Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 340 Hagrid and Buckbeak

After breakfast, Chang Chu went to the school doctor's office on the second floor with Hermione and Ron, who had come to the auditorium to have breakfast, and planned to visit Harry to see if he was feeling better. And Wright did not go upstairs with them, not because he wanted to return to Beauxbatons in France immediately, but because he wanted to find another person to help deal with the two goats that drank the super concentrated poison of the Inferi Lake: Pei Qi and Sean.


Wright knocked on the door of the wooden house in front of him and said loudly: "Is our Care of Magical Creatures professor inside? Your students need your help with something."

But there was no sound from inside the wooden house, not even the sound of a dog barking. It seemed that neither Hagrid nor Yaya were inside at this time.

"Dong dong."

Wright stretched out his hand and knocked on the door again, asking: "Professor Hagrid, are you in there? Hagrid?"

When he was at Hogwarts, except for those activities where he needed to avoid Dumbledore and other professors, Wright generally did not activate his shadow perception, so he was not sure whether Hagrid was real or not. Wasn't there, or just fell asleep and didn't get up.

There was still no response from inside the cabin.

Wright closed his eyes, and a subtle shadow energy slipped under his feet, penetrated into the wooden house through the crack in the door, and quickly fed the scene in the house back to his mind.

The decoration in Hagrid's wooden house is no different from when Wright came here before. There are some warm ashes piled in the fireplace without fire. A huge copper pot is placed on the ashes, and a stream of water is floating out from the spout. Curls of white steam.

"It seems that Hagrid took Fang away with him, and he left not long ago." Wright opened his eyes and made a judgment in his mind, "I just don't know if he went to the Forbidden Forest or to the school doctor's office to visit Harry. "

He lowered his head and glanced at the suitcase on the floor next to him.

When they came back last night, Page and Sean had not shown any strange symptoms. Wright thought that it would be a very strange thing to lead a sheep and walk in the school, so he put them both in the school and took them back to Huo Huo. In Gwartz's suitcase. Therefore, even Chang Chu, who had stayed in his dormitory for nearly an hour in the morning, did not know that there were two strange goats in the same dormitory.

There was nothing important to do now, and there was no need to rush to visit Harry in the school infirmary. Wright was going to take out the two lambs first and see if anything unusual happened to them after one night.

Just as Wright was about to enter the suitcase, a rough and generous voice suddenly came from a distance: "That child? Who are you? Why are you in front of my house?"

Accompanied by the sound of barking dogs.

Wright turned his head, and the figure of Hagrid holding Fang appeared in his sight.

After not seeing each other for several months, Hagrid's appearance has not changed. He is still wearing a huge fur coat, and his face is almost completely covered by long unkempt hair and a thick, knotted beard, revealing a pair of shining eyes.

But why is the mallet in his hand so familiar?

"Hagrid!" Wright waved in Hagrid's direction.

"Wright?" Hagrid recognized who the owner of the voice was. He had a happy look on his face and ran towards the cabin faster, "Why are you here?"

After Hagrid walked closer, Wright could clearly see the thing in Hagrid's hand that he had just mistaken for a club.

Wasn't that the same wand he had tried on at Ollivander's?

Wright remembered Ollivander's description of the wand: English oak, a troll-bearded core, five feet long, fit for a powerful wizard.

There is probably no wizard with more physical strength than Hagrid in the world, right?

Eh! wrong! Although I don’t know the specific data, judging from the naked eye, Mrs. Maxim is probably much taller than Hagrid...

What if they get married later and during domestic violence, would it be more painful to hit them with fists or with a wand?

Poor Hagrid didn't know it yet, but during the short distance he walked, Wright had already imagined a drama in his mind in which "Hagrid was brutally raped and his eyes were black and his beard was scorched."

"Wright, come in quickly!" Hegla opened the door of the cabin excitedly and invited Wright in. "Want to drink tea? I'll go take a look, oh! The teapot is still hot! Come and drink some hot tea to warm yourself up. Warm yourself up! Would you like some rock biscuits?”

Hagrid put a handful of freshly picked bright yellow, centipede-like flowers on the table and walked to the fireplace to examine them.

"A cup of hot water will be fine. I just finished breakfast." Wright politely declined Hagrid's tea and meal, and then immediately asked, "Hagrid, where were you just now? It doesn't look like you came from From the direction of the castle.”

Hagrid brought the teapot over, poured a cup of steaming white water for Wright, and said, "I just came out of the Forbidden Forest, and I went to take care of Buckbeak."


"Buckbeak is a hippogriff." Hagrid said while stroking his beard, "Wright, you don't know, I brought him out in the first Care of Magical Creatures class."

"First class? What grade are you in?"

"Students who have just entered third grade, in Harry's grade." Hagrid said, "Some students like it very much, such as Harry; but some bad students don't respect Buckbeak at all, and they are beaten severely in the end. Taught a lesson."

"Is it nothing serious?" Wright asked.

"It looks serious," Hagrid said uneasily, "but I think Madam Pomfrey can cure Malfoy immediately, but he has been wearing a bandage recently."

"What are the specific injuries?"

Hagrid pointed to his right arm and traced it from top to bottom with his finger: "Buckbeak's claw scratched his arm and it bled a lot..."

"Don't worry, Hagrid." Wright comforted him. "Although the hippogriff is very strong, it does not have any outstanding magical abilities. Such scratches can be easily solved. According to my experience, Pomfret Mrs. Lei will definitely be able to completely cure this injury in less than an hour."

Hagrid couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"But don't take it too lightly." Wright continued, "Draco Malfoy has probably recovered a long time ago, but he is still wearing a bandage. He must be thinking of something bad."

"Yes!" Hagrid nodded and said, "The Malfoys are all from Slytherin House! They are definitely not good people!"

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