Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 346 The decision is yours! Dementors!

The teaching of the Patronus Charm in the school doctor's office lasted until noon, and Madam Pomfrey invited several people out of the school doctor's office on the grounds that it was lunch time.

Among the people, Chang Chu's Patronus Charm has made the greatest progress, firstly because she was taught this spell by Wright a long time ago, and secondly because she had faced the soul-destroying spell on the Hogwarts Express before. At a strange time, an incomplete non-corporeal patronus was successfully cast once.

Now when Chang Chu casts the Patron Saint Spell, the Patron Saint emerging from the wand has begun to take shape, and the day when she can successfully summon the physical Patron Saint should not be far away.

Wright couldn't yet tell what Chang Chu's patron saint was from the silvery light, but judging from its size, it shouldn't be a large animal.

Yes, what Wright said is that Chang Chu's patron saint will not be a tiger!

Although in the magical world, there are indeed examples of couples being a stag and a doe, Wright once secretly fantasized about Chang Chu's patron saint and his forming a male and a female pair.

But how to say it?

Ever since Wright mastered the magic of Animagus, he has never looked forward to it like this.

Because according to the unspoken rule that under normal circumstances, the image of the Animagus and the physical patron saint are consistent, if Chang Chu's patron saint is a little tiger, then her Animagus will also be a tiger.


Then forget it.

Wright didn't want his family status to fall into such a miserable state in the future.

In addition, among the Gryffindor trio, Hermione and Ron made almost no progress all morning because they had just started learning today. They just kept chanting the "Invoke God's Guardian" spell in a loop.

And it seems that because he only saw the Dementors yesterday, Harry can only summon some light silver catkins from his wand, which is only better than Hermione and Ron, but better than nothing.

Although he knew that Lupine would soon teach Harry this magic in person, while eating lunch in the auditorium, Wright couldn't help but think about some "home remedies" that could speed up the progress of learning the Patronus Charm.

Chang Chu, who was sitting next to him, noticed that Wright suddenly stopped eating, and couldn't help but asked: "Lite, what are you thinking about? Why don't you eat?"

Wright came back from his thoughts and confessed: "Oh, I was wondering if there was any way to speed up your learning of the Patronus Charm."

"Huh?" Chang Chu immediately asked with interest, "Have you come up with any ideas?"

"No, I still don't recommend you to use some crooked ways to speed up your learning of high-level magic, especially white magic like the Patronus Charm that is directly related to emotions and will." Wright said this not only to Chang Chu, but also to the person sitting opposite. Hermione and Ron said, "It's like a happy spell. I don't recommend you use it at all."

Hermione nodded in agreement. How could there be a shortcut to learning magic?

Ron hung his head in frustration. He was still expecting Wright to magically provide a solution.

"But -" Chang Chu immediately picked up the topic in her heart, knowing that Wright would definitely say such words next moment.

As expected, Wright immediately said: "There are some auxiliary props that can still be used, but you have to wait for me to observe them first."

Chang Chu asked: "What are you observing?"

"You will find out soon." Wright put down his knife and fork, stood up, left the Ravenclaw table, and walked towards the entrance of the auditorium.

"But aren't you going back to Beauxbatons tonight?" Chang Chu hesitated for a moment, then left behind his unfinished lunch, Hermione and Ron, and ran out with Wright.

"That was at night," Wright said. "There's plenty of time, so it doesn't matter."

Wright had already made plans when Dumbledore invited him back to Hogwarts. For this reason, he even sent a message to Villita, saying that he would not go to Nurmengard this weekend. .

Besides, there was nothing going on at Beauxbatons, and Madame Maxime didn't care about him anyway.

"But what are you going to observe now?" Chang Chu said, "If we continue walking, we will leave the castle."

"Just get out of the castle," Wright smiled proudly, "After all, the dementors are not in the castle, are they?"

"Are you going to find the dementors?" Chang Chu said eagerly.

"Literally, just to observe them."

"Then what?"

"Then use alchemy to create a fake."

"It sounds very exciting! Walk faster! I've long been unhappy with those dementors!"


Half an hour later, in a clearing deep in the Forbidden Forest.

On the empty land that was once used by Wright and Hagrid to place Lu Wei, a tall golden tower now stands. Under the wash of rain, the surface of the golden tower emits a sparkling light.

"How did you put such a tower in your pocket?" Chang Chu walked into the golden tower with a look of surprise on his face, "I originally thought that this tower stood in the village of St. Catchpol and would not move. Woolen cloth!"

"If it couldn't move, how could I use it to make a little fortress chess piece?" Wright said.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, I'm starting to look at you with admiration. You are indeed my good boyfriend!"

