Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 19 Moon Dream

The bottom of the large strawberry sundae was quickly gone, and Wright did not stay in the ice cream shop for a while longer. Instead, he carried Felicia, who had already finished eating, and walked outside to Diagon Alley.

Florin seemed to be so shocked by Wright's words just now that he didn't know what to say. Fortunately, other customers soon entered the ice cream shop and wanted to order, so Florin left to entertain them. However, Wright felt that when Florin left, his back looked a little bit like he was running away, as if he was frightened by his outrageous words.

The streets outside are as bustling as ever, with pedestrians coming and going, and the sound of hawking can be heard all the time. The sun in the sky has not yet reached its strongest point of the day. The current sunlight shining on Wright's body only gave him a lazy and warm feeling.

Wright held Felicia in his arms and wandered aimlessly in Diagon Alley. After paying Old Tom more than a month's rent, plus the odd expenses these days, Wright still has almost one hundred galleons in his pocket, and just half of the year's exchange quota has been used. It is precisely because of this speed of spending that Wright reminds himself from time to time that he needs to learn restraint.

But soon, Wright discovered that this restrained idea was about to come to nothing.

The crowd around him suddenly became a little denser. Wright came back from his thoughts and realized that he had walked from the north to the south of Diagon Alley.

But aren’t there usually so many people here on weekdays? With doubts, Wright used his size advantage to get into the crowded crowd, and quickly squeezed to the front. Felicia lay quietly in Wright's arms without making a single cry.

After Wright stood firm, he immediately looked forward. In front of him was a stage that had just been set up, and a lean middle-aged man was standing on the stage. Next to the man were a broomstick and a large black box that was gathering dust. Behind the counter was a shop called Boothby's Broomstick Shop, but in Wright's mind, this shop had always been closed to the public.

"It was the highest-flying broomstick of this century..."

"This is the last flying broomstick made by my father..."

"I have been loved by many players on the professional Quidditch team, and I have also appeared on the professional court more than once..."

Before Wright could see the sign next to the broom, the middle-aged man on the stage had already called out the name of the broomstick next to him.

"This is the Dream of the Moon!" the middle-aged man shouted loudly, with broken sound and hysterical special effects automatically added to his voice.

There was some commotion in the crowd, and some people left immediately. Wright was a little confused, but he was still very interested in flying broomsticks. He had never heard of this flying broomstick called Moondream before, and it wasn't the assembly-line broomsticks sold by big companies like Nimbus, Sideswipe, and Comet that were sold in Quidditch boutiques.

"Isn't this a broom from the last century?" A middle-aged wizard not far from Wright shouted towards the stage.

"The Moon Dream was made in 1901 and is a product of this century!" the wizard on the stage replied loudly, "and it still maintains good performance, not to mention..."

Having said this, the wizard on the stage kicked the big black box next to him, "This broomstick is sold together with his production materials."

There was another commotion in the audience, but the speed of people leaving immediately slowed down. It seemed that many people were interested in the method of making this broomstick called Moon Dream.

"How much do these two add up to?" The middle-aged wizard who was shouting from the audience just now shouted to the stage again.

"Fifty Galleons!" The middle-aged man on the stage said loudly.

"Bah!" the middle-aged wizard spat on the stage with a look of disdain, "No one would steal an old thing from the last century even if it was placed in a museum! And you want to sell it for this price!"

"Little Busby must be crazy about money. His father just passed away this month, and now he can't wait to sell off his father's belongings." An old wizard seemed to have a certain dislike for the middle-aged man on the stage. Understanding, he gave a disdainful evaluation, "It's okay to be ignorant and skillless in school. I didn't expect that he didn't even have basic moral concepts!"

"Who says it isn't?" another old witch echoed, "A bargain item worth ten pieces is actually trying to sell for fifty gold galleons!"

No matter what the people in the audience said, the middle-aged man on the stage was still shouting hard. But as time went by, the number of people in the audience became fewer and fewer, until only Wright was left standing below.

Seeing that the crowd had almost all dispersed, the man on the stage finally stopped shouting and was about to pack up and leave.

Wright jumped on the stage. He did not think that fifty gold galleons was a very expensive price. This may also be because he was born in the world of ordinary people.

"Sir, do you still sell this?" Wright walked up to the middle-aged wizard and asked.

"What? Do you want to buy it?" The middle-aged wizard looked at Wright from top to bottom. He was wearing a Hogwarts student robe and didn't have any valuable belongings. He didn't look like he was rich at all. .

"Yes, I want to buy it, but..." Before Wright could finish his words, he was interrupted by a middle-aged wizard.

"Go away, kid! There's nothing wrong with that!" the middle-aged wizard waved his hand impatiently, "I don't have time to play bargaining tricks with students like you who are still in school. Fifty gold galleons, one less. Not even a single word!"

"Fifty Galleons, here you go." Wright didn't defend himself, but took out the money directly from his pocket.

The middle-aged wizard took the money handed over by Wright in surprise and began to count the gold coins one by one.

"Is that okay?" Wright asked impatiently. If it weren't for the exchange quota for gold galleons and the fact that he only had one hundred gold galleons, he was originally going to pay directly and leave.

"Yes, fifty gold galleons." The middle-aged wizard quickly finished counting, and he suddenly regretted not saying the price higher before.

"Then I'll take the things and leave." Wright drew out his wand and used a levitating spell to levitate the box and fly behind him. Felicia jumped on Wright's shoulders. Because he was not mentally prepared at all, Wright did not bring the mok bag with him. At this time, he could only use the floating spell to bring the things back.

"Wait a minute..." The middle-aged wizard was originally going to stop Wright and then raise his price while sitting on the ground. But after seeing Wright's cold gaze, he immediately swallowed his words, "It's nothing, let's go!"

Wright wandered down the street, broom in one hand and wand in the other, the box floating behind him. Not long after, Wright returned to Room 9 of the Leaky Cauldron.

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