Harpia Harpyja

Spaghetti With a Side of Books

The next morning, I woke up sometime around eight o'clock in the morning.


As I blearily pulled myself into a sitting position, I found that my arms were mostly pinned to my sides by a certain clingy catkin. I smiled and gently slid Kathyrine off of me, eliciting a disgruntled murmur.


After a few minutes, I managed to get out of bed. I found Scarlet half falling off and pushed her back on so she could rest comfortably.


I walked into the front room of the apartment and stretched my wings wide. I loosened up my feathers and felt the warmth trapped in them slip out.


Then I went into the kitchen to cook some breakfast.


I decided to make a dish from Earth, which we thankfully had the ingredients for already. It didn't take very long to cook some noodles and mix up tomato sauce with spices and balls of meat.


I was a little surprised when I found that this world had some Earth foods already, but it made sense when I thought about it. Other Blessed from my planet would have shared their foods.


There was pizza here, and apparently, curry had been a kind of dish here already, but Blessed people had given it its current name and introduced new varieties.


But spaghetti and meatballs was a foreign concept here, so I just had to make it. Although spaghetti for breakfast sounded kind of weird now that I thought about it.


No time to think about that now, though. Kathyinre and Scarlet were coming out of the bedroom, with Kathyrine still half asleep and Scarlet rubbing her eyes sleepily.


"Morning," I said. "I made breakfast. Something from my world."


"Ooh, what's it called?" Scarlet asked.


"Spaghetti and meatballs," I replied. "It's noodles with tomato sauce and balls usually made of cooked meat."


"Sounds yummy," Kathyrine mumbled. I gave both of them a plate of the dish and then got my own.


We ate for a bit before leaving to find the library.


"Do you know this girl?" Scarlet asked as we walked.


"Not personally, no," I answered. "I saw her during the re-placement tests, though. She's strong, and she wields a giant axe that's bigger than she is."


"Oh, I think I saw her on our first day here," Kathyrine said. "In sparring class."


We chatted some more as we searched the school for the library, moving from topic to topic. And still, we couldn't find it.


"How the hell have we not found the library?" I asked angrily at one point. "This is taking forever!"


"It's because the school is really big and also because the library is a magical room," Scarlet explained. "And besides, we're almost there."


At last, we turned a corner and found the imposing wooden doors of the library before us.


They were easily at least thirty feet tall, with entire stories etched into their surface. The pictures of villains and heroes, witches and wizards, princes and princesses, and many many more together weaved a scene of utter and complete beauty.


I pushed open the doors and walked inside.


There were so many books.


More books than I had ever seen, ever.


I turned in a circle, looking at everything there was inside this massive building.


Eventually, the voice of someone called out to me, breaking me from my book-induced trance.


"Evelyn!" The wolfkin said. "There you are."


She ran up to me and stopped right in front of me.


"Spar with me!" She demanded.

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