Harem Overlord System

16. Making The Girls Addicted To My Special Cuisine’s


" " Conversion or speech
' ' thoughts
[ ] Sys talking


A few kilometres away from the Royal Biblia Academy, there's a town not too big or not too small but average size.

In the busy streets of the centre of town, there can be found various stalls like food stalls and other miscellaneous, people can be seen enjoying their delicacies and talking while drinking sake.

One of the restaurants with a quiet and cosy environment downtown street near the park where you can occasionally see the children playing around with their parents sitting inside on the benches.

Inside the restaurant in the kitchen a handsome young man with dark black hair, ocean blue eyes and lean swimmer type physics can be seen working in the kitchen. The young man wearing chef clothes looking like a blur can be seen handling the tools proficiently and making the food look like making pieces of art.

Just after making the food, the aroma of food wafted over outside the kitchen to the whole restaurant where six beauties sitting there and just by smelling the aroma drifting over having imaginary drooling expression except one but she also has anticipation on her eyes.

As you can guess this is Our Mc and the trinity seven girls of five out of seven are present here today as Yui is still in slumber underground and one other who is missing at the moment, he is trying to make them addicted to his cooking and taste of food to win their hearts, he'll be one step closer.

(Mc Pov)

I was able to find a suitable location near the children park for business purposes by making targets as children and their parents, also it's quiet here being downtown. So I rented it for a few months.

As for cash, I converted the Sp for the money. After getting the place I started to renovate it and make it so It'll have a warm and cosy feeling just after entering the restaurant. It has taken a few days of my time but looking at the hard work already paying off.

A few days ago I got a reminder from 'Sys'
that I had completed the hidden quest.


[Host, you should check your quest function, there are quest rewards you haven't accepted.]

'Thanks, Sys, but I didn't remember any quest that has been completed' I contemplated sometime but didn't remember any.
'Ohh, well let me see.'


[ Congratulations on Completing the hidden mission...
Mission:Become A class mage
One chance to upgrade a skill.
Do you want to withdraw rewards?
'Yes or No'.]


[Host now you have Sp-10,100 remaining...
You got One chance to upgrade a skill,
So do you want to upgrade to now or later.]

'let's do that letter as I already have skill in mind but I need to focus on my restaurant first and before I forget about It, buy me the 5000Sp worth of Soma's chef experience from Food Wars World,' I thought about the plan I am making but without those experiences, It won't have had much effect. So I ask Sys to buy me Soma Yukihira experience.

[Host, You won't be able to get all the experience of Soma Yukihira, only the half or to say only till 1st year of Tōtsuki academy.]

[Are you sure host you still want to buy.]

'Yes buy it, it's enough for now.'

[Buying Soma Yukihira experience ......
Deducting the cost.-5000Sp......
Remaining Sp-5,100.
Purchase Successful....integrating the experience inside Host brain..]

Then a lot of information pour into my head about food like how to prepare, which ingredients to buy, all kinds of information rushed as I ended up relying on Mind Palace skill to sort out the information.

After that, I practised getting used to it, and using the kitchen tools I familiarize myself with different kinds of ingredients, and how to cook them.

(Flash back end).

Now I setting up food on the table for girls to tastes my cooking.

"Now girls who are you waiting for, dig in," I said as they were just staring at the food on the table with eager expressions so I nug them to start eating.

"Oh, Wow" ×6 exclaimed after taking just one bite.

And started wolfing down the food like there's a competition going on.

"Slow down eat slowly and If you need more just say so," It's not very often I see their cute expression and twinkles in their eyes.

" I never thought you have these fantastic cooking skills I might get addicted to this food". Akio said while wiping her mouth after wolfing down 6 to 8 plates of food, what do you expect of Gula archive user and food monger Akio for her eating 5 plates of food is pretty normal.

"Hmm, Akio is right and you never told me you are this good at it, If I know you had it in you, I would never eat bland food of canteen," Lilith commented on the food and told him how much she liked his food.

" hmm, Now that I tasted this food I might just start to drop by every day," Said Levi and Selina nodded toward Levi as to agree with her, still stuffing herself with food in her mouth.

"So how did you two like my cooking, as you two haven't given any opinion on it," I nodded with a smile on my face and turn to face Mira Yamana and Arin Kannazuki asking about their opinion on it.

" Hmmph, just so-so," Said with typical tsundere style and happily eating.

"Hmm, good, this is my first time tasting something this good, I might say this is the most fantastic food I ate," Replied Arin with plain expression but you can see twinkles in her eyes and pure satisfaction feeling coming from her.

"Thank you all for the compliment. If you ever feel like eating then you all are welcome to come and sone here. Also, If anyone of you wants to help me then I can hire you as a maid for my restaurant and help me serve the customers," Seeing them liking my food this much and various cute expressions on them when they eat which I enjoy it greatly.

This is worth the effort I have put into it.AHH I should organise these kind of events in the future.

Hello readers, sorry about the chapter is short.
Enjoy the chapter and don't forget to comment and reviews.


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