Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 17 The days before school starts

After staying in the Leaky Cauldron for several days, Wright slowly began to get used to this long-lost feeling of freedom.

After getting up every morning, Wright would go to the first floor of the bar to have breakfast. It was also during this period that Wright witnessed the sanitary environment on the first floor of the Leaky Cauldron slowly change from dirty and dark at the beginning to clean and bright today. But it is obvious that except for Wright, other wizards will more or less express a certain degree of discomfort with the huge changes in the Leaky Cauldron.

This discomfort is most obviously reflected in the bar owner Tom, because he now needs to clean the first floor of the bar very frequently every day. Such high-intensity magic training not only made Old Tom's cleaning spell smoother, but also made his head smoother.

Wright remembered that when he first met Boss Tom, he still had two tufts of hair on both sides of his head, although they looked a bit short, like two piles of white weeds stuck to the sides of his head. But no matter what, it was real hair after all. But now Old Tom's hair is almost falling out, leaving only a big bald head. In addition, his back became a little hunched for some reason. (Speaking of which, did anyone notice that Tom, the proprietor of the Leaky Cauldron, was not played by the same person in the first and third films?)

After breakfast, Wright would sometimes choose to stay in the Leaky Cauldron and observe the wizards passing by in the bar. Most of these wizards are from the UK, but occasionally wizards from other countries pass through. Some wizards with a kinder temperament would also chat with Wright who was sitting in the bar, which slightly enriched Wright's understanding of the wizarding world in other countries.

But most of the time, Wright would hold the little black cat and walk together through the archway in the backyard of the Leaky Cauldron to Diagon Alley behind. Since it was not September 1st yet, Wright could not go to Hogwarts yet, so he could only make up for his fantasy of the wizarding world through Diagon Alley.

But now that pets are mentioned, Wright has to complain. The black kitten he holds in his arms every day is better. This little black cat with green eyes is extremely clingy. Wright, who has little resistance to furry animals, has spent these days getting along with the little black cat and feels that this little black cat is simply a gift from God.

Because of this, Wright also named the little black cat Felicia.

But the problem was that raven.

Most of Wright's favorable impression of Raven came from a man named Uchiha Itachi, and a small part came from his education in this life. After all, ravens hold an extremely important position in the hearts of most British people. There is a very common rumor: the ravens kept in the Tower of London are related to the British national status.

But after bringing the raven back from the Magical Creatures Shop for less than one night, Wright discovered that the raven is actually a very solitary creature. Even in its juvenile stage, this raven still demonstrates this habit well.

After several expressions of intimacy were rejected, Wright unilaterally decided to keep the pet raven free and gave it a slightly malicious name of "Fat Head." Well, it's definitely not because of its unpleasant sound, Wright can swear.

During the time that Wright was renting at the Leaky Cauldron, the weather in London was mostly wonderful, with almost no rain and not even many foggy days. And if it fogs up, it usually dissipates before Wright takes Felicia to hang out in Diagon Alley.

Over the past half month, Wright has gradually figured out the general situation of Diagon Alley. Strictly speaking, Diagon Alley is a shopping street that runs north to south. From the Leaky Cauldron near the northern part of Diagon Alley, follow the cobblestone path southward to the southern part of Diagon Alley.

In comparison, the alleys in the north are more lively than those in the south. Most of the shops near the north are ice cream shops, pet shops, Quidditch boutiques, etc., which are more likely to be favored by children. Flourish and Blotts Bookstore is also in the alley to the north. The southern part of Diagon Alley is quieter. Some book publishers will set up shops in the southern part, and the headquarters of Ollivander's Wand Store and the Daily Prophet are also here.

By the way, both in the south and north of Diagon Alley, there are special arches leading to another notorious commercial district - Knockturn Alley. Wright has only been to Knockturn Alley once so far. Whether it is the sanitary environment or business reputation there, it is not as good as Diagon Alley. So after going there once, Wright never went there again.

Now Wright is sitting under the awning set up outside Florin Popular Ice Cream Shop. After ordering a sundae, Wright hugged the cat and lay on the lounge chair, lazily looking at the people passing by under the sun. people. The owner of this ice cream shop, Florin, is a middle-aged wizard with a good personality who is also very talkative. The most important thing is that the ice cream they sell in the store tastes really good.

However, Wright turned his head to look at Florin in the store, who was walking over with a strawberry sundae. Probably when he was attending Hogwarts, Florin preferred the subject of History of Magic, which made his historical level particularly high. Even though it has been more than ten years since he graduated from Hogwarts, Florin still knows a lot about some historical events in the Middle Ages.

But it is precisely because of this that Florin likes to talk about historical issues and historical stories with others. Based on what Wright learned about Florin during this period, his favorite period was the Middle Ages.

"Wright, where did we talk yesterday?" Florin sat on the chair opposite Wright, scooped a large dollop of ice cream from the cup with a spoon and stuffed it into his mouth, saying vaguely.

"Florin, can we stop playing tricks like this?" Wright looked at Florin helplessly. Felicia in his arms also maintained the same posture as her master.

"What's wrong with me?" Florin stuffed another scoop of ice cream into his mouth, and then looked at Wright with some confusion.

"Okay! I stopped playing such childish tricks when I was six years old!" Wright pointed to the ice cream that Florin was eating, "Can you bring the portion I just ordered? "

"That's why I always say that you really don't look like an eleven-year-old child." Florin took out the ice cream scoop from his mouth and snapped his fingers.

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