Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 365 Participants from other countries

Having said that, the opening ceremony of the International Alchemy Congress had already been held in mid-January.

However, Wright only retained the memory of that day until he went to the venue that morning, because he spent most of the rest of the day listening to the speech of the skinny old man on the stage.

Wright had a vague impression of the verbose old man named Babajide Akinbad. It seemed that in the original book, Dumbledore was deposed from the International Federation of Wizards after delivering a speech about the return of Voldemort at the International Federation of Wizards. The person who succeeded him as the president of the Federation was this little wizard with an unassuming appearance, Mr. Akinbad.

But what makes Wright feel a little strange is that Mr. Babajide Akinbad, who serves as the vice president of the International Federation of Wizards, seems to have never heard of him having anything to do with alchemy, even When Nicolás Flamel introduced the alchemists who had left an impression on him since the Middle Ages, he never mentioned Akinbad's name.

So why did he speak on behalf of the organizer, the Egyptian Alchemy Research Center, on such an important occasion?

But those things were not important. Ajinbad's long-winded speech that day put almost all the wizards at the venue in a bad mood, and they had almost no intention to attend the subsequent banquet activities.

It was not until several small-scale alchemy competitions that the atmosphere in the Crimson Square became lively again.

Just when Wright was lost in memories, Chang Chu asked again: "You said the first game is over?"

"Well, it is said that there are two more games for us to participate in later, but whether to participate depends on their own wishes." Wright nodded and said.

"You guys?" Chang Chu asked, "Speaking of which, you just said you met some people, who are they?"

"There are people from all over the world, and many of them are quite capable." Wright said, "They are probably top students from various magic schools, top students specializing in alchemy. There may also be some from unknown schools. There are many wild young alchemists in a small place, but there are not many of them, and their quality is also uneven.”

Chang Chu asked: "Are they all powerful?"

"Some people are indeed very powerful. For ordinary students, their level is probably the ultimate level that can be learned in school." Wright said, "But there are also some who are ordinary and ordinary. They probably just listened to Alchemy." I came to the conference with the name of art, and I couldn’t even transform various unrelated components at the same time.”

Chang Chu's brows couldn't help but twitch. In Wright's eyes, being able to transform various unrelated components of a complex magic item at the same time can only be regarded as sparse and ordinary? She, a fourth-year Hogwarts student, hasn't learned this stuff yet, okay? It is said that you only come into contact with similar concepts of transfiguration in the sixth grade.

Wright keenly observed Chang Chu's expression, and knew in his heart that something he had just said might have accidentally irritated her, so he quickly changed the topic and said, "By the way, I have made a few new friends here, do you want to know? ?”

Chang Chu suppressed his admiration for Wright from the bottom of his heart and said, "Who is there?"

"First of all, one comes from our hometown, China." Wright said with excitement, "He..."

"Wait a minute, why has China become our hometown?" Chang Chu couldn't help but complain, "And you use the word 'we' too naturally, right? Aren't you a native British wizard?"

"Why do you care so much about this little thing?" Wright waved his hand, "What's mine is yours, and what's yours is mine. Your motherland is naturally my motherland."

"Shameless!" Chang Chu made a face at Wright behind the double-sided mirror, "Did you just say 'him'? Is that a boy?"

"Yes!" Wright nodded happily, "He is a very creative guy, his name is Jiang Ruiyang. I heard that when he was in China, he defeated a lot of competitors, even Zou Yan's descendants. I got this opportunity to travel abroad at public expense—ah, no, it’s to attend the International Alchemy Conference.”

"I've never heard of this person," Chang Chu shook his head and said, "And who is Zou Yan?"

"A great alchemist in ancient China who perfected the Five Elements Theory of Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth and Yin-Yang Theory - Chang Chu, you may be a fake Chinese. I know more about Chinese wizards than you do. ." Wright complained.

"I just go back less often!" Chang Chu retorted with a blushing face.

"Let's go back to Jiang Ruiyang." Wright said with a smile, "Where did we just talk about? Oh, his first alchemy work at the conference! Xiaochu, you will never guess what it is?"

Chang Chu pinched the roots of his red ears and said angrily: "Say it quickly!"

"A pot!" Wright said happily.

"Pot?" Chang Chu had an incomprehensible expression on his face, "What the hell is that?"

"It's just a pot!" Wright said, "a fully automatic magic pot for cooking! And it only supports Chinese cuisine! I love it so much! Xiaochu, you don't even know that I was almost overwhelmed by the seasonings in Egyptian cuisine before. Damn it! I feel like the spices they put into their dishes in one day can be used by chefs in other countries for a week!”

"Thank you for your hard work." Chang Chu said dryly.

"Jiang Ruiyang named the pot he made the Mysterious Chinese Pot. I think it fits very well." Wright added, "And..."

"Okay, are there any other alchemists from other countries?" Chang Chu interrupted.

Wright choked for a moment. He was just about to introduce to Chang Chu which cuisines the "mysterious Chinese pot" could support and how many Chinese dishes it could cook directly!

"Any more?"

"There are other countries too," Wright said. "For example, Japan's magic house also sent a girl..."

"Female again?"

"There's nothing I can do about this..." Wright said speechlessly, "The existence of magic has tried its best to balance the gender differences between men and women. It's not up to me to decide whether the contestants sent by the Japanese Magic Institute are girls..."

"I'm not..." Chang Chu said, "Okay, you can continue talking..."

Wright sorted out his thoughts to avoid accidentally using words that would cause the jealous king opposite to burst out again: "The girl's name is Anzai Nanako, and she always wears a golden robe. According to my experience of Japanese magic schools I understand that she is about to graduate from the magic place.”

"Is there a magic school in Japan?"

"Yes, and the entrance age of the Magic Institute is earlier than that of Hogwarts. It does not stipulate the study time for students, but only when students know enough to turn their magic robes into gold, can they graduate from the Magic Institute." Wright explained, "This is why I judged that Nanako Anzai was about to graduate."

"Is that An Zhai very strong?"

"I haven't competed, I don't know." Wright said, "But her English pronunciation is very awkward, and she always calls me 'Lado', which sounds like the name of a dog. In addition, her mind is also It’s quite broad, probably…”

Wright noticed the dangerous look in Chang Chu's eyes and immediately stopped talking.

"There are also some alchemists from other countries. There is an alchemist named Mustafa from Egypt. There is also a participant from Germany. I don't know if he was born in Demster. Long, but his surname is Agripba. If nothing else, he should be a descendant of the famous alchemist Cornelius Agripba; there is a Jack among the American participants, and I don’t know if this is The most commonly used name there; alchemists also came from Australia, and others..."

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