Wright ignored Chang Chu's rather disgusting words and walked straight to the huge workbench in the center of the first floor. The first floor of the Golden Tower was originally used by him as his own alchemy workshop, and it was just right now. .

Standing in front of the workbench, Wright waved in the direction of the wall. A pile of magic materials obeyed his will and flew out from all corners of the room, landing on the workbench accurately.

Wright pressed the saprophytic wood wand against his temple, frowned and pulled out a piece of silver memory from it, and then threw it into the pensieve at hand.

Under the influence of the Appearance Magic, an illusory Dementor figure immediately appeared above the Pensieve.

"Is what you pulled out of your mind just now your memory?" Chang Chu walked over softly and said in a soft tone.

"Yes." Wright said casually. At this time, he had nothing to do. While looking at the phantom of the Dementor, he also paid attention to the materials on the table, thinking about how to make this alchemy tool to assist in learning the Patronus Charm. .

Although from a distance, the dementor's appearance is almost the same as that of humans, looking like a down-and-out wizard wearing a tattered cloak.

But after Wright's observation just now, he found that the upper body of the dementor is indeed not much different from the human wizard, but the lower body has no legs for support at all. Under the tattered robe, it is completely empty and black. fog.

In other words, to construct the alchemical puppet Dementor, you only need the main body, head, hands, and cloak.

If a sculptor was asked to complete such a reproduction task, it might take him several months to completely replicate an incapable Dementor model.

But for Wright, who has mastered quite advanced transformation techniques, if he wants to make a model exactly like a dementor, he only needs to carefully trace it in his mind.

With the help of the transfiguration technique, a lifelike Dementor model soon appeared on the workbench.

Like the real Dementor, this model only wears a long black rag cloak, completely covering its tall and thin body, and its head is almost completely hidden under the hood. , what was left outside the cloak was a pair of thin and dry arms, a dark mouth, and uneven, few black and yellow teeth.

It looked like a dead dementor corpse.

Of course, creatures like dementors transcend life and death, or are immortal. At least for now, wizards have not found any way to really kill dementors. The ones lying on the workbench are just Just a model.

"What's left?" Wright observed the memory shadow of the Dementor on the side, and kept moving his hands to add the necessary magic to the Dementor model.

"The constant change spell and the transformation spell can ensure that the appearance of the Dementor model is not affected by time changes. The basic movement spell can allow it to retain the basic movements of reaching out, raising hands, raising its head and opening its mouth." Wright muttered quickly, "Waterproof spell Do you need it? Let’s add one; by the way, to avoid being destroyed by others, there is also a powerful armor spell; the target of the floating spell seems to be needed, and a dementor who can’t move a robe will definitely not scare anyone. …”

Soon, a dementor with billowing black robes and a mouth that kept opening and closing appeared above the workbench.

Looking at the motionless Dementor model, Chang Chu couldn't help but take a small step back. She knew clearly that this was a fake dementor, and she had seen with her own eyes the process of how Wright made it, but apart from the magical effects, Chang Chu felt that this dementor was nothing like a real dementor. The appearance is different!

"What else is there?" Wright stopped what he was doing and carefully observed the model in front of him. "The external condition should be almost the same. What we need to check now is the core and the magic effect."

"Anywhere the dementors pass by, happiness will be sucked away, making people feel chilled." Wright waved his wand and filled in the gaps in the model's magic lines with new magic. "Powerful freezing spell? It doesn't seem to work. , but it’s almost the same, the cold will make people unable to move; and then suck away the happiness - then use the Sadness Curse, the degree is a bit insufficient, but you can’t ask for too much; it will automatically associate people with sad memories, then use Constant Legilimency curse……"

The air on the first floor of the Golden Tower seemed to have suddenly cooled down by more than ten degrees. Chang Chu couldn't help but shrink his neck as he looked at the dementor model not far away that was constantly emitting chills.

What exactly does Wright want to do? There is almost no difference between being fake and being real!

After about half an hour, this not-so-long model-making process came to an end. Wright held a black ball about the size of a fist in his hand and walked towards Chang Chu, who was staring at the wall in a daze.

"The stuff is ready. Do you want to try the effect?" Wright patted Chang Chu's shoulder gently.

Chang Chu sniffed and nodded reluctantly.

Wright smashed the black ball out, just like Ash in his memory, and shouted loudly: "The decision is yours! Dementor!"

With a slightly artificial "click" sound, a dazzling white light flashed, and the dementor in tattered black robes emerged from the black ball, its hooded face facing Wright and Chang. Chu turned around, holding up his gleaming, sore-covered right hand, and at the same time let out a low, snoring sound.

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