Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 25: Chang Chu is irritable

The first day of September.

Wright woke up early in the morning. After washing and tidying up, he went down from the second floor of the bar. After having breakfast downstairs, it was already close to nine o'clock.

After scanning the entire bar, Wright didn't see Hannah, who had been working as a waiter in the bar for the past few days. She was probably picked up by her parents this morning. Wright said goodbye to Boss Tom who was standing behind the bar, and then left directly from the Leaky Cauldron.

By the time Wright arrived at King's Cross Station, it was almost half past ten. Passing through platform nine and three-quarters, I saw a dark red steam train parked next to the platform crowded with students and parents. A brass sign hung on the train's body read: Hogwarts The express train leaves on time at eleven o'clock.

The front of the train was sending out thick white smoke, and the smoke was lingering over the noisy crowd. For some reason, Wright always felt that this year's Hogwarts Express was much more lively than last year's.

Wright took a rough glance at the noisy crowd and did not find Chang Chu. Just when Wright was about to leave the platform and get on the train to find Chang Chu, a cart suddenly rushed towards him behind him.

"Give way! Give way!" the owner of the cart shouted while trotting.

Wright turned around.

A red-haired head was imprinted in Wright's eyes, but he was not Fred and George, whom Wright was most familiar with and had the best relationship with, but their older brother: Percy Weasley.

Fortunately, Percy wasn't very familiar with Wright. Facing Wright, whose image had changed drastically over the past summer vacation, Percy didn't recognize him at all.

Just when Wright was about to leave here quickly, another cart hit behind Percy.

"People in front please be careful!"

Fred pushed his cart through the partition wall in an instant and rushed to the platform.

"The Weasley super-invincible heavy-duty train has started!"

George followed Fred through the partition.

"Fred! George!" Wright greeted them both.

Percy, who was standing next to him, didn't know who he saw, so he quietly left here alone.

"Oh! Prefect Percy!"

"I don't know where a person wants to go in secret!"

Fred and George looked at Percy's retreating back and couldn't help but complain.

"Prefect?" Wright asked the twins, "Has Percy become a prefect?"

"Of course! God knows how many times he said this during this summer vacation!" Fred nodded affirmatively, then turned his attention to Wright. He said hesitantly, "But you are? Wright ?”

"It's me!" Wright said, "Didn't you recognize it?"

"I almost didn't recognize it." George said with a smile, "But Wright, how did you grow up so fast in one summer vacation? Is it an age-enhancing potion?"

"It's not that, it's something else." Wright said vaguely.

"Forget it, neither of us care about this problem anyway, don't talk about it, Wright." Fred pulled the cart with one hand and walked towards Wright until he put his arm on Wright's shoulder, "We There are so many things I want to tell you!”

"Yeah, it's that flying skateboard!" George put his arm on Wright's other shoulder, and the three of them walked towards the train together, "It's really great!"

"You guys..." Just when Wright was about to find a car to sit down with the twins, he suddenly caught sight of a familiar figure out of the corner of his eye.

"Sorry, someone is calling me." Wright shrugged and broke away from the twins' hands. "Let's talk about flying skateboards and stuff until we get to school! Fred, George, goodbye!"

Seeing Wright walking away from him in an instant, Fred and George couldn't help but look at each other.

"Am I hallucinating, or is there something wrong with Wright's ears?"

"I never heard anyone calling him?"

"Or is it that Wright can hear girls' voices?"

"Forget it, let's go find Jordan!"

Ignoring what Fred and George said behind him, Wright boarded the Hogwarts Express without hesitation and walked straight towards the private room where Chang Chu was.

You must know that if you include the two years in the time corridor, Wright has not seen Chang Chu for two years, two months and thirteen days.

Wright walked into the train compartment where Chang Chu was without thinking. Chang Chu was the only one sitting there. She was looking out the window with her face sideways, and Felicia was lying on her knees.

Hearing the sudden sound of the private room door, Chang Chu turned around quickly and alertly.

"Lai, Wright?" Chang Chu looked at Wright, who seemed to have suddenly grown a size, and said with a somewhat uncertain tone.

"Chang Chu, you don't know that I..." Just when Wright was about to sit on Chang Chu's seat, Felicia suddenly screamed and rushed towards Wright.

"Stop it! Felicia!" Wright pinched the back of Felicia's neck with quick eyes and hands. Felicia suddenly seemed to have lost her strength, "Stingy cat! I just accidentally poked you in the eye." Is it necessary to be so vindictive?”

After Chang Chu heard Wright's words, she still didn't know who the person in front of her was? She couldn't help but giggle.

Wright returned Felicia to Chang Chu. In order to prevent Felicia from getting angry again, he sat down directly on the chair opposite Chang Chu.

Just when Wright was about to tell Chang Chu about his summer vacation experience, he suddenly saw Chang Chu's smiling face. For a moment, Wright didn't want to say anything.

"Chang Chu, you are so beautiful." Wright murmured.

"Pfft!" Chang Chu suddenly smiled even brighter.

"What's wrong?" Wright touched his face without knowing it.

"Nothing!" Chang Chu smiled and shook her head. She didn't want to say that she was fascinated by Wright's dull appearance for a short while.

"Oh," Wright scratched his hair, "Um, are you satisfied with the birthday gift I gave you?"

"I'm extremely satisfied!" Chang Chu said with a bright smile, "So I also have some gifts that I want to give you."

"Oh, what is it?" Wright said dryly.

For some reason, before meeting Chang Chu, Wright felt that he had a lot to say, but at this moment he couldn't say anything.

After glancing at Wright, Chang Chu suddenly leaned over from his seat and grabbed his collar across the table.

"Chang Chu you..." Wright swallowed.

Chang Chu's lips kept getting closer.

"Did any of you see a toad? Neville...sorry!"

"F**k! Lock the tongue and seal the throat! Silent! Everything is petrified!"

Chang Chu was irritable for three consecutive times.

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