Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 13 Harry and the Dursleys (please subscribe)

Hagrid, who was sitting on the sofa, opened his mouth. He did not expect that Wright would actually give the Dursleys time to think at this time. After all, in his opinion, there could be no worse Muggles in the world than the Dursleys.

Wright could see Hagrid's hesitation, but he was not in the mood to explain now. After sending another invitation to Hagrid to no avail, Wright walked out of the living room alone.

Hagrid glanced at Wright, then at Harry and the Dursleys. Shaking his head, Hagrid also stood up and walked out of the house onto the lawn.

After Wright left the house, he didn't know what would happen inside the house, nor did he know whether the Dursleys would allow Harry to go to Hogwarts. Frankly, Wright didn't think much of the interaction between Harry and his aunt and uncle's family.

Besides, even if Wright and Hagrid failed today, Dumbledore would definitely not let Harry stop attending Hogwarts. But by then, the people who come here may not be as easy to talk to as Wright and Hagrid are now.

Wright sat on the lawn, looking at the Dursleys' house from a distance, wondering what was going on in his mind.

Perhaps in the eyes of many people, the Dursleys are really, really bad. They hate magic, they hate wizards, they hate anything that seems abnormal to them. They unabashedly favored Dali. They put Harry in the cupboard under the stairs that he passed every day, and allowed Harry to only wear Dali's old clothes, so that Harry could never enjoy the happiness of a normal child. .

In the eyes of many people, in the Dursley family, Harry has always lived a life inferior to that of a pig or a dog.

But in all fairness, are the Dursleys really that bad?

In Wright's memory, Harry's parents were killed by Voldemort who suddenly appeared at home because they mistrusted Peter Pettigrew.

Although Voldemort also rebounded due to Lily's love spell, causing his body to die and his soul to escape, Harry was lucky enough to survive. But at that time, Harry was only one year old.

Then, when Harry was still an infant, Dumbledore entrusted him to his only relative in the world: Aunt Petunia, and attached a letter explaining the facts, asking Aunt Petunia to raise Harry on his behalf until He attended Hogwarts.

When Harry appeared again, it was in the cupboard under the stairs. He always wore Dali's old clothes that didn't fit him, and wore a pair of worn-out glasses with tape on them. He never ate with his stomach open, and he never even took him with him when the family went out together.

But do the Dursleys really have no emotional connection with Harry?

Looking at the Dursley family's house from a distance, a question suddenly appeared in Wright's mind. If there was really no emotion between them, then who taught Harry how to speak?

It was hard for Wright to imagine that the sarcastic, gossipy and vain Petunia would hold Harry in her arms and slowly teach Harry to speak word by word.

Over the years that Harry has been with the Dursleys, although he has only worn old clothes, they are not dirty or shabby. Although he cannot eat the cakes and candies that children love most, his dinners are basically the same as those of the Dursleys. ; After attending elementary school, if there was no letter from Hogwarts, Harry would still have gone to a comprehensive middle school and would have received a basic education; he was thin but healthy and agile, at least from what Light had seen in the orphanage. Some kids are so much better.

Most people's unfriendly attitude towards the Dursleys mainly comes from the fact that Harry himself is not happy here, and even wants to escape from time to time.

But to put it another way, if you were Vernon or Petunia, would you be able to treat the child of a relative you hate very much as you do now?

Not to mention that in the original book, Harry lost control of his magic power and released a python in public, which directly threatened the life safety of the Dursley family; because of Dobby, he directly ruined the largest order in Vernon's life; Dali suffered several injuries Malicious magical deformation; fireplaces and windows at home will always be damaged. Dali was even nearly killed by a dementor.

Wright knew that Penny's dislike of Lily came from her childhood resentment that Lily had magic while he was an ordinary person. Petunia was jealous that Lily had received too much attention from her parents since she was a child, but based on her love for her sister, Petunia eventually adopted her sister's child and gave Harry a place to shelter him from the wind and rain.

However, what Wright didn't know was that Vernon didn't like James either. No, to be more precise, he hated him.

When Vernon and Petunia met Lily and James for the first time, the four of them didn't get along very well.

When Vernon looked at James's costume and tried to help him, and asked what kind of car James drove, James talked about his broomstick; when Vernon guessed that wizards must rely on unemployment benefits to live, James again Talk to him about Gringotts and his family's reserves of pure gold.

Whether it's broomsticks, Quidditch, Gringotts or magic, these are things that Vernon has never been exposed to in his previous life. And as if he sensed Vernon's confusion again, James couldn't help but laugh.

Vernon only felt that he was being laughed at. He was extremely angry and rushed out of the restaurant with Petunia, and refused to continue to interact with Lily and James.

So Vernon and Petunia's attitude towards Harry is gradually becoming more complicated when faced with Harry, who is getting older and looking more and more like James.

Overall, the Dursleys were not polite or gentle with Harry, but there were reasons for this. Even so, Vernon and Petunia still did not maliciously abuse or beat Harry out of thin air, and they also maintained Harry's most basic needs for a normal life.

Vernon and Petunia taught Harry the most basic skills of getting along with others, and tried their best to educate Harry into a normal and ordinary child. They didn't plan to cultivate Harry into a social elite, but they still wanted Harry to stay away from the magical world that they thought was terrifying.

They are not evil without reason, but they are not compassionate and good people either.

A quarter of an hour later.

Wright walked into the house with Hagrid, and then walked out of the house again with Harry.

Wright didn't know what they said in the room, but the Dursleys finally agreed to let Harry go to Hogwarts.

Just as Wright and Hagrid were walking through the Leaky Cauldron with Harry, preparing to go to Diagon Alley to buy school supplies, the bar owner Tom suddenly stopped Wright.

"Light, there's someone waiting for you upstairs." Tom said in a tone of great awe.

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