Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 14 Magic Wand

Wright had already bought student uniforms, textbooks, potion materials, cauldrons, and other school supplies. He put all the things he just bought into the mok bag, which was the pocket tied around his waist. Because in comparison, it is much more convenient to store and retrieve items from a mok bag than a suitcase.

Now, the only things missing from the school-issued shopping list are pets and, yes, a magic wand.

As a wizard (specifically in the Harry Potter world), you can live without pets, but you absolutely cannot live without a wand! With this idea in mind, Wright took the lead in stepping into this small shop. The decoration in the hall is very simple, with nothing else except a workbench and a bench, but the shelves at the back of the hall are filled with neat boxes.

Wright stood in the shop and looked at all the wands around him, from the one on the faded purple cushion in the window to the unfinished products on the workbench and the boxes on the shelves at the back of the hall.

In the world of Harry Potter, the wand is a very, very magical magical item. Most wizards need a wand to channel their magical power before they can cast magic correctly. Some extremely good and powerful wizards can cast spells without a wand, but it is very difficult and requires the user to have a deep understanding of the magic to be cast and to devote a lot of concentration.

However, some magical creatures can also cast spells without a wand, such as goblins and house elves. They do not need to use a wand at all. That is a racial talent.

Well, of course, many wizards in Africa are also good at casting spells without a wand, but that requires certain gestures and movements. You can also attribute this to racial talent.

In the past few years, Wright has been constantly exercising his magical abilities (if shadow energy can be called magical abilities). Compared with other magical abilities in the wizarding world, Wright feels that the shadow magic that comes with him is obviously superior.

Although there is no specific comparison object, Wright does not know where his magic level is in the wizarding world, but Wright can still feel the huge shadow magic power in his body, not to mention other additional attributes. At least in those years of fighting crime, Wright had never used a wand, but he was still able to manipulate shadow energy very well.

"Good afternoon, young gentleman." A jingling sound sounded, and the owner of the shop walked out from behind the hall. His eyes were big, but light in color. In this dimly lit shop, he looked like Are two shining moons.

"Good afternoon, sir." Wright saluted him. Polite children always win the favor of adults.

"Polite child, I am Garrick Ollivander, the owner of this shop. Could you please tell me your name?" Ollivander walked up to Wright and looked at Wright with his silver eyes.

"Light, Wright Pass," Wright responded.

"Well, what a good name." Ollivander said as he took out a long tape measure with silver scales from his pocket. "Which arm do you want to use the wand with?"

"I'm right-handed."

"Lift your arms. Okay." He measured Wright, first from shoulder to fingertips, then from wrist to elbow, shoulder to floor, knees to armpits, and finally the head circumference.

Wright found Ollivander's actions of measuring these dimensions extremely funny, because he felt that no matter what kind or length of wand was used, at least it should have absolutely nothing to do with a person's head circumference! But seeing Ollivander's serious and serious look, Wright still held back his words. He was not sure whether the staff maker really made the staff.

"Okay." Ollivander said, and then put the tape measure back into his pocket. Then he walked to the shelf in the back, pulled out a box and came back.

Ollivander took out the wand from the box and handed it to Wright: "Mr. Paz, try this one. Made of acacia wood and dragon nerve. Nine inches long, only for the most talented wizards. own strength.”

Wright took the wand and waved it, causing a slight breeze to blow in the store.

"Huh?" Ollivander seemed a little confused, but instead of taking back the wand in Wright's hand, he went to the shelf at the back, picked up another box and came over.

"Try this one again, apple wood, phoenix feather. Ten inches long, suitable for those who have lofty ideals and pursuits."

Wright first put the previous wand back on the table, then took the new wand handed over by Ollivander and waved it again. A cluster of flowers emerged from the head of the wand.

Ollivander did not speak again this time, but instead took out a bunch of boxes again and walked over.

"This one, ash wood, phoenix feathers. Ten and one-half long, always loyal to its master."

"Blackthorn wood, the nerve of the dragon. Eleven inches long, tough, aggressive, fit for a brave warrior."

"Ebony wood, phoenix tail feathers. Nine and a third long, especially suitable for offensive magic and transformation."

The process of selecting a wand was more difficult than Wright imagined. It was not that he could use the wands in Ollivander's Wand Store, but that he could use all the wands Ollivander took out, and he could use them almost perfectly. However, Wright also noticed that Ollivander had never brought a wand with a unicorn hair core, which made Wright wonder whether Ollivander had seen through the nature of his magic power at first sight.

"What an excellent customer." Ollivander muttered and held out another stack of boxes. His philosophy had always been to select wizards with a wand, but today someone who broke his philosophy seemed to have appeared.

Now the box Ollivander carried was close to the very back of the shelf, and the core of the wand was no longer just phoenix feathers and dragon nerves. Wright guessed that these wands were not made by Ollivander himself, but were probably made by his family predecessors, because the wand Ollivander handed over this time was very large.

"English oak, troll beard. Five feet long, for a powerful wizard," Ollivander said.

Wright's mouth twitched as he took a wand that was close to his height from Ollivander. Is this still a wand? This is a mallet, right? !

However, Wright could also use this wand, but Wright himself was resisting the wand, so the effect was not very good. A black light shot out from the wand head smashed the only bench in the hall. But from Wright's perspective, it's more like he took the mallet and smashed the chair.

"No! This wand will never work!" Ollivander took the wand back from Wright's hand for the only time. "I have known for a long time that there is no inferior magical substance than troll beard!"

"Let me think about it, there must be more..." Ollivander leaned the 1.5-meter wand casually aside, and then paced back and forth in the hall.

"Ah! That's right!"

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