Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 35 The First Lesson of the Purple Bald Head

Wright had no idea what was going on in the principal's office. When he woke up on Tuesday morning, he did not wait for Chang Chu in the common room as usual. However, Wright didn't feel anything wrong with this. Anyway, he would meet him again in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class later, probably within a short while.

The purple bald man's class was in the second period in the morning, so there was no need to rush to the auditorium for breakfast like yesterday. After slowly and leisurely finishing the staple food at the long table in the auditorium, Wright was still interested in holding a glass of pumpkin juice and slowly sipping it.

Professor McGonagall's praise and Professor Flitwick's praise are all secondary. People are like iron rice and steel. If you don't eat one meal, you will feel hungry. The most important thing is to fill your stomach first.

After the bell rang for the first period, Wright calmly put away the papers on the table. The pile of manuscript paper was filled with drawings about the design of the new broomstick. This was the broomstick Wright redesigned last night based on Radice's manuscript. But it’s just a first draft, and it’s still far from finished.

Then, Wright came to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom on the third floor.

As soon as he walked into the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, Wright knew that this class would be very different from what he expected. Although I don’t know if the big purple bald man teaching the class is really Thanos, but the class he teaches will definitely contain real materials.

The Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom is very different from yesterday's Transfiguration and Charms classrooms. It is more similar to the kind of lecture theaters in universities that are dedicated to teaching large classes. Stairs rise from the floor to a height close to the middle of the wall, and the stairs are filled with desks and chairs for students.

Wright was surprised to find that these desks and chairs were already occupied by freshmen from other colleges, which meant that this Defense Against the Dark Arts course was taken by four colleges together, at least for Wright's first grade.

After a while, Wright spotted Chang Chu sitting in the corner on the left. She was concentrating on reading the textbook on the table. Wright habitually walked to the empty seat next to Chang Chu and sat down, but today Chang Chu did not greet him with a smile like before, but instead frowned.

Wright touched his face a little strangely, but he didn't find any pumpkin juice residue...

Seeing that Chang Chu had no intention of speaking, Wright had no choice but to put down his intention of asking, put the textbook on the table, and started reading like Chang Chu. There is only one Defense Against the Dark Arts book on the shopping list for first-year students at Hogwarts, and that is "Dark Powers: A Guide to Self-Defense" by Quentin Trimble.

Wright had read through this book during the summer vacation and memorized some of the important contents recorded in it. He took out the book now, just to review it before going to class.

As time goes by, more and more students come into the classroom, and the sound becomes more and more noisy. Wright raised his head and looked around, and found that the first-year students had almost arrived. The only ones he remembered were Cormac MacLagen from Gryffindor and Terry Travers from Slytherin. , not to mention the other Ravenclaw students.

As for the Hufflepuff students, sorry, there are too many of them, and they haven't done anything outstanding these past two days. Even though Wright spent a whole day with them in class yesterday, he still wasn't impressed by them.

After the class bell rang, Professor Devonte Simplin slowly pushed open a wooden door on the second floor of the classroom and went down the stairs in front of the door to around the podium. Of course, Wright still has reservations about whether the big purple bald head is really called Devonte Simplin.

"Good morning, my dear students." After stopping at the edge of the podium, Professor Derwent said to the students in the audience with a smile on his face, just like he had said to the students in the audience for more than fifty years before. The audience greeted each other calmly.

"Good morning, Professor Derwent!" The response from the students in the audience was beyond Wright's expectation.

"Well, I guess you all already know me, and I don't need to introduce myself any more." Professor Derwent still maintained a smile, "As for the roll call, there is no need. Students who will miss the first class are not worth it. I'll pay attention."

Freshmen in the audience, look at me and I look at you. In this short minute, they had already felt the difference between this professor and other professors.

"I am personally very honored to be invited by Dumbledore to come to Hogwarts to teach." Professor Derwent said, "I am also very honored to teach the subject Defense Against the Dark Arts, which was originally called Lessons in Combat Magic.”

Some students in the audience seemed surprised by what Professor Derwent said and were about to take out their notebooks to write down this, but Professor Derwent stopped them immediately.

"Don't remember this thing. The previous name of this course has been abandoned. No dark wizard will spare you just because you remember the original name of this course, and no magic will be more powerful just because you know this." Big increase.”

Many students put down their notes obediently, and more students looked at Professor Derwent eagerly. According to the warnings of their families and the experience of the senior students, they already know what a reliable Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher looks like.

"I believe you have noticed that the classroom is full of freshmen from four colleges at this time. Yes, I have merged all the first-year Defense Against the Dark Arts classes into one, and this will continue to be the case in the future." Devonte The professor looked around the classroom.

"I will teach you how to use dark magic correctly, and how to defend against dark magic correctly."

"I'm going to teach you how to fight, not give you until next Monday a ten-inch essay on how to defend yourself against a red hat."

"If you are willing, I have also arranged some small extracurricular activities with your second-year seniors. I think those small activities are both interesting and useful."

"Of course, if you don't want to, there is nothing you can do to refuse. After all, I am the teacher of this course."

"Now, please put your belongings in the drawers, and then I will clean up the space in the classroom."

"Then, I will teach you three very practical magics, namely attack: stun, defense: armor protection, and disarm: Expelliarmus."

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