Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 2 Rupert, Yaya and Lu Wei (no reason, fourth update)

With such a large size, it would be difficult for Wright and Hagrid to hide Lu Wei.

So in order to avoid being seen by the students in Hogwarts and causing them to panic. After Wright's persuasion, Hagrid let Lu Wei move deep in the Forbidden Forest after his size increased to a certain level.

Lu Wei has been staying in the Forbidden Forest in the past two months.

Hagrid also used a thick and strong rope to tie Lu Wei to an old tree deep in the Forbidden Forest. After all, judging from Lu Wei's current size, there are almost no creatures in the Forbidden Forest that can threaten him.

In a one-on-one situation, Wright felt that Lu Wei could even directly become the king in the Forbidden Forest.

And if the Acromantula and the group of centaurs want to form a large scale and launch a siege on Lu Wei together, they may not be able to catch up with Lu Wei's speed.

Therefore, in order to prevent Lu Wei, who had basically no natural enemies, from causing devastating damage to other magical animals and plants in the Forbidden Forest, Hagrid followed Wright's suggestion and restricted Lu Wei's range of activities. Only when either Hagrid or Wright stays with Lowe will he be able to move freely.

When Wright walked near the wooden house, he happened to see Hagrid preparing to patrol the Forbidden Forest with Fang, and there was a small creature flying beside him.

"Hey! Hagrid!" Wright waved towards Hagrid and shouted, "Wait for me!"

After speaking, Wright quickly flew (floated) towards Hagrid.

"Hi, Wright!" Hagrid greeted Wright, "Didn't you take a good rest in the dormitory on the first day of summer vacation?"

"Did you forget that we took a full week's rest after taking the exam?" Wright did not mention the fact that he had a long sleep just now.

While teasing the little flying pet, he said to Hagrid: "Hagrid, how is Rupert doing lately?"

"Great! Wright! I never expected that one day I would raise a Charmander, even though it is only a Charmander from Japan," Hagrid said with a smile on his face. As he spoke, he looked at the well-behaved Charmander. The Charmander lying on Wright's arm said, "It's really cute, but it's a bit small."

This reddish-brown Charmander named Rupert was also one of the things that Wright went outside the school to buy during the Easter vacation, in return for Hagrid giving him Lu Wei as a pet. Although the value of a Charmander and a three-headed dog were not comparable at all, Wright could not find any other more suitable gift for Hagrid that could be purchased in a store.

When Wright bought Rupert, it was just a tiny dragon egg. After a whole month of careful incubation by Hagrid, it finally emerged from the dragon egg. It was then that Hagrid gave it the name Rupert.

Wright stretched out his finger and poked Rupert's dragon wings. Except for his smaller size, Rupert was no different from the Western dragon imagined by ordinary people.

It has fine and compact red-black diamond-shaped scales, two huge bat wings that do not fit its size, strong and powerful limbs, and a crocodile-like mouth. The most interesting thing is that there is a small flame burning continuously on its tail.

One of the reasons why Wright chose Charmander was because the fire on its tail reminded him of a Pokémon called Charizard.

Wright raised his hand, and Rupert flew up from his arm, flying towards Hagrid along with the wind.

Hagrid took Rupert affectionately and placed it on his shoulder.

Yaya, who was squatting on the ground, let out a small whimper. He felt that he really hated the little man named Wright opposite him. It was because of him that his status in the family had been lowered and lowered.

First the three-headed dog, then the Charmander, and then the ordinary dog.

Yaya wanted to glare at Wright, but he was a little afraid of this boy who smelled dangerous. After thinking for a long time, Yaya gave up on himself and fell to the ground.

Wright and Hagrid glanced at Yaya who was suddenly lying on the ground in confusion. What happened?

A quiet path in the Forbidden Forest.

Wright and Hagrid were walking in front, and Rupert was resting on Hagrid's shoulder. He was a little tired from flying just now. Yaya followed them from a distance. It could be seen that he really didn't want to see Lu Wei, who he thought was bad and stupid.

"Wright, is there anything you want to do during the summer vacation?" Hagrid broke off the branch that had been blocking the air, tilted his head and said to Wright.

"What do you want to do?" Wright scratched his head, "Probably there is nothing more urgent. Around mid-June, I will go out of school to celebrate Chang Chu's birthday, and then continue to follow Dumbledore step by step. Trained.”

"Mr. Principal Dumbledore!" Hagrid had a look of great admiration on his face, and Wright's eyes shone brightly when he saw him, "Wright, you must study hard with Dumbledore, there is no such thing in the world There is no one more powerful than him.”

"Yes." Wright nodded feebly. Whenever he and Hagrid talked about Dumbledore, Principal Hagrid would become like this.

There is no doubt that Hagrid knew about Dumbledore's training of Wright. After all, Dumbledore's time is not as fixed as that of Wright. He wears many hats and has countless things to deal with every day. Because of this, the training time between the two is no longer as fixed as before.

As Wright's combat experience gradually increased, Dumbledore no longer limited himself to setting the location of the battle in an empty Quidditch pitch, and would sometimes come to the Forbidden Forest.

Hagrid, who patrolled the Forbidden Forest every night, had naturally seen Dumbledore and Wright more than once.

Well, by the way, Wright's current record is still a total loss.

The longest fight lasted was five and a half minutes.

The most glorious result was that Wright cut off a large amount of Dumbledore's beard, but was immediately restored by Dumbledore.

During the casual conversation between Wright and Hagrid, the two were gradually entering the Forbidden Forest.

When he was about to approach Lu Wei's position, Rupert suddenly let out an uneasy roar and sprayed a few scattered sparks from his mouth. Hagrid let it fly back to Fang behind.

Wright and Hagrid walked forward for a few minutes until they reached Lu Wei.

Wright looked up at Lu Wei, yes, he could only look up now. Last winter he was still teasing that Lu Wei could only reach his knees, but now Wright may not be able to hit Lu Wei's knees even when he jumps.

Lu Wei, who could smell the scent of Wright and Hagrid from a distance, was restlessly wagging his tail crazily and shouting with all three mouths.

"Lu Wei! Come down! Dinner is ready!"

Wright waved and said calmly. He felt it was time to show his master's majesty.

Lu Wei obediently lay down, and the breath from his nose made Wright's robe rumble.

Wright suddenly felt as if he had been blown away and was a little unsteady on his feet.

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