Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 30 Professor McGonagall’s Suggestions

On Friday afternoon, while Harry was suffering in the Potions classroom on the ground floor, Wright was also having his second year class in the Transfiguration classroom on the first floor of the castle.

Both the Charms and Transfiguration classes gradually become more difficult in the second grade.

If the first-year transfiguration course is only about transforming inanimate substances, the second-year students have already begun to learn how to turn living creatures into inanimate objects.

Professor McGonagall first wrote a lot of complicated notes on the blackboard, then she gave each student in the classroom a beetle and asked them to turn the beetle into a button.

After giving beetles to the students, Professor McGonagall began to patrol the classroom constantly. This was something she would do in every Transfiguration class to remind those in the classroom who did not master Transfiguration very well. students, how should they correct or solve the problems they encountered during the deformation process.

Wright took the beetle handed over by Professor McGonagall and placed it gently on the table. Then the tip of the wand was pressed against the beetle. While performing the transformation spell on the beetle, Wright was also thinking about this year's study plan.

Speaking of which, there are still a few plans from last year that have not been completed.

The first is that Occlumency learning progresses very slowly.

When most wizards learn Occlumency, they need help from another wizard who has learned Legilimency. Of course, wealthy people will sign unbreakable oath contracts with wizards who help others train Occlumency to prevent their memories from being leaked.

Putting aside the issue of money, Wright himself is very resistant to letting others enter his mind to explore his memories. This has also led to him having only reached an introductory stage of Occlumency so far.

In addition, the learning progress of the two spells of Legilimency and Oblivion was relatively slow because they could not find anyone to practice with. But Wright still felt that it was at least much better than Occlumency.

The second thing is that the exploration of the Forbidden Forest and the Great Lake did not go well. Wright did not feel disgusted with the sale of magical animal materials, but he could not find a more suitable partner yet.

No matter what, an underage student brings a bunch of materials into Diagon Alley or even Knockturn Alley to sell things. No matter how you look at him, he is a very attractive piece of fat.

Not to mention the third one. Most of the books in Ravenclaw's internal library have been read by Wright, but there are too many books in the Room of Requirement and the school library.

Moreover, Wright, who had been reading books from Nicolas Flamel for two years, didn’t want to continue reading for the time being, so he could put this aside for now.

So the semester plan for the second grade is probably to use my alchemy knowledge to refine a few decent alchemy works, and then learn Occlumency.

Like Harry Potter, Hermione, Ron, the savior, Quirrell, Voldemort, you should stay as far away from sources of trouble as you can!

While Wright was thinking about this year's semester plan, he turned the beetle that Professor McGonagall had just handed out on the table into a button, and then turned the button into a beetle again, changing over and over again without any pause between changes. .

"Okay, Wright," Professor McGonagall noticed the situation on Wright's side. She walked to Wright's desk, bent down next to him and said softly, "If you have already learned this content, you can preview it yourself. Please don’t disturb other students with the following content, okay?”

No matter how strict the teachers are, as long as they are not really out of character, they will still give certain preferential treatment to those really good students.

Just like after Wright showed his talent for transfiguration, Professor McGonagall would usually show a certain degree of tolerance for his slightly edgy behavior. Of course, it's okay if you just wipe the line, but if it goes even just a little bit, Professor McGonagall will get furious.

After hearing Professor McGonagall's words, Wright immediately stopped what he was doing. He looked around, and it seemed that several classmates had indeed been affected by his actions just now. Wright also saw a little badger looking at the black beetle on his desk with a grimace that was ready to issue a death notice.

"Sorry, Professor McGonagall!" Wright said apologetically to Professor McGonagall, "I was so absorbed in thinking just now that I didn't notice this problem."

"Nothing," Professor McGonagall said, "It's just that your transfiguration seems to have improved greatly during this summer vacation?"

"Yes," Wright nodded, "I read a lot of information during the summer vacation, and unknowingly, the art of transformation has made such great progress."

"Well, it's very good." Professor McGonagall pursed her lips. "If possible, I hope you can read more Transfiguration journals. They record all the cutting-edge knowledge of Transfiguration. Don't let your eyes wander. Just stick to the textbook.”

"Of course, you can also read the upper-grade Transfiguration textbooks now," Professor McGonagall added. "With your current level, I think you can probably go directly to the fifth- to seventh-grade textbooks."

"Okay, thank you very much for your advice." Wright nodded respectfully towards Professor McGonagall.

Professor McGonagall nodded slightly, and then she walked over to those students who were not yet very successful in using the Transfiguration Technique to provide guidance. Occasionally, she could hear one or two criticisms.

After class was over, Wright followed Chang Chu and walked out of the Transfiguration classroom behind the crowd and walked towards the auditorium on the same floor.

Dinner time is often the busiest time in the auditorium. After all, both in terms of the number of people and the richness of the food, dinner time is a level higher than noon.

Just as Wright was sitting in front of the Ravenclaw table, ordering Chinese delicacies and eating, there was a sudden intake of breath from the Gryffindor table that overwhelmed the entire hall.

Wright immediately looked over there.

But there was no need to wait for him to walk over and ask. The two red-headed twins were already gliding through the auditorium crazily on their flying skateboards.

"You must have never imagined! Harry Potter's hair is as long as a girl!" Fred stepped on the skateboard and raised the tail of the skateboard, and the flying skateboard immediately carried him up in the sky of the auditorium.

"You would never have imagined it! Snape actually added two points to Gryffindor!" George flew into the air with his twin brother, and the two of them flew across each other in the mid-air in the auditorium.

"What happened then?"

"Let me think about it."

"Ha, ha, Harry," Fred said, imitating Snape's tone.

"Sit, sit down." George also acted.

"Two points for Gryffindor." They said at the same time in excited tones as if they were announcing that this year's Academy Cup winner was Gryffindor.

Wright looked towards the teacher's seat and was not surprised to see no sign of Snape. In fact, Harry was not in the Great Hall either.

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