Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 28 Harry (Leigh)’s first potions lesson

The first day of school this year happened to be on a Sunday, so this year's freshmen were not lucky enough to get a whole day to familiarize themselves with the castle stairs or rest like last year's students. Just after the new students spent their first night in Hogwarts Castle, they had to get up early the next day. After all, for all the new students, the entire Hogwarts Castle was completely unfamiliar.

Even Harry, who was called the savior by countless wizards, was still an innocent little newbie at this time.

Early the next morning, Harry walked out of the dormitory with his good friend Ron, whom he had just made yesterday. The two of them happened to be assigned to the same dormitory when they were allocated dormitories.

There were several boys in the same dormitory, including a round-faced boy named Neville Longbottom, a boy named Seamus Finnigan, and a third named Dean Thomas.

Harry had learned early on from Hagrid and the senior named Wright that he might have a great reputation in the wizarding world, but he really didn't expect that it would reach this level.

Harry didn't know it in the morning, after all, he and Ron were lost in the castle at that time. Just when they were about to use the stairs on the fourth floor, Filch, the administrator of the castle, suddenly appeared in front of them with a fierce look on his face.

Filch said that the two of them wanted to go through the door on the fourth floor and go to the restricted corridor on the fourth floor that Principal Dumbledore would never allow students to enter. Filch didn't believe that Harry and Ron were lost. He only thought that the two of them were deliberately trying to break school rules and break into restricted areas.

Just when Filch threatened Harry and Ron and threatened to lock them into the dungeon of the castle, Professor Quirrell from the Defense Against the Dark Arts class happened to pass by and helped them out.

This allowed Harry and Ron to escape from Filch, but even then the two of them still missed normal school time.

Then, Harry saw what his reputation was really like.

When Harry was in class, a group of students lined up outside the classroom, all standing on tiptoes to see his true face; and when Harry walked to the corridor after class, those students again He kept walking back and forth around him, trying to see his appearance as clearly as possible.

Harry didn't enjoy this feeling. He just felt that these students were blocking his way. However, his good friend Ron didn't seem to think so. Ron seemed to be completely addicted to this feeling of being watched by thousands of people. .

After two days of hard work, Harry and Ron were somewhat familiar with the staircase structure of Hogwarts Castle, and were finally able to vaguely remember the paths leading to the classrooms of various magic courses.

The best thing to remember is a class called Herbal Medicine. After all, that was the only class that was held outside the castle, three times a week.

Whenever there was an herbal medicine class, Harry and the others would go to the greenhouse behind the castle, where they would learn from Professor Sprout how to cultivate exotic plants and fungi that were completely unseen in the ordinary world, and learn about each of them. the use of.

Harry originally thought that there would be a huge gap in the progress of school courses between children like himself who were born in the ordinary world and those who were born in the magical world.

But what Harry didn't expect was that there were many people here who came from Muggle families like him. Even people like Ron who came from a wizarding family might not be that far ahead. After all, the content they wanted to learn was too much. too much.

In the entire first grade, the only one who looked completely different from other students was the female classmate named Hermione. She seemed to know everything.

On Friday morning, it took Harry and Ron five days to find the right way to the Great Hall for breakfast.

As they headed to the Gryffindor table, Harry asked Ron, "Ron, what are our lessons today?"

Unlike when school started, Harry was wearing a tall wizard's hat on his head, which he wore to cover his too-long hair.

After all, five full days have passed since the start of school, and Harry's hair has grown to its original length again. Harry didn't know where he could get a haircut in school, but he felt that the issue of hair must be put on the agenda. After all, only the people in the dormitory know that he has such long hair. If in a few more days, when the hair grows so long that even the hat cannot cover it, this matter will probably spread throughout Hogwarts!

In the past two days, the students in the school have lost a lot of enthusiasm for Harry. After all, this little savior who once defeated the mysterious man is just like them, with two eyes, one nose, and one mouth, except for his forehead. Aside from the lightning mark on Harry's body, the students didn't notice anything that stood out about Harry.

Harry, who finally breathed a sigh of relief, didn't want to get the attention of his classmates again because of his long hair.

"There are only two Potions classes in the afternoon today," Ron said, "and they are taught by Snape, the Head of Slytherin House."

At the opening party, Harry felt that Professor Snape disliked him very much, but he did not expect that the first Potions class would turn out like that.

Snape, like Professor Flitwick, picked up the roster as soon as class started. And just like Professor Flitwick, he stopped when his name was called, but the reaction was far less intense than Professor Flitwick's.

"Oh, yes," Snape said in a whisper. Miraculously, every student in the classroom could hear him, "Harry Potter, this is our new famous character."

Harry heard a few sneers from the Slytherin house. He knew without looking that it was Malfoy and his two followers laughing. This had happened between him and Malfoy long before the sorting ceremony began. There is a contradiction.

"Potter!" Snape said suddenly, "What will I get if I add narcissus root powder to a wormwood infusion?"

What grass roots are put into what solution? Harry glanced at Ron for help, but Ron's expression was as confused as his own. The girl named Hermione raised her hands high in the air, but Snape didn't seem to see it.

"I don't know, sir," was all Harry could say. After all, just memorizing the direction of the stairs in the castle was enough for him, and he didn't have time to preview the Potions textbook.

"Tsk tsk," Snape tutted, "It seems that fame doesn't mean everything."

Snape suddenly walked over to Harry and sat directly on the desk in front of Harry.

"Then, why are you still spending time in my class?" Snape suddenly stretched out his hand towards Harry. His hand was as accurate and fast as an eagle's swoop, so fast that Harry couldn't react at all. , the hat on his head was taken off by Snape, "Wearing this stupid, ignorant and obstructive... hat..."

Harry's long hair fell down from his head.

The students in the classroom suddenly burst into an uproar!


"Harry's hair!"

"Is he really a boy?"

"Could it be a mistake?"

"Will he be the savior?"

Countless comments bombarded Harry's ears in an instant.

Harry felt nothing but embarrassment and shame.

A thin layer of mist suddenly appeared in front of his emerald green pupils.

Harry just stared at the Potions Professor who suddenly became confused.

"That's the reason. Are you satisfied, Professor?"

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