Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 104 A song sung for her

If you mind, please do not subscribe to this chapter. The conclusion is that Wright and Chang Chu have established a relationship.

Wright glanced at the twin brothers. For some reason, Fred and George always seemed to have a magical power that could make people relax.

"Humph" Wright exhaled a long breath from his nose.

"No matter, no matter what you think of what I am going to say later, you may think that it is just the innocent moaning of a twelve-year-old boy, or you may think that it is just the immature view of a young man who is not yet deeply involved in the world, or even You might also think it's a complete waste of time," Wright said after a long pause.

"But the first thing you need to make clear is that these words are not meant for you, or in other words, they are only meant for the girl in the audience who has been hurt by me."

Wright took a deep breath. He had been thinking about these words to the girl in the audience for half a year!

"That's it." Wright said calmly, "Last winter, due to some unexplainable reasons, I severely annoyed a girl. Although I didn't say it, many people knew her name... "

"Chang Chu! Chang Chu!" Fred and George shouted in the audience, fearing that the world would not be in chaos.

Wright glared hard at them both, and the two fell silent instantly.

He took another deep breath.

"It is well known that there are always differences in the way boys and girls think about problems."

"The only thing that may be the same is that when they fall in love, their IQs will drop a lot at the same time."

"But before I find myself falling in, boys, of course, I don't mean everyone, just me." Wright glanced at Chang Chu, "Boys can be very slow."

"On the premise that a boy doesn't like a girl that much, if the girl likes him very much, the boy will generally not refuse. But he will not care as much about the relationship as the girl imagines."

"Before I broke that girl's heart so hard, my general impression of her was: Oh, she's so annoying; why did she do such an embarrassing thing again; who did she think she was? My real name Girlfriend?"

"Or maybe it's: She doesn't seem so annoying; I feel like I like her a little bit, but it's just because she likes me that I like her."

The audience in the audience burst into good-natured laughter.

"But now I realize I was actually wrong."

"I know someone loves me, but I seem to lack the ability to love her."

"Out of the arrogance of someone I like, I always ignore how she feels. I always think she just needs to be coaxed."

"I will always judge from a self-righteous perspective what aspects of what she did were right and what aspects were wrong."

"I would even tell her with pride: Stop doing this, I don't like it."

Wright spoke quietly, and the audience listened quietly.

Only Chang Chu had red eyes.

"In fact, when a person is liked for a long time, it is easy to have the illusion that 'no matter what I do, as long as she still likes me, I can be forgiven.'"

"But why?"

"No reason."

"Just relying on being liked."

"Even during that time there was no feeling that I owed her anything, and I had no idea how much harm was done to her."

"But if I were put in that position, I would probably feel like the worst and worst person at that time."

Wright sniffed.

The words of apology were stuck in my throat.

The words of confession fell into my chest.

Wright opened his mouth, but found that he couldn't even say a word.

Wright stood up directly from his chair, carrying his guitar and walked down the stage.

The white light shone beside Wright and followed him to Chang Chu's side.

Wright gently took Chang Chu's hand and walked straight out of the auditorium.

Chang Chu didn't make any objection at all.

The students moved aside to leave a path for the two of them.

"Hey! Wright! Isn't there still a show?" Myron shouted loudly from the stage, "We were originally going to let you play and sing by yourself!"

"You guys sing that song!" Wright said without looking back, "I want to sing it to her alone!"

"But you're still our guitarist!"

"Duke is good at it. I just learned how to play from him..." Wright's voice gradually disappeared at the door.

Myron and the rest of the group looked at each other.

"Then let's do it ourselves!" Curley Duke, the lead guitarist in the band, said first. The group originally came to Hogwarts because they were moved by the song that Wright sent.

But considering the reason why Wright wrote this song, Myron and the others temporarily changed the performance to support Wright.

In the past six months, although Wright has not trained with them much, everyone in the Weird Sisters has long been completely familiar with this song. Besides, most of the tunes of the song are composed by themselves. Polished.

Wright once said that someone else wrote the song and he just borrowed it. But the strange thing is that Myron and the others have never found out that the singer has released this song, neither in the wizarding world nor the Muggle world.

The prelude sounded.

Myron took center stage.

"i know you're somewhere out there (I know you're somewhere out there)

somewhere far away

i want you back (but I want you to come back to me)

i want you back (come back to me)

my neighbors think (my neighbors think)

i'm crazy (I'm crazy)

but they don't understand (but they don't understand)

you're all i have (you are my everything)

you're all i have (you are my everything)

at night when the stars (when the stars at night)

lightmy room (light my room)

i sitmyself (I sit alone)

talking the moon (talking to the moon)

trygetyou (I want to use this to get closer to you)

it holds you on (I wish you so much)

the other side (at the other end)

talkingme too (also talking to me)


The singing in the auditorium slowly spread out of the castle, singing along with Wright's singing by the lake.

Chang Chu sat on a rock by the lake, resting his hands on his chin, and looked at Wright, who was sitting on the ground playing the guitar in front of him, with gentle eyes.

Two people who were already in love sat together.

Then what?

And then of course there is love.

A week later, the results of the final exam were announced.

Wright won the first place in the grade with an overwhelming score, and Chang Chu's grades were not bad, at least she was ranked at the top of the grade, especially she won the first place in the written test of herbalism.

Then, the students' closets were emptied and placed in their suitcases. Notices from the Ministry of Magic were also distributed to every student to warn them not to use magic during the holidays. But for Wright, it was just a scrap of paper.

Hagrid once again took the first grade students on board the fleet of boats crossing the lake.

Hogsmeade Station.

"Wright, aren't you getting in the car?" Chang Chu held Felicia in his arms and looked at Wright with empty hands in confusion.

"No, I will continue to stay at school this summer vacation." Wright directed Chang Chu's suitcase to float into the compartment of the carriage.

"But I will go back to see you on your birthday. Remember to leave a window for me then." Wright suddenly came close to Chang Chu's ear and gently bit her earlobe.

Chang Chu's face turned rosy instantly.

"Happy summer vacation." Wright said goodbye to Chang Chu with a bad smile.

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