Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 326 Plan


There was a loud bang.

Groups of white birds flew out from the leafy Forbidden Forest, flapping their wings in great panic and flying towards the distant sky. They originally took shelter here because of the heavy rain, but they had to leave because of an innocent fight.

As expected of Gryffindor, who is known for his bravery and recklessness, Wright squatted down and looked at the black dog that was knocked to the ground by the surging shadow energy, without any trace of panic in his eyes.

When you don't know the opponent's strength at all, you dare to rush forward with such enthusiasm. I don't know whether to admire your courage to make a desperate move, or to ridicule your blind arrogance.

Especially Sirius.

In order to hunt down the traitorous Pettigrew, a street was bombed and thirteen innocent lives were lost.

But until now, I still dare to rush forward like this.

Wright couldn't help but shook his head.

Felicia and Crookshanks screamed and rushed forward. The two kittens jumped on Sirius one after the other and kept calling at Wright, as if to stop him from continuing to attack Sirius. .

Sirius, whose mouth and nose were filled with mud and water, let out a stupid choking sound. He was confident that he could avoid the obstacle curse coming towards him in the situation just now, and he was also confident that he could forcibly resist the drowsy spell of the stun curse. Magic power, and then took advantage of the opportunity for the boy to use magic to launch a ferocious counterattack for the second time.

But facing the black shadow that was approaching instantly and with nowhere to hide, Sirius felt powerless for the first time in his life.

In the blink of an eye, the energy net like a big net enveloped his whole body. With almost no resistance, he was tightly tied up, and like a tattered rag doll, he was mercilessly smashed onto the muddy grass.

Is this still a student? Or, is this an unknown old monster with an eye for beauty? Sirius's heart was filled with despair.

He didn't know how the boy in front of him would deal with his defeated general, and he didn't know whether his escape journey would end at this moment, nor whether he would be sentenced to a dementor's kiss in the future.

Sirius only knew one thing, and that was that disgusting traitor, and I was afraid he would have to deal with it himself.

As if accepting his fate, Sirius closed his eyes, whose light was almost extinguished.

"Two little traitors who don't know what is good or bad," the boy's voice came, and Sirius felt that the weight on his body seemed to lighten a little, "Hermione and Chang Chu will definitely have a headache when they see you like this. Maybe you’ll blame me.”

"Hiss—you actually want to tickle me?"

With his eyes closed, Sirius smiled bitterly.

The big ginger cat was one he met a week ago.

That night, he passed through the secret passage under the Shrieking Shack and passed through the swaying Whomping Willow. He wanted to go directly to the Gryffindor common room to kill Pettigrew, but he didn't expect that he was killed by the ignorant man. The female portrait was resisted. While sneaking out of the castle, he accidentally encountered this wandering big cat.

As if born from fate, the big cat felt close to him and even introduced his black, smaller cat friend to him.

But until now, he still doesn't know the name of this big yellow cat, but now it doesn't make any sense to think about it...

There is only one final destination for the Prisoner of Azkaban, and that is the Dementor's Kiss...

"Okay, Black, can you stop pretending to be dead?" Wright looked at Sirius, who was like a puddle of dead flesh, and said impatiently, "I am very pressed for time now and want to solve the problem as soon as possible. If you don't mind If so, can you cooperate? If you insist on using restoration magic to change you back, it’s not impossible.”

The black dog opened his eyes weakly. It was obviously an animal face, but it represented a feeling of exhaustion in a humanistic way.

Like a ball of ink droplets flowing into clear water, the black dog on the grass slowly transformed into its original appearance.

The waxy white skin all over his body is tightly stretched on the surface of the bones. Dirty, tangled hair almost hung down to his elbows, and the gray eyes in the deep-set eye sockets had completely lost their brightness, like a dead man who had resigned himself to his fate.

"Boy, are you a student at Hogwarts?" Sirius asked Wright in a low and hoarse voice, "I have to admit that your magic is very powerful. This is the first time I have seen this kind of magic. , not at all what a person of this age should be. By the way, what grade are you in?"

"If you can't speak, try to speak as little as possible." Wright said with a sigh.

What I have to admit is that if he was facing the big, dirty dog ​​just now, Wright could still maintain that indifferent attitude, but once he was facing a pitiful wrongdoer, his heart was filled with anger. That kind of compassion would suddenly pop up again, reminding him that he shouldn't speak in such a bad tone.

After thinking about it, Wright waved his hand to remove the shadow energy originally exerted on Sirius. The large mass of dark energy turned into an illusory black hooded cloak by his will, and was draped around Sirius. On his body, he reluctantly protected him from the wind and rain.

"Thank you." Sirius seemed to have regained a little strength. He forced himself to sit up from the mud and hugged Crookshanks, who was originally blocking him.

Crookshanks, who had been screaming, immediately acted like a peaceful little daughter-in-law and stopped moving.

As for its other accomplice, Felicia, she was mercilessly thrown into the muddy water by her real owner. In order to avoid the fierce wind and rain around her, Felicia could only lie pitifully on the edge of Wright's shoes, borrowing the opportunity to Covered by his umbrella.

"You seem to have not answered my question just now." Sirius asked Wright while wiping Crookshanks' hair.

"Light Pass, a fourth-year Ravenclaw student, currently an exchange student at Beauxbatons." Wright briefly introduced himself.

Was he defeated by a fourth grader?

Sirius took a moment of silence to digest the news.

After a while, he asked in a solemn voice: "How do you know my true identity? What are you going to do with me, an escaped prisoner with a sky-high price bounty on the Ministry of Magic's head?"

"Don't worry, I have no intention of getting involved in your affairs at all." Wright said softly, "I suddenly appeared here and stopped you. Actually, I just wanted to borrow something from you."

"Will I, a homeless tramp, have what you, a genius, want?" Sirius smiled sarcastically, "If you are planning to seize the Black family legacy, you may be disappointed. Yes, I have been kicked out of the house by the Black family."

"Don't worry, I'm not too interested in the legacy of your Black family." Wright said calmly, not paying attention to Sirius's words, "But what I want has a lot to do with the Black family."

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