Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 243: The Stone Defender


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.




-Author notes-


Chapter 243: The Stone Defender


The three men looked over the scene withut showing much change in their expressions, as if the blood and gore were something they had grown used to.

"What happened here?"

"Those guys were not killed by magic…" One of them kneeled next to the bodies for a better look.

"How so?"

"This one has been crushed and the other one had his head broken into pieces."

"Mmm…you are right…it doesn't look like any spell I know, at least."

"You think the trolls went wild on them?"

"Well…a troll could definitely do this. I bet those newbies messed up big time and got killed."

"Ha! I bet that's what happened…those bloody idiots—"

"Wait, shhhh! Someone is coming."

The three men immediately went on alert and moved away from the door.

"Look, Professor! Someone broke the door!" the voice of Daphne could be heard from outside the castle as she approached with Lily. The two of them entered with care.

Lily went first with her wand at the ready.

"Something happened he—!!" She gasped at the sight of the two dead men. "Daphne, I think it's better if y—"

"Don't worry about me. I have seen a lot more blood than that…" Daphne covered her nose.

She didn't mind the sight that much, but the stench was very strong here.

"These are probably the companions of the one from before," Daphne said.

Lily moved suddenly and got in front of Daphne. "Protego!" Several spells impacted her shield. "Who goes there?!"

"Tsk…fine. Let's do this the hard way," a man's voice resounded from behind a column.

The man then showed himself to them.

He snarled at Lily and Daphne. "The two ladies want to fight?"

"Another Death Eater?...you don't look like them," Lily said.

"I am not like those two on the ground…I am much…more." With a grin on his face, he moved his wand at lightning speed.

Two crimson lights shot out.

"Dodge!" Lily shouted. She recognized them as extremely dark spells even if she could not tell exactly what they were.

The Protego charm was unlikely to block them completely.

"Incarcerous!" Daphne responded by creating a series of ropes that flew at the man.

But she was not done there. She used a continuous motion to also cast a silencing charm and a tripping jinx.

Lily, for her part, was also going to cast a series of spells until she felt some movement at her side. 'He is not alone!' She realized just in time to avoid being grabbed by a large man who had silently moved near her.

The man made a noise of frustration that his plan didn't work.

Of the spells thrown by Daphne, only the ropes created by the Incarcerous charm were able to hit.

The man got the ropes tangled on one of his legs, making him almost lose his balance.

The blonde girl was getting ready to continue her assault when someone took hold of her right hand and twisted it.

Daphne let out a yelp of pain and was forced to drop her wand. The man then pulled her back and grabbed her neck from behind while still securing her hand. "Got you!"

"Daphne!" Lily exclaimed. "Let her go!" She was about to point her wand at the man holding Daphne when she heard the girl scream in pain.

"You better drop that wand before I break this girl's neck," the man said in a cold tone.

Lily saw another one behind her but did not dare to move now, lest Daphne got hurt. 'What do I do now?...' She wondered.

The man behind Lily, laughed while the last one struggled to get the ropes that Daphne had cast off him.

"What are you waiting for? Just break that little bitch's neck," one of them said.

"Professor…" Daphne clenched her teeth.

"Oi, redhead. You better drop that wand. My friend over there is not going to hesitate to kill that girl," the man behind Lily said.

Just at that moment of desperation, Lily noticed something before anyone else could.

Something came out of the ground right behind the man who was holding Daphne without making any noise.

"What the—"

"Troy! Behind y—"

Before any of them could warn their companion, the silent white construct moved its hands at an incredible speed, securing both arms of the man, and then, without hesitation…it squeezed them.

The man could barely process what was happening before he felt his arms being grabbed and crushed.

His bones made a loud crunching noise as they were destroyed.

The man's grip on Daphne became loose and the girl did not waste time getting away from her captor and hurried close to Lily.

Lily did not understand the situation any better, but now that Daphne was free…she could fight.

She twisted her body around and made a slashing motion aimed at the man who had been approaching from behind her. "Divulsa."

The purple light slashed the man across his chest, creating a massive cut.

The man tried to react and ignore the pain to fire back at Lily. He then realized his wound was more serious than a simple cut when a purple substance started growing on his chest while making a sizzling noise.

"Noooo!" The man screamed in agony. His flesh was being corroded at a fast pace.

Right then…a crunching noise was heard. It was loud enough to earn the attention of everyone present.

The head of the one who had been captured by the golem…had exploded into a dozen pieces of flesh and bone when it was crushed with both hands.

"Troy…" The last man now realized that it hadn't been a troll that killed those two Death Eaters…but this golem.

"One more." Lily's cold green eyes turned to the last man.



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