Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 328

When Wright just walked into the school doctor's office, a group of Gryffindor Quidditch players wearing wet red clothes were lining up to walk out, leaving a long series of muddy marks on the clean ground.

Looking at Wright walking in, Madam Pomfrey instinctively frowned. She had never welcomed anyone into the school infirmary to visit patients while they were recovering, even the principal was not allowed to do so.

Before Madam Pomfrey could say anything to chase people away, Wright immediately said, "Professor Flitwick asked me to come here, and I won't stay long."

"Really?" Madam Pomfrey glanced at Wright suspiciously, her eyes scanning back and forth on the two packages floating around him, "Only ten minutes."

After saying that, Madam Pomfrey walked directly past Wright, walked to the door and closed the door.

When Wright walked to Harry's bed, he also used magic to remove the traces of mud and water on the floor. Although these dirty things are not difficult for Madam Pomfrey to clean up, it can still be regarded as a curved method to increase favorability.

Chang Chu, Hermione and Ron were all surrounding Harry's bed at this time, talking to him, and no one even noticed Wright's arrival.

"Cough." Wright coughed lightly, attracting several people's attention again.

"Chang Chu, your cat, I just found it outside." Wright directed the smaller package next to him to float to Chang Chu's side, "Because it was too dirty, I wrapped it in cloth. "

Felicia, whose hair was twisted into strands, poked her head out of the small cloth bag. After losing the fluffy effect of the hair, its head was not even as big as Chang Chu's palm.

"Felicia!" Chang Chu exclaimed in surprise and quickly hugged Felicia into his arms, "How dare you run outside in such a heavy rain?"

In fact, there is also a big yellow cat, which is still soaked in the rain outside right now! Wright tried not to look at Hermione's face. In fact, he deliberately didn't bring Crookshanks back with him. Part of the reason was that Crookshanks was like a licking cat, refusing to leave the side of Sirius who was completely unconscious.

After Wright hesitated for a while, he really couldn't separate the man and the cat. He had no choice but to use Transfiguration to create a small wooden shed that lasted about six hours where Sirius was unconscious.

As for sending Sirius back to the Shrieking Shack? Wright didn't have this time, although he did pass by the Whomping Willow just now.

Wright looked at Harry lying on the bed and asked, "Harry, are you okay?"

"I think I can be discharged immediately," Harry tried his best to put a smile on his face. Although he had not yet fully recovered from the dementor's attack, this was also to avoid unnecessary worries among his good friends. , "If Madam Pomfrey agrees."

"Stop talking nonsense!" Hermione looked at Harry angrily, "You fell from a height of fifty feet! How could there be nothing wrong at all! You have to wait until Madam Pomfrey has checked thoroughly. Only then can we focus on the issue of discharge.”

Ron also nodded, agreeing with Hermione's statement.

Hearing Hermione's words, Chang Chu, who was holding the cat in his arms, couldn't help but glance at Wright. This guy had fallen from an altitude of 30,000 meters before, wasn't he still alive and kicking now?

Seeing Hermione's expression of excitement, Harry quickly wanted to change the topic.

Suddenly, he saw another package floating next to Wright, and asked, "Wright, what's in that package?"

"I hope it won't have any impact on you." Wright waved and took the floating package in his hand. He opened the cloth outside the package and said, "When you fell, your broomstick I didn't fall with you. I thought Fred and George would get it back for you, but obviously they didn't."

"What happened to it?" Harry asked nervously.

"It was blown away by the strong wind," Wright tore off the last layer of cloth, revealing the remains of the broom that had been roughly dismantled to pieces. "What a coincidence, it hit the beating tree. Professor Flitwick tried his best to save Willow before handing it over to me, but..."

"As a result, it..." Wright took out the broom handle that was almost broken into two parts. The remaining broken parts were impossible to get rid of. "It turned into this."

Looking at the pile of broom remains in Wright's arms, Harry suddenly felt like there was an emptiness in his heart.

Unlike Ron, Hermione, Chang Chu, and Wright, he got this Nimbus 2000 from the first week of entering first grade. He is also the only good friend who has always been with him and will not say a bad word about him.

But Harry looked at Chang Chu and then at Wright, and an inexplicable idea came to his mind. He knew that almost all of Chang Chu's broomsticks were made by Wright himself, and he also knew that Wright's broomstick production skills were very good, which gave him a glimmer of hope.

Harry looked at Wright and said with great hope: "Wright, can it be repaired? You can do it, right?"

"Sorry, Harry." Wright shook his head and said, "The broomstick is different from other objects. In order to ensure the stability of the flight, the magic systems all over its body must be closely linked together. This is something I learned myself. Lessons learned. If it were missing a little, it wouldn’t be a big problem, but now this Nimbus 2000 is completely scrapped.”

The hopeful expression on Harry's face quickly faded away. He turned his head away sadly, no longer looking at the four Wrights, and said feebly: "Oh, okay, I understand."

Several people saw that this was the subtext that Harry didn't want to talk anymore.

Wright placed the package of Nimbus 2000 remains under Harry's hospital bed, waved to Chang Chu and the other two, and said, "Let's go, let Harry be alone here."

Dumbledore didn't come with any message until dinner time. It seemed that he was still negotiating with officials from the Ministry of Magic on how to deal with the dementors that broke into the school.

But Wright didn't mind either. He might be able to guess what Dumbledore wanted to do tonight.

So he sat at the Ravenclaw table with peace of mind, enjoying the food prepared by the long-lost Hogwarts kitchen elves.

"How was it? How does it feel to be back at Hogwarts?" Chang Chu stuffed a piece of bread into his mouth and asked Wright, "How about Bibsbottom?"

"It's not bad, even though Beauxbatons will have elves singing and playing music next to him while he's eating." Wright took a chicken leg, "But I think I missed one thing before. I should let Gaga follow. You came together. But it’s not too late. I’ll use the guardian angel to bring a message to it later.”

At this moment, a light yellow owl carrying water vapor and letter paper flew in from the outside and landed in front of Wright.

Looking at the familiar squiggles on the envelope, Wright knew that the time had come.

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