Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 245: Following the traces


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.




-Author notes-


Chapter 245: Following the traces


The white golem continued on its path, while the werewolf got ready to fight back. The golem's broken arm remained attached to the werewolf's upper arm. Its fingers were clutching with such force that the creature was unable to remove it from himself.

"Grggg… I'm going to break you!" The beast spoke in an unnatural voice.

The golem was only a few feet away but did not seem to be in a hurry to get closer, as it moved very slowly, one step at a time.

The muscles on the werewolf's legs tightened up as he got ready to jump at the construct, ready to take another arm with him. But right before he could do that, he felt incredible pain in his arm.

"Argggg!" The beastman screamed and looked at the source of this pain. The detached golem's limb was now actively increasing its grip on his arm.

Everyone present heard a loud 'crunch' when the bones in the arm snapped, but the golem's limb continued to press as the werewolf screamed and tried to remove it.

The golem used this distraction to charge at the werewolf. It closed the twenty feet between them in less than a second. Its body twisted as it sent its remaining fist straight at the werewolf's head.

He could not react in time, as he had been distracted trying to pry its arm off him.

The white marble fist impacted the werewolf's right side of his face, breaking his nose, jaw, and turning his right eye into mush before making the beast collide violently against the ground.

Lily and Daphne stared without blinking at the werewolf. His body continued to twitch a few times before it finally stopped moving.

"Is he dead?..." Daphne asked.

Lily walked a bit closer, circling around the golem so she could get a better look.

"Oh…" The punch from the golem must have had tremendous force because it completely destroyed the head of the werewolf. She could see how it was turned into a bloody mush. "Ugg…yes, he is definitely dead." She decided.

[Kill the Intruders] The voice came from the golem.

"Harry…" Of course, Lily recognized the voice of her son.

The golem moved again. It approached the dead werewolf, who was now starting to change back into his human form. It picked up its detached arm and placed it back into its place.

"It can fix itself too?...what kind of golem did my son make?" Lily knew Harry was very advanced in this type of magic but could not have imagined he could create something this advanced. 'Could Dumbledore have a hand in this too?'

"Did Harry make this?... Is it not going to attack us, right?" Daphne stared at the white marble golem.

"I don't think s-"

The golem turned around and appeared to be looking directly at them. [Protect the Students]

"That's really Harry's voice." Daphne realized.

"I think those are its commands. Kill the intruders and protect the students." Lily said.

"Then let's hope it doesn't get them mixed up…" Daphne muttered. "You think there are more of them?"

"I don't know…I imagine making something like this would take a very long time, not to mention several of them. But we can ask those things later. Lyra and the others had definitely come through here." Lily concluded.

"Yes, and I bet they are trying to get back to the Great Hall!" Daphne realized.

Lily nodded, agreeing with her. "Let's hurry up."


"Here, Sir!" The house elf said while pointing past a large door arch.

Harry had let the elf carry him to the place where they had spotted the intruders entering the castle.

"The Astronomy classroom…" He muttered. "I think I already know how they came inside."

With the wards' protections turned off, there were many good spots to enter the castle without being noticed.

The balcony of the Astronomy Tower was massive, and it overlook an empty forestal area at the back of the castle. A good place to sneak inside.

He went inside the large chamber and soon spotted a large number of objects that shouldn't be there, left carelessly in one corner.

"That's a lot of brooms…" Harry gave them a quick count, and it seemed to be over thirty. He turned to look at the elf. "How many did you see exactly?"

"Ah…well…lots of them, Sir!" The elf answered nervously.

"Forty-four humans and five trolls!"

Harry moved his eyes towards a large painting near the entrance. It depicted a peaceful night scenery. An elegant knight was standing on a field, looking directly at him.

"That's a lot of intruders…the humans were all dressed in black robes and wore white masks?" Harry asked.

"No, my Lord." The knight answered. "Only fifteen of the humans were dressed as you mentioned. The rest just looked like uneducated thugs…ruffians, if I may. They lifted those ugly creatures with chains and unleashed them in the castle! This is preposterous. If only I still had my body, I wou-"

"Okay, I understand, my good Sir." Harry interrupted the grumpy knight. "I will handle this. Did you happen to see where they went?"

"Of course! This old knight saw everything. Let me tell you."



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