Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 254: Alone?, I am not alone


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.




-Author notes-


Chapter 254: Alone?, I am not alone


A flash of light came out and moved immediately towards its target.

The werewolves didn't know what that spell did, so they were all on high alert, but they soon realized that it was not aimed at them but at Lily and the other students.

The ball of light stopped right above the student group before it opened up like a large curtain. It enveloped them inside a translucent filament.

"A protection charm?" Neville asked.

The girls had seen this before and knew how strong this protection was. But for Lily, it was the first time, and she was shocked when she saw symbols appear on its surface and move around.

"Runes? You combined runes with this charm?... It's like a miniature ward," Lily realized.

"Just stay in there. That thing can protect you from almost anything," Harry told them as he used his wand to tap the wall behind him.

All of a sudden, the hundreds of stone pieces scattered around started to move back to their source, repairing the wall in the process and sealin the entrance.

"What are you doing?" Fenrir could not understand this boy's actions. He sort of understood using some protection over his loved ones, no matter how futile that was. But he had no idea why he was now fixing the broken wall.

"This room is no good for combat… change it," Harry told no one in particular.

But the room seemed to listen to his words and started to transform, even while everyone was still inside.

There were many noises of confusion coming from the werewolves until their leader began to put order.

"Shut up! Keep your eyes open."

All the clutter in the room disappeared. All the shelves and all the items stored inside were suddenly gone.

The Room of Requirement was now completely empty. There was just one massive chamber with nothing in it but people.

"Much better," Harry said as the wall also finished repairing.

"Harry, what are you doing?!" Lily cried. Because she knew her son and it looked like he was getting the stage ready to fight all these werewolves on his own.

"Let me help you!" Lily tried to leave the protective bubble but, much to her shock, she found out that she was unable to.

"I can't leave?!"

"It's for your own good. I made the protection go both ways so it also protects the outside from you… this means that nothing goes inside or outside of that barrier," Harry revealed.

"Like that sanctuary thingy you gave Holly?" Lyra asked.

"Something like that… the shield will go away in around ten minutes, so sit down somewhere and relax while I take care of these… intruders." Harry glanced back at the werewolves and Fenrir.

The werewolf leader had now recovered his confident grin.

"I will admit. That was an impressive demonstration right there… you even frightened my pack a little bit. But you say you will… take care of us?" He started to laugh.

Soon, the entire pack joined in.

"I have heard that Gryffindors were heroic, reckless, and stupid… but you really take it too far, boy. You come here alone and think that you can beat me and all my men by yourself?..." Fenrir growled at him in a menacing way and showed Harry his fangs.

"I will eat you alive!"

"And when did I say I came here by myself?" Harry pointed at the ground.

The stone tiles began to move… they began to ripple as if the surface of the room had been turned into some thick liquid.

"What is happening?!" Ginny asked.

"I have seen that before," Lily recalled a recent moment that remained engraved in her mind. "The marble golem!"

"There are more than two?! Of course, it makes sense that Harry also had one for him!" Lyra realized.

"I don't think one of those golems is going to make much of a difference," Neville commented.

"I don't think there is only one coming…" Luna noticed how large the affected area was. Her senses were going crazy, but she was unable to understand exactly what was happening. She just knew that Harry was the one causing it.

"How many are there?!" Daphne started seeing dozens of white hands pulling up from the ground.

Fenrir's expression quickly changed. His honed instincts were screaming at him about danger.

His men panicked when they saw those white marble bodies emerge from the ground.

It wasn't just one or two… all around them were dozens of those golems continuing to emerge.

"This can't be!"

"How many of those blasted golems are coming out?!"

Fenrir went and grabbed one of his men by the throat. "Didn't you say they were unique constructs made by Dumbledore?! He could not have created so many." This was one of the two werewolves who had initially faced off against Lyra's group at the wooden bridge.

"I-I don't know, Master! I just… I just thought that…"

"Hmph!" Fenrir threw him on the ground. He knew that the blame was not on his men. They could not have known this. If he was going to be blaming someone for this… that would be Anthony Dolohov. He was their contractor and the wizard who was supposed to supply all the necessary information.

The white marble golems stood all around the small group of twenty-six werewolves.

In total, there were one hundred golems. But two of them were currently in a state of self-repair and could not answer Harry's call.

There was one extra golem that Harry did not call here. That one was a special case and it would have been a terrible idea to bring him to this location.

"Master, if the boy is the one controlling these things…" One of his men told the leader.

"Yeah! If we kill the boy… those golems should become useless, right?" Another one added.

A glimmer of hope appeared in Fenrir's eyes.

"Yes!" He shouted. This had to work. All they had to do was kill Harry Potter and then… victory would be theirs.



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