Harpia Harpyja

Family and Magic

The vote was leaning towards the pervert bird but it turns out you guys wanted the wolf.


My first birthday had a lot of people I didn't know come over.


There were my aunts, uncles, and my father's parents. On top of that, all my cousins and siblings, with their own children, came.


Right now, my mother was carrying me to my siblings. I had a brother and two sisters, who were twins. My brother, James, was tall and lean, with lime-green feathers. My sisters, Aliya and Lily, both had lavender feathers.


"Hi, Mom," James said. Then he looked closer at me. "So this is Evelyn."


"Hello," I said. James smiled and ruffled my hair.


"You're so cute!" Lily said, reaching out and patting my head. "Can I hold you?"


"I guess so," I said. Lily took me from my mother's arms and gave me a big hug.


"You are really cute, little sister," Aliya said.


"She is," My mother said. "And tomorrow is her magic ceremony."


"Ooh, cool," James said. "I hope you get something good, Evelyn."


"Mhm," I said. "Can I have cake now?"


"Sure," My mother said. "Let's go get some."



The next day was the magic ceremony. I was woken up early and was now being dressed in an absurdly sparkly dress by Helena.


"I don't like it," I complained. "It's too sparkly."


"Yes, that is why your mother chose it," Helena said, patiently helping me with the clothing.


"But I don't wanna be sparkly," I said, pouting.


"Right after this is over, I promise that you can take it off," Helena assured.


"Alright. . ." I said. After I was dressed, Helena brought me to my mother.


"Ready, sweetie?" She asked.


"Yeah," I said. My mother picked me up and brought me into the ceremony room. For some reason, even when I could walk and even run, I was still carried everywhere.


When we arrived, the only people already in the room were my father, my siblings, and the person who would conduct the ceremony. I was brought up to a table with a large, round crystal on the top of it. As I had been instructed before, I put my hand on top of the crystal.


A deep thrum pulsed through the crystal and my body. Then the sphere pulsed with a bright blue light and a hologram of a snowflake rose from it. It pulsed once and three tick marks appeared above it.


Then another thrum, with a pulse of white this time. The hologram that appeared was made up of three curved lines that looked like a sound symbol on a computer. Four tick lines appeared instead of three this time.


A third thrum brought a hologram of a crescent moon. This one also had four ticks above it.


What surprised everyone, including me, was a fourth pulse of light and a thrum. A hologram of three four-point stars appeared, with four tick marks. The stars and the crescent moon merged into one picture of a crescent moon with three stars shining where the rest of the moon would be.


And then something completely and utterly unexpected happened. The crystal thrummed a fifth time and glowed gray. A hologram of a hammer found in the courtrooms of Earth appeared with five tick marks above it.


"[Law] magic!?" Aliya exclaimed. I looked up in wonder at the four images hovering above me.


They swirled around each other and then streamed into my body. I felt the magic that had been residing under my skin wake as if from a deep slumber.


Then a paper began to materialize. I saw on it a list of something. When it finished, I saw the words, "Spell List: Evelyn Orchard" appear at the top.


"Woah. . ." I said, reading the paper.


Spell List: Evelyn Orchard

  • Magic Types:
    • [Ice III]
      • [Frost Hand]
        • Active
        • Coat your hand in ice to attack a target.
      • [Icy Skin]
        • Active
        • Create a semi-fluid icy shell around your entire body to protect you from attacks.
    • [Sound IV]
      • [Echo Cry]
        • Active
        • Create a blast of sound to hit anything nearby.
      • [Sound Pulse]
        • Active
        • Hit one target with a concentrated beam of sound.
    • [Night IV]
      • [Lunar IV]
        • [Moon Beam]
          • Active
          • Send a concentrated beam of moonlight to burn an enemy with coldflame.
        • [Lunar Charge]
          • Passive
          • Absorb moonlight to replenish energy or boost spell strength.
        • [Night Stealth]
          • Passive (Toggleable)
          • You are naturally highly stealthy during the night
      • [Stellar IV]
        • [Star Seam]
          • Active
          • Turn stars into physical threads.
        • [Stellar Crash]
          • Active
          • Create small stars in the air and shoot them down toward an area. They will not distinguish between friend and foe.
        • [Stellar Charge]
          • Passive
          • Absorb starlight to replenish energy or boost spell strength.
    • [Law V]
      • [Prefix]
        • Active
        • Add a word or several words to the beginning of a spell to change its effect.
      • [Suffix]
        • Active
        • Add a word or several words to the end of a spell to change its effect.
      • [Enchant]
        • Active
        • Give anything a given quality that is changeable and removable, but only by you. you can also give the effect a time limit.
  • Natural Affects:
    • [Ice]: You are immune to the cold and any [Ice], [Frost], or [Blizzard] types.
    • [Sound]: You are immune to loud noises and [Sound] or [Echo] types.
    • [Night]: You don't need sleep to function.
    • [Law]: It is incredibly hard to deceive you and it is easy for you to deceive others.


I read all of this in the span of a few minutes.


"Cool," I said at the end.


"'Cool'!?" James cried. "You have five types and [Law] as an innate! Do you know how crazy that is!?"


"James," My father said.


"Sorry," My brother said, sitting back.


"Well, you're such an awesome little girl," My mother said, giving me a big hug. "Now come on, we're going to go present you to everyone else." Then to the ceremony conductor, she said, "Don't tell anyone or show anyone her [Law] type, understood?"


The man nodded. "Of course, my lady. I wouldn't dare."


"Thank you," My mother said.


Then I was brought out to a big room where the rest of my family was shown the magic I had.


The rest of the day was another party, but I managed to convince my mother to let me change out of my sparkly dress first. That night, I slept peacefully, despite not needing to.


Sorry for the hold-up on chapters! I've been playing the DLC of Splatoon 3, Side Order a lot.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.