning contained in her words, also as she has started to interact with me so Lilith has shown some emotions in front of me. To me, she looks way too cute when she shows different emotions on her face.

"Okey, enough of that how was your day" I wanted to spend some quality time together so I started to ask day to day life questions then after talking for some time, I answered some of her questions and I inserted funny jokes which got the beautiful reaction from her.
'Whenever I see her smile, I want to protect that genuine smile and give her the happiness she deserves, from Lilith sad childhood I remembered the fucking bastard who is responsible for Lilith sad history,' I thought as I suddenly has the urge to beat some sorry excuse of the father of hers.
After having a fun time talking with Lilith I even forgot about time but as she has her teaching duties and personal ones to fulfil so our time together has to end, but I am not sad as I will have more opportunities like this in the future.

We departed from there and I came directly to my dorm room, close the door and sat on the bed cross-legged as I remember something on the way I haven't done.
'Sys, place the sound isolation barrier around the room,' As Sys places the barrier I take out the two pills from inventory, it's been a week so it won't be a problem now if I took these two pills.
[Host, barrier has been put around the room.
Be careful to not become addicted to pain. I don't plan on having a masochist host.]
'Sys, Don't worry I won't,' I replied with sarcasm.

'Just you wait when I get a chance to give you physical body then you'll be the first one I would try everything you imagine,' I thought to myself.

[Host, did you think something rude about me, Humph]
'Sys you becoming more and more human by nature,' I thought and took the strengthening pill and magic enhancing potion. (a/n:💊☠).

After taking the pill and potion I waited for the pain but It didn't come only mild aching and itching feeling here and there.
..After some time I smelled the foul smell so I got up directly and went for a bath.
After getting cleaned and dressed in sleeping wear.
I checked my body to see only little changes on the outside and inside, I felt my magic energy got an increase in quality and quantity, also my body has gotten stronger as I checked by punching on steel plate and after the punch, it got bent into the shape of the punch.
'It's been a while I saw my status' I thought as I haven't had the chance to check my status as now time is good as any.
[Name:Kosei Hesperia
Race:Human                    Age:16
Class:Mage(B)                   Soul:Tier 1
Strength:66                       Dexterity:64
Agility:65                            Vitality:68
Constitution:80                Magic:120

1. Body lock martial arts.
2. Mind Palace.

1. Eidetic memory.
2. Silver Speed Magic. (Current time limit-10sec).

Cultivation Technique:Primal Chaos refinements technique.


'Still weak If I want to survive the onslaught of short temper beauty. I need to up my physical training.

[Host, you should check your quest as It got completed just now.]

'Thanks, Sys' as I was thinking about what to do to increase the body strength in the short term and firm foundation. I got timely help as just what I need right now and can be solved with system reward. I hurriedly called out.


I try to describe Our Mc features but sadly as you can how horrible am I  at that.
Sorry MC, you are handsome as everyone knows. Don't be down,
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Don't forget to leave a review or two.


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