Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 257: One left


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.




-Author notes-


Chapter 257: One left


"Harry is killing those guys left and right," Luna said.

"I can't believe he is so ruthless…how can he kill them with such ease?" Neville could not understand it. Harry and he were the same age; how could he be so different?

"Hey, my brother is not ruthless! Those werewolves deserved this," Lyra snapped at him.

"No…I didn't mean it that way," Neville hurried to say.

"Mister Longbottom." Lily glanced at him. "I understand how you feel. No one should take a life without a second thought, but don't be so quick to judge my son. He has experienced things that…even I don't truly understand. He may have become more desensitized, but he is not without feelings…he does what he does in order to protect others."

"They are approaching." Astoria pointed ahead.

"Missy, Big Missy! The bad wolvies are coming here!" Dobby tried to get their attention.

Five transformed werewolves rushed at the barrier and without wasting a second, they jumped at it, slashing it with their sharp claws.

"Oh no! They are going to break the shield!" Neville took several steps back in a futile attempt to get away before he was smacked in the head. "Ouch!"

"Calm down, Longbottom…for Merlin's sake, have some grace. You are the heir of an Ancient Noble house…" Daphne couldn't believe she had at one time been troubled with the decision of choosing between an alliance with the Potters or the Longbottoms…

"But…look!" He pointed with his trembling fingers.

The werewolves continued to slash at the barrier with their claws. Over and over without signs of stopping.

The shield showed no changes, other than the runes becoming more brilliant when the charm was hit.

"The barrier is not going to break after a few hits, and besides…they have all made a deadly mistake already," Daphne said.

"What mistake? What do you mean, Daphne?" Lyra asked.

"Haven't you noticed that many of the golems are missing?" the blonde witch asked.

They all appeared to be surprised, but when they actually took a few seconds to glance around, they were able to ascertain Daphne's words.

Right when they were wondering where those golems could have gone, they saw several figures emerge from the ground and lunge at the werewolves.

Two dozen white marble constructs appeared out of nowhere and surrounded the savage beasts as they tried to break the barrier and took them by surprise.

The golems were now the ones who had the numerical superiority and knew how to perfectly work together.

While some of them grabbed onto their legs, others took hold of their arms.

The werewolves struggled the best they could but were ultimately ripped into pieces, as they had previously done to those two golems.

Their howls of agony filled the chamber while the rest watched.

Fenrir stood frozen in place while his transformation receded and allowed him to recover some of his human features. He had been ready to jump in and help his pack if Harry showed up to attack them…the last thing he expected was for the golems to move now.

"They can move…" He now realized the unnerving truth. There was nothing wrong with these golems. They were all perfectly functional.

"That boy has deceived us! The golems are functional!" Fenrir shouted.

"Hey! Come on. I never said they weren't. You just jumped to conclusions so don't blame me for your own stupidity." Harry came into view near the end wall. He was kneeling down, with his wand tapping the ground.

"Twelve left."

"Get out of there!" Fenrir screamed to his remaining men, trying to warn them.

It wasn't like they didn't make the attempt. All the werewolves tried their best to get away from Harry even if they were not sure what he was about to do.

The entire chamber shook and dozens of sharp spikes formed from the stone tiles.

They shot upwards, as fast as bullets. The spikes pierced the bodies of the men while they screamed and were pulled into the air.

Fenrir saw something forming beneath him and moved away. As he did this, a spike came out, faster than he would have ever expected possible for magic to do.

When it was all done…Fenrir had been the only one quick enough to avoid the stone weapons.

"This can't be happening…" He now truly regretted not giving the order to flee when there was still time.

'No…we should never have come to this place.'

Now his pack was dead…all of them were dead. Their blood was staining the floor of the chamber, and he was alone.

"One left. You must be the leader." Harry did not seem one bit affected by the sight. He walked among the corpses and all the gore…among the scenery he had created with his magic. Despite all of that, Harry's expression had not changed one bit since the beginning.

"I heard them call you Master or something like that," Harry commented.

He stopped walking when he was a short distance from Fenrir and stared at the werewolf.

"So you must be Fernir Greyback..." He had long forgotten the face of this man. In his past life, he had only seen him very briefly but he did recall the name being said many times. Among other things...this was the werewolf who attacked his uncle Remus when he was a child and cursed him.

That alone would have been enough for Harry to kill him, but now he came into the school and harmed his family.

"You…you killed my pack…" Fenrir accused Harry.

"You will join them soon enough. But first I have a question for you…who hired you?" he asked.


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