Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 29 Little Notebook

"Sunday, September 2, 1990, sunny and breezy."

After writing less than twenty words, Wright once again had to give up the idea of ​​using a quill. It is true that the quill pen he is holding is a high-end quill pen he specially bought at the Diagon Alley stationery store. It has obsidian feathers and a white barrel. It is basically Wright in terms of appearance and style. The kind that I like very much.

However, the quill pen needs to be dipped in ink to write! And unlike the brush that can be held in the middle of the pen barrel, the quill pen is held very close to the tip. After Wright bought the quill in the stationery store, he tried to write with it as soon as he returned to the Leaky Cauldron.

Whenever Wright used the quill once, there wouldn't be a big problem when writing. The only problem was that when he dipped in ink, the ink would stick to his hand or get on the wizard's robe. It hardly takes ten minutes for Wright to become dirty. His fingers, sleeves, and front are the three places where ink marks are most likely to appear. Even his face will occasionally have some sporadic ink stains. Ink stains.

Fortunately, there is a magical magic in the wizarding world called home magic, and there is also an extremely practical one called cleaning. Otherwise, Wright would be at a loss to clean up those troublesome ink stains.

Do you think there is an automatic quill that automatically reads the writer's thoughts and dips in ink to write? Come on, that's totally soulless! As for the special pen used during Hogwarts exams, is it also a quill pen? When the time comes, explain to the teachers that they should also be allowed to use pens. If not, you can also use quills. Anyway, it is only for a few exams.

Light tried not to think about the quills, which easily reminded him of the nasty ink stains that had been everywhere. He took out a pen from his stationery bag. Worried that Hogwarts would not be able to use those high-precision electronic instruments, Wright even bought a piston-filled pen.

Then Wright continued to write today's diary in the notebook. It can't be said to be a diary. Specifically, this notebook is called "About Chang Chu's One Thousand and One Ways to Trick People". There is also a line of small words below: At Hogwarts of the first academic year. The number "one thousand and one" refers generally to describing a large number.

Well, Wright also has six such notebooks. Those thick notebooks are all filled with densely written small words. They are all things Chang Chu did during the six years of elementary school (mainly about him). It's amazing. Something that creates a range of negative emotions. At that time, Wright bought eight books at a discount because of the cheap pictures. He originally thought that he would only use six books, but he did not expect that he would continue writing after entering Hogwarts.

Although serious people never write diaries, Wright never felt that he was a serious person, and the diary was only for his future self to recall, so there was no need to bother using fancy words.

"This morning, I was tricked again..."

Writing this, Wright couldn't help but feel sad. The word "again" was the indispensable beginning of every diary entry after he entered second grade. Over five years and more than 1,800 days and nights, this was the first word he wrote almost every time. The sentence is: "Today, I was tricked by Chang Chu again...". Well, Wright perfectly ignored the months-long winter and summer vacations that occur every year.

After calming down a little, Wright continued writing in his diary.

"This morning, Chang Chu suddenly broke into my dormitory. This is a boys' dormitory, okay? Doesn't she have any sense of shame?

But fortunately, she walked out of the dormitory immediately after my righteous education, and it seemed that the effect of my education was very good.

However, this still does not alleviate the anger of a person who is scared to wake up!

So, after I got dressed and walked out, I drank the cup of tea on her table.

But, it’s really hot!

And Chang Chu keeps asking questions, which is really annoying! ! !

Later, after my mouth healed a little, we took the Freshman Orientation Manual on the bookshelf inside Ravenclaw and began to explore and understand the operation rules of the stairs in Hogwarts Castle.

These constantly changing stairs are really magical. For the first time, I had the real feeling of being in the Hogwarts Castle in the Harry Potter world, instead of the illusory dream before.

But then Chang Chu tricked me again. She ran to the front alone with the manual. Before I could follow her, the stairs jumped. If it weren't for the help of the portraits inside Hogwarts, I think I might have been lost in this huge castle for at least half an hour!

But the title of the portrait is quite interesting, Ravenclaw is 'Young Crow'. So Gryffindor is the 'young lion'? Hufflepuff is a 'baby black badger'? And Slytherin is a 'newborn snake'? Sure enough, Ravenclaw and Gryffindor are better names.

Well, this book is not used to record these issues. Let’s continue to return to Chang Chu.

After we separated, it took nearly half an hour for me to find Chang Chu's position again, and she questioned why I didn't follow her.

Ho! "

After recording some of the trivial things that happened later, Wright closed the new diary in his hand and stuffed it back into the pile of "The Complete Things Chang Chu Did".

Looking at these seven notebooks, Wright could vaguely recall some deeply impressive things.

The first diary entry in the first notebook is roughly like this:

Today, I met a little girl who seemed to be a new student at George Heritage Elementary School.

She seems to be from China, or should have Chinese ancestry, but she is not very smart. He doesn't know how to look at other people's faces, he doesn't understand the importance of atmosphere, and he doesn't seem to have the defensive mentality between men and women.

When I saw her for the first time today, I thought she was quite pleasing to the eye, but then what she did was a bit beyond expectations.

I was about to run away and stay alone for a while, but unexpectedly she followed me immediately and grabbed my (hand).

Why is this little girl so strong? I can't even break free?

But her hands are still quite soft, hehe...

Even though it was late at night and he was still in a separate dormitory with only one person, Wright still covered his face with shame and his ears were a little red. Now give him a time turner, and he dares to jump to six years ago and strangle the self who wrote the diary. What the hell is "hehe"? ?

Why can’t I remember how I felt at that time?

Moreover, could it be that because he became a child, even the writing style became that of an elementary school student's diary? But what about that salty uncle’s tone?

Still ‘pretty soft’?


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