Harry Potter and Dreams Lost

Metaphysical Biological Introspection

Next is the plant class. Uh, Herbology, with Professor Sprout. I don’t think we’ll be doing much today; just going over the different tools and stuff.


So, when we all file in and Professor Sprout begins talking, I set my body onto autopilot, recording everything she says into a node somewhere in my brain, then I focus my attention on me—my being, my coreself.


I am, simply speaking, big. If the entirety of the solar system fit into a grain of salt, then I was, relatively, the size of the galaxy. This isn’t set either; I’m always growing. As such, like most beings, I need energy to function. Not just calories, or rather, joules, but magical energies. Mana, in some worlds, but all the same. A variable subatomic particle in a constant state of flux that, upon observation, can become a proton, neutron, or electron.


As the Ruler of Reality, I produce magic. At varying rates, depending on how much concentration I put on it, but it’s pretty big. Most energy is lost during the creation and gets thrown into whatever plane I happen to be phasing through at the time, which leads to the child planes also getting magic.


However, this isn’t enough. I’ve shut off most processes and nodes for various abilities and powers around myself simply because I don’t have the energy to activate them.


I send a glance towards a blank patch, remembering that I was going to build more nodes there. Some are only half grown/built, trillions of exposed nerve endings yet to complete their tasks.


Subsuming stars only does so much to fill my buffers, but it’s not sustainable. If I want to consolidate power, then I need to do more. I need…to farm stars. Or…expand?


Another problem with this is the impact this might have on the planets that my splinter bodies inhabit. They share a connection, pumping magic into the atmosphere. Technically speaking, I can control the aura that this creates, allowing me to cast magic anywhere on the planet I want. However, it is by no means stealthy.


Any creature with an innate sense to magic can feel my crushing presence. Only humans don’t notice because they must use a focus for magic. The House Elves in Hogwarts certainly noticed, but when they saw that I wasn’t about to kill them, their subservient minds kicked in.


Another thing to rectify. The House Elves weren’t originally like that. They were very humanoid and free-willed at one point, but centuries of subservience have twisted their minds and souls. They don’t need a master, as depicted by Dobby, but it’s scarred within their very souls to be in service.


It was only the abuse Dobby suffered that overcame that scarring. A different scar to mask the old.


Back to nodes, the capacitors, memory, and magic production nodes are fully functional. Regeneration, durability, and magic control at about seventy to eighty percent. Growth, dimension breaching, and dimensional broadcasting at fifty. Then the majority of everything else at less than five or even zero.


I don’t have much energy to spare, but what little I can is going into a little node on the surface of me. The telepathy node. Currently, my way of reading and protecting my mind is with tentacles, which is perfectly acceptable. But this tendrilled node allows me to turn that aura into something of a psychic presence. Intimidation factors, for one, but it allows more brute force measures along with brute force tentacles.


Anyway, I give it enough juice for about 10 percent functionality, then tune back into class.


Or, well, class is over. Everyone’s already packing their things and going to lunch. I guess I’ll do that.




I have made a mistake turning on the telepathy node.


Even at ten percent, the range is enough to passively pick up the surface thoughts of everyone in the school. The unfortunate side to this is hearing the…feelings of about five hundred pubescent teenagers in an enclosed environment.


Humans, for some reason, during this time of their life, are very focused on procreation and visions thereof. Visions light enough to be picked up by a passive scan.


Ugh… A lot of things that make me want to refer these kids to a therapist. One kid has discovered what BDSM is without knowing exactly what it is. He thinks he’s the first to have the idea and is anxious that his crush would be opposed to the ‘new’ idea, if he ever got the courage to ask her out.


His crush, meanwhile, has a thing for feet…and armpits.


Fifteen-year-olds are wack, man.


At least the mainstream internet doesn’t exist yet. Imagine what would happen if they discovered the veritable amounts of porn that exists there, or, me forbid, fan fiction.


I pull back the aura, compressing it into a little ball within this body. This would normally kill a regular person, and the surrounding fifteen blocks, but this body’s insides are resilient enough to handle the pressure.


Time to eat, I guess… I’ll need another star, though.

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