Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 101 The fleeting second half of the semester (fifth update, please subscribe)

After the Christmas vacation, the students who left school took the Hogwarts Express back to the school, and the school once again returned to the bustle of the past.

Yesterday, Wright, Fred and George passed through a mirror in an abandoned classroom on the fifth floor. Behind the mirror was a secret passage leading to Hogsmeade Village, and the destination was a very remote part of Hogsmeade Village. corner.

Originally, Wright thought that the fifth floor was just a bunch of abandoned classrooms, but he didn't expect that there were actually several secret passages on the Marauder's Map that were laid out here.

Although almost half a month has passed since Christmas, there are still some scattered magic candles hanging on the trees beside the road in Hogsmeade Village that have not been burned out. It seems that when Christmas comes, the wizards in Hogsmeade will decorate this village of huts and shops into a perfect Christmas card.

After all, Hogsmeade is the only village in the UK that is composed entirely of wizards!

Wright, Fred and George bought some floo powder from the magic supplies shop in Hogsmeade, and then directly used the fireplace in the magic supplies shop to lead to the Leaky Cauldron. The twins were busy going to Diagon Alley to enjoy the last excitement of the holiday, while Wright went outside to the ordinary world to buy some things.

However, Wright finally asked the twins for help and exchanged two thousand pounds each in their names, which was four hundred gold galleons. For this reason, Wright gave each of them a 1% remuneration, but judging from the appearance of the twins at that time, it seemed that they were not very interested in this extra income.

Moreover, one Galleon seems a bit too expensive for twins.

While Wright discovered another loophole in Gringotts Wizarding Bank, he also lamented the simple folk customs of the Weasley family.

No wonder the Weasley family was the final winner of the Second Wizarding War.

On the first night after the Christmas vacation, Dumbledore announced to everyone that Professor Quirrell, who studied Muggle Studies, realized that his practical experience was insufficient, so he applied to him to leave school to accumulate his own practical knowledge. As early as this Christmas vacation, Professor Quirrell had already left school.

The first weekend after the Christmas break was the Quidditch match between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor.

Ravenclaw and Gryffindor were the losers in the previous games, and they both tried their best to win in the game that just ended during the holidays.

But the weather is not as good as the right place, and the right place is not as good as the people.

Gryffindor's captain, seeker and soul, Charlie Weasley, had to withdraw from this much-anticipated game due to unforeseen circumstances before the game. And the temporary substitute players were not as high as Charlie, and the entire Gryffindor Quidditch team seemed in a mess.

Wright, who was sitting in the audience, looked at the dejected Fred and George in the sky and couldn't help but feel sorry for them.

Frankly speaking, Fred and George performed really well in this game, especially when they both served as batters. The telepathic ability between the twins made them The performance is extremely eye-catching.

However, Gryffindor eventually lost the game.

The Ravenclaw team's seeker caught the Golden Snitch at the last moment, ending the Quidditch match with a huge score difference of 280-140. It seems that if nothing unexpected happens, Gryffindor should compete with Hufflepuff for the third-to-last position in this year's Quidditch Cup and House Cup.

And such a huge score difference also made the students in Hogwarts school begin to pay attention to Roger Davis, the chaser of the Ravenclaw team who performed almost flawlessly in this game. In this game, all the balls Roger threw to the opposite side were almost perfectly missed by the opponent's goalkeeper Oliver Wood.

However, no matter how people in the school viewed this Quidditch match, the little craze caused by Roger quickly disappeared. The extracurricular activities of the senior Defense Against the Dark Arts class that followed attracted the students almost instantly. eyeball.

On the other side, Wright is also looking for opportunities to reconcile with Chang Chu.

I don’t know if it’s because of the trip back home, but Chang Chu seems to be completely different after returning to school than before the vacation.

Wright knew that familiar smile was on her face again.

Wright knew she would go to great lengths every day to seek forgiveness from the students she had betrayed.

Wright knew that she was no longer actively answering Professor Sprout's questions in the Herbology class, but she still ranked first in the class's impromptu Herbology test.

Wright also knew that Chang Chu had not forgiven him yet.

Almost two months after the extracurricular activities of the senior year's Defense Against the Dark Arts class ended, Hogwarts ushered in the Easter holidays.

Like Christmas before it, Easter is also a typical Christian holiday. It was established to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus who was crucified on the cross. It is also one of the most important festivals in Christianity. However, the length of the Easter holiday is far less than that of Christmas, and many more students choose to stay in school than before.

Wright took advantage of this holiday and once again borrowed the Marauder's Map from the twins and ran outside the school.

Fred and George, who had long learned how to make broomsticks from Wright, were not thinking about how to change the shape of broomsticks recently, but about what elective courses they should take in their third grade.

After the Easter holidays, the summer term at Hogwarts officially begins.

Professors and students in various subjects are actively preparing for the upcoming final exams. At the same time, first- and second-year students also have to go through extracurricular activities prepared by Professor Derwent.

However, after knowing Professor Derwent's purpose, Wright lost interest in this course (only referring to the academic year taught by Professor Derwent), but he may also lose interest for several years.

The third game of Defense Against the Dark Arts ended quickly. According to Professor Derwent, it was a game for the remainder.

However, due to the efforts of Cedric and others in the second game, not many people were eliminated on the spot. There were still more than a hundred students participating in the third extracurricular activity.

However, under the leadership of Wright, Ravenclaw College still achieved a nearly crushing victory. The senior students have also discovered a fact that makes them extremely different, that is, even if they are put off the court, in a one-on-one situation, they may not be able to defeat Wright, who is extremely crazy off the court. .

After the extracurricular activities of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class ended, the first and second grade students immediately turned their attention to the upcoming final exams of other courses.

Eddie, Wright's roommate in the dormitory next door, has been nervous about everything related to the final exam. He even wants to use certain methods to get through the exam, such as Wright asking for help on the spot.

However, after Wright told him that all exam-related items, especially quills, would be cast by the school's professors with corresponding anti-cheating spells, he immediately placed his hope on the potion.

The weather on the day of the exam was very hot, and the large classroom where Wright answered the written exam questions was even more uncomfortably hot. As soon as he came out of the examination room, Wright felt a little sticky all over.

In addition to written examination questions, there are also practical examinations. Charms is about making a pineapple dance across the desk, Transfiguration is about turning a turtle into a teapot, Potions is about making a potion of oblivion, and Herbology requires students to ask Spook on the spot. Professor Lauter shows how to arrange the magical plants she has taught this semester.

After finishing all the written and practical exams, it was time for the year-end banquet.

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