Harry Potter: Curious Lunar Ravenus

Chapter ♦ Four

Time passed, a peaceful atmosphere that could mend even the most distraught of souls. She observed her companion, as he went from chasing a cloud of fireflies, to rolling around the snowy grounds. His tail waggled, his barks were joyful; he had not a care in the world, just a happy dog enjoying nature's playful side.

"You’re quite the peculiar one, I’ll give you that... but a pleasant companionship...." She admitted, as she gazed up upon the starry skies. "It can get lonely out here…"

A gentle wind breezed through the serene haven; a soothing sensation upon her face, as the chilled air clashed against the warmness of her skin. She could spend all of eternity in such beauteous place, as it offered both inspiration and aspiration. Something that defined her quite well, for her most cherished dream was to share with the world, the hidden gems scattered across the lands. And so, in the form of musical partitions, not created from magic, but from true skills and efforts. Like her beloved father, nature found its way into her heart and mind, as she would spend the majority of her time, wandering the many landscapes bestowed upon these parts of the world, in search of harmonious inspiration.

Perhaps I could write a melody in honor of my new found friend… She thought, as she took a glimpse at her silent companion. She smile at the idea, when a howling sound suddenly echoed through the night. She stood up, her eyes wide, swaying around her surroundings. It’s that cry again… sounding so... sad... She had heard it on many past full moons, the distraught sound of a pleading beast.

Just hang on mate… Standing firm upon the frozen ground, her canine companion remained motionless; his nose attempting to track down the scent of the coming beast. I'm coming for you! Mere moments passed, as he swiftly traced the spoor of his mate. She could only watched, as he sprung amidst the bushes.

"Wait!" She uttered in vain, for he had already vanished into the night. Please be careful… Her expression frowned.


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