Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 33 The Gryffindor Four (please subscribe)

At night, it was cool in Hogwarts Castle.

Wright walked quietly down the corridor on the fourth floor, which was strictly forbidden to students.

after a little while.

"Sorry, Lu Wei, I'm late today."

On the other side, in the Gryffindor common room.

Harry and Ron quietly took off their pajamas and put their school robes back on. In order to avoid waking their roommates, Harry and Ron picked up their wands and quietly walked down the spiral staircase.

Just at midnight tonight, there is a sacred wizard duel waiting for them!

Potter, the savior of Harry's wizarding world who is seeking death, the long-haired boy, feels like his blood is boiling!

But just as Harry and Ron walked into the dark Gryffindor common room, and before they could pass through the portrait passage to the outside, they heard someone suddenly speaking on the chair nearest to them. .

"I can't believe you would do this," Hermione, wearing a pink nightgown, turned on a lamp at hand. She was looking at Harry and Ron with a frown, "Especially you, Harry. ”

"You! Go back to bed!" Ron said angrily, can't you see such a big person like me? And what does it mean to be especially Harry?

"I almost told your brother," Hermione shot back unceremoniously, "It wasn't Fred and George, it was Percy! He's a prefect and he'll stop this!"

Although Hermione cried when she was bullied (?) by Chang Chu on the train, in the past week since entering school, she has gradually regained her former self-confidence. Especially when facing the two scumbag students opposite her, she, Hermione and Granger, the top students, would never back down!

Then Hermione was led out of the common room by Harry and Ron.


Hermione glanced at the empty painting of the Fat Lady on the wall, and then at the disappearing figures of Harry and Ron. She bit her lip and followed.

But just when Hermione was about to move her legs, she suddenly felt as if she had stepped on a big soft thing, and it was still alive!

Just when Hermione was about to scream, the man at her feet suddenly spoke.

"Who is it? Who stepped on my stomach?" Neville was awakened by Hermione's movements.

With a red face, Hermione picked up Neville, who was sleeping on the floor, and ran over after Harry and Ron.

The four Gryffindors walked briskly along the corridor, two boys with short hair, a boy with long hair, and a girl with long hair. Their shadows were illuminated by the moonlight that poured in from the window. Passed through corridors one after another.

Every time he turned a corner, Harry expected to bump into Filch or Mrs. Norris at the next moment, but fortunately, they were pretty lucky tonight.

Hurrying down the stairs, the four of them arrived on the third floor, and then followed the guidance of the moonlight towards the direction of the prize display room.

But unfortunately, when Harry saw the closed showroom door, he felt an inexplicable and ominous premonition in his heart. Ron pushed open the closed wooden door, and there was no sound at all in the trophy display room except for the breathing of the four of them.

No Malfoy! No Crabbe either! Harry and Ron were both fooled!

Draco Malfoy actually violated the sacred wizard duel!

Harry, who was furious, was dragged out of the trophy display room by Ron, because if they didn't leave, they would be caught by Filch and Mrs. Norris who rushed over after hearing Malfoy's announcement.

The foursome walked through a corridor filled with armors. Neville accidentally put his arm around Ron's waist and bumped into those armors together. They also escaped from Peeves' teasing in the corridor next to the Charms classroom, but Peeves finally Still screamed and announced their names.

In the end, the four of them were in a panic and hid in the room on the right corridor of the fourth floor that Dumbledore had strictly prohibited students from entering during the opening banquet.

The moment he opened the door, Harry felt that his anger, which was about to break through the Tianling Cap, disappeared instantly. At this moment, he only felt that he must still be having a nightmare.

The foursome were not hiding in a room that was safe enough to hide from Peeves and Filch as they thought. Standing directly opposite them was a monster-like huge dog. This dog was as big as Filling all the space from ceiling to floor.

Harry also observed that the dog was now prostrate, which meant that it would be even more impressive if it stood up.

This dog has three heads, three pairs of eyes, and three noses trembling slightly in their direction at the same time. There are also three mouths. The saliva left in the dog's mouth is like a sticky rope, hanging from the sharp canine teeth of Mori Bai, which are as long as Harry's arms.

The dog stood there motionless, its six eyes staring at them.

Harry knew that the only possible reason why they were not dead, and why the three-headed dog had not yet pounced on them, was that it was startled by their appearance.

But wait, Harry suddenly rubbed his eyes. He felt like there was something wrong with his eyes.

His idea just now seemed to be wrong. There was already a person standing in front of the dog. He looked very tall, and his hair color and face were blurred under the shadowy outline. It was very strange, as if Harry was looking at him through a foggy frosted window.

For some reason, Harry always felt like he had seen this person before.

Wright looked at the four Gryffindors who suddenly broke into the room with a bit of pain. He had tried his best to postpone the time of feeding Lu Wei on weekdays, but he didn't expect to meet these four people by such a coincidence. personal.

Dumbledore borrowed the right to use Lu Wei from Wright during the summer vacation. Although Wright didn't know how Dumbledore crammed such a big man into such a small room, he wanted to complain about Dumbledore very much. Bullido is really not very efficient at doing things.

After borrowing the right to use Lu Wei, Wright still had to continue to be responsible for Lu Wei's food issues!

Therefore, during the first few days of school, in order to avoid being seen by his classmates, Wright came to feed alone every night after curfew.

After remembering that today was Harry's first flying lesson, Wright also recalled that there was supposed to be a scene today where Harry met Fluffy.

So in order to avoid encountering these people, Wright deliberately postponed the time a lot. But I didn’t expect that what was supposed to come would still come.

"Hermione, Harry, Neville, Ron," Wright coughed and removed the shadow energy surrounding his body, "Why are you here now?"

Lu Wei let out a whimper, as if he was dissatisfied that his eating was interrupted by the sudden appearance of these people.

"Light?" Hermione and Neville said at the same time.

"Are you Wright?" Harry and Ron said at the same time.

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