Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 355 Ravenclaw vs. Slytherin Part 1


The four long tables that were originally stacked in the corner during the Christmas vacation have been returned to their original places. Students returning from school filled every available seat on the benches, and the lively noise was endless.

The hottest topics in the castle right now are the Christmas vacation that just ended and the upcoming Quidditch match. As for Sirius, who still occupies the front page of the Daily Prophet, only one month has passed, but he has already been almost forgotten by people. Maybe it won't be until the next time Sirius breaks into school that people will recall the fear of being dominated by him.

Chang Chu was sitting at the Ravenclaw dining table. As long as she raised her head, she could see the magic ceiling that could truly reflect the weather outside. The continuous rain and snow weather has passed along with the holidays, and the bright sunshine shines unbridled in the auditorium, which is in harmony with the youthful and lively atmosphere below.

Chang Chu liked this weather very much, not only because she was fed up with the cold winter rain and snow, but also because it was a very suitable day for Quidditch matches.

A week has passed since the start of school, and the school resumed classes as early as the second day of the holiday.

The weather in the first few days of class was not very good. The gray sky made it look cold and damp, making the students wish they could live next to the fireplace in their common room.

But luckily, the weather suddenly cleared up on Saturday, the first game of the new semester.

"This must be a good sign!" Chang Chu thought to himself while cutting the veal steak carefully prepared by Jiajia with a dining knife, "It means Ravenclaw is about to win the battle against Slytherin with a huge gap. The game between!”

"Good girl, what are you thinking about?"

Chang Chu, who was imagining the scene of winning this year's Quidditch Cup alone, suddenly found someone next to her. She couldn't help but look up: "Senior Penello?"

"Yes, my girl." Penelo sat down next to Chang Chu, and she pursed her lips vaguely towards the Slytherin table, "Are you confident in today's game?"

"What do you think about this?" Chang Chu said with a smile, "If we catch the Golden Snitch before Malfoy, there is no need to continue discussing this issue."

"Yes, people know that you are a super excellent seeker!" Penelo put his arm around Chang Chu's shoulders and said to her affectionately, "The best one in the history of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team. !”

"A large part of the credit goes to Wright," Chang Chu said modestly. "If he hadn't made such an excellent broomstick, I wouldn't be able to fly so well."

"Yes, Wright." Penello narrowed his eyes with a smile, "Although no one really believes that a fourth-year student can make a broomstick comparable to a rocket crossbow, but with all the Ravenclaws, Same, I have no doubt! You must work hard for today’s game!”

"I've heard this from Roger hundreds of thousands of times!" Chang Chu smiled and nodded.

At 10:30 in the morning, the members of the Ravenclaw team, led by captain Roger, set off to the locker room of the Quidditch pitch.

The weather outside the castle was like the ceiling in the Great Hall, clear, cool, and breezy.

At the last second before entering the locker room, all the team members heard encouraging blessings from fellow houses, Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, instead of only hearing the noisy words like the last time they watched the game. Wind, rain and thunder.

As the only girl in the team, even though the space in the locker room is relatively small, the team members still gave Chang Chu a small locker room that was large enough for him to change his clothes.

Chang Chu quickly took off the thick black school uniform robe, and his good figure was quickly hidden under the blue training robe.

"Everyone knows my style and our plan for this game." Roger's voice came from outside the small locker room, "We are now ranked first in points. As long as we beat Slytherin, we will We can continue to consolidate our first position and draw points with third-place Hufflepuff. I think everyone understands what that means. It means that we can almost book the Quidditch Cup championship this year!”

"Champion! Champion! Champion!" All the team members immediately cheered loudly, including Chang Chu.

Soon, everyone walked to the court outside together. The cheers from the stands were deafening, and every student had a smile on his face.

When Chang Chu walked to the center of the court with his players, a group of Slytherin players wearing green uniforms walked out of their locker room. Each Slytherin player held a smooth and shiny knife in his hand. Nimbus 2001 is in sharp contrast to the Sweeping Seven Stars held by most members of the Eagle Academy.

Chang Chu narrowed his eyes, holding Chu Yue's broomstick with his palm and secretly exerting force, "I will definitely win!"

Players from both sides stand face to face behind their respective captains, and each player faces an opponent who plays the same position as themselves.

Of course, Chang Chu faced Draco.

"Davis, Flint, shake hands." Mrs. Hooch said crisply without giving the team members time to trash talk each other.

Roger stretched out his hand to shake Flint's hand, and before Flint was about to force his hand, he flexibly pulled out his palm.

Mrs. Huo Qi said habitually: "Now please ask your respective team members to ride on the broomstick...listen to my whistle...three-two-one! Hush!!"

Chang Chu tapped his feet lightly, and Chu Yue responded immediately. Like an extension of his thoughts, it carried Chang Chu up into the air, faster than all other brooms.

Lee Jordan sat on the podium dutifully and announced the game to everyone.

"The game has begun. The two participating teams in this game are the Slytherin team and the Ravenclaw team!" Li Jordan explained while holding the magic microphone. His enthusiastic voice was transmitted to everyone in the stadium through the "loud voice" magic. in the ears.

The cheers from the stands became more intense, with the shouts from the blue phalanx and the green phalanx the loudest.

"This is the first Quidditch match that the Slytherin team has participated in this school year, so they are not ranked yet, but if they win this match, they may be able to take away the first place that originally belonged to Ravenclaw. " Jordan explained the background of the game, "Ravenclaw is currently ranked first among the four major colleges in terms of Quidditch scores. They defeated Hufflepuff at the end of November last year; Hufflepuff is in second place. Although they competed twice, they won one and lost one; the last one was Gryffindor. They lost nearly a hundred points in the last game and almost lost their precious Seekers to those damn Dementors. !”

"Watch the language, Jordan." Professor McGonagall's voice interrupted.

"No problem, professor." Jordan said casually and skillfully, "Let's take a look at the situation on the court."

"The game has been going on for two minutes, the score is zero to zero, and no one has scored yet." Jordan explained, "The Quaffle is now being taken by Roger Davis, the chaser of the Ravenclaw team. In hand, by the way, he is also the captain of Ravenclaw."

"But in the final analysis, Davis's broom can only sweep seven stars. It is too far away from the Slytherin team's standard Nimbus 2001. The troll in Flint has already moved towards him." Jordan said, "Flint is a very powerful monster chaser who often uses some despicable methods, such as hitting people maliciously. I say, it's fortunate that he is not in the batsman position, otherwise the handle would be The bat used to hit the Bludger will probably become an extremely brutal murder weapon. "

"Jordan, watch your language!"

"Sorry professor, that's the kind of guy he is, and we all know - OK, OK, let's get back on the court," Jordan said. "What's Davis going to do when Flint pounces? What choice would he make - a beautiful pass! The Quaffle was passed extremely extremely by Davis one second before it was taken away, and it was passed accurately to another player closer to the Slytherin goal. In the hands of the Chaser! Is he ready to throw the ball?"

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