Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 367: Blood (4,000 words)

For students still at Hogwarts, this year's Easter break is not as easy as in previous years.

Chang Chu is busy with Quidditch training day after day, and in the rest of her free time, she has to carefully deal with her academic papers, herbalism, transfiguration, charms, potions... Chang Chu has clearly felt it at this time. Although she didn't expect to catch up with the gradually growing distance between her and Wright in terms of magical power, she didn't want to wait until Wright returned to school and only see herself without progress.

The third-year students seemed to be even busier. I don’t know why. This year’s professors seemed to be affected by Sirius’s frequent attacks on the school. Their vigilance and sense of responsibility also became very strong. They invariably assigned a considerable number of tasks to the students. They probably have too much homework to satisfy their growing desire to go out as they age.

In short, it is to use a lot of homework to trap the students in the castle and prevent them from running outside.

But within the school, no one should be busier than Hermione.

Unlike ordinary third-year students, Hermione has chosen all the elective courses. Even though she dropped a Divination class last month, she still has a lot of other courses, large and small. There are a total of twelve courses, including highly difficult courses such as Transfiguration, Arithmetic Divination, and Ancient Rune Studies that require a lot of time and energy to study in depth.

Normally, Hermione was the last one in Gryffindor House to leave the common room and the first one to arrive in the library the next morning.

According to Chang Chu's inadvertent discovery, Hermione already had two big dark circles under her eyes, and she always looked like she was about to cry.

Generally speaking, the most relaxed students in Hogwarts are probably the players on the Ravenclaw Quidditch team, because in all the school games this year, Ravenclaw played against Hufflepuff. Hufflepuff, Slytherin and Gryffindor, and maintained a super-excellent score of kills; Hufflepuff's overall score was one win and two losses, Slytherin's score was two wins and one loss, and Gryffindor's overall score was one win and two losses. His results were all three losses (with Hufflepuff because of the dementor attack, and with the other two houses because Harry couldn't keep up with his broomstick. They were all external factors, not because of Harry's poor Quidditch talent) .

In other words, the Ravenclaw team is almost certain to win this year's Quidditch Cup, as long as they score two hundred points in the next game against Slytherin. Just split the difference and catch the Golden Snitch.

But is that possible?

Even Flint, the captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team, didn't hold out such hope.

If you want to increase the point difference with Ravenclaw to more than 350 points, unless Flint can make all the old members of the Ravenclaw team lose their hands and feet, unable to participate in the game, and then start again Their broomsticks were dismantled and the new temporary team members could only play on the school's meteor broomsticks.

Such a serious foul is naturally not allowed.

Moreover, the relationship between the two houses of Slytherin and Ravenclaw is not as clear-cut and incompatible as that of Slytherin and Gryffindor. Therefore, the relationship between the two houses is only a little more tense than before, and there is no Even when there was a scuffle, there was no comical incident like "two students fighting in the corridor, each causing leeks to grow out of the other's ears."

As of now, Chang Chu is the most respected person in the entire Ravenclaw Academy, probably even more than Dean Flitwick. Everyone understands that Chang Chu, as the seeker, is the most critical part of the entire Quidditch team, and her outstanding performance in the previous games is obvious to all.

Therefore, Chang Chu has almost no time to be alone now. No matter where she goes, there are people following her. This is also Roger's secret order. As a qualified Ravenclaw, Roger does not want such a valuable member to be harmed in any way. He will not have any involvement with Flint, or the entire Slytherin academy." Expectations from positive words such as “kindness and justice”.

This was also the painful lesson that Roger learned in Professor Derwent's extracurricular activities class when he was knocked unconscious by a stun spell shot from the Slytherin team.

Although it was only his first year in office and his experience as captain was not very rich, Roger also understood that for the current Slytherin, if he wanted to win, there was no other way but to use any means necessary.

Roger could tolerate any one of the three positions of goalkeeper, batsman, and chaser being accidentally injured and leaving the field. He could even accept that he could not play with a broken leg, but he would never allow the most precious seeker. Chang Chu was suddenly attacked by something.

But fortunately, the people in Slytherin didn't seem to be prepared to make any small moves off the court, nor were they prepared to prevent some people from playing.

But Roger vaguely knew that if those people in Slytherin either wanted to give up the Quidditch Cup, or they were planning to use some "special means" in the game, they were definitely wrong!


There are fine white clouds lingering on the sapphire blue sky, which looks high and clear. The pale yellow sunshine shines on the body, and the air is filled with a warm atmosphere of the coming summer.

But in fact, the temperature in Crimson Square is indeed quite high, gradually approaching the 30-degree mark.

Just today, the second session of the much-anticipated International Alchemy Conference Young Alchemist Skills Competition is about to begin.

Wearing casual summer clothes, Wright said goodbye to his last friend who came to greet him, and was about to close the door and refine the entries he had already conceived.

In the first game, Wright originally thought he would encounter some strong opponent, but except for the descendant of the Agrippa family from Germany who put a certain amount of pressure, almost no player put pressure on him. .

By the way, Mr. Agrippa doesn't seem to attach much importance to his family's traditions.

Wright clearly remembered that Mr. Cornelius Agrippa's most famous book was "Three Books of Esoteric Philosophy", which covered a variety of occult topics and discussed a large number of issues related to the optimization of alchemical formations. But his descendant, Mr. Agrippa Agrippa, seems to only focus on the power of alchemical works, and is vaguely influenced by the customs in Germany. He likes to refine some black magic items, and is very interested in the alchemy of curses. He also has a special liking for props. His alchemy work in the first scene was a cursed ring.

In any case, the theme of today's era is not very receptive to such a dark alchemist, so Agrippa Agrippa's alchemical works are not very favored by the judges and the businessmen in the field.

Anyway, in the end, Wright's "Shadow of Gherros" successfully won the first place in the first game.

As for Fleur who came with Wright in the first place...

To be honest, Wright felt inexplicably as if he hadn't seen her for a long time...

During these days in Red Square, Wright got up earlier than a chicken and went to bed later than a dog almost every day. When he went out every morning, Fleur hadn't even gotten up yet, and when he came back at night, this girl was already asleep. Got off.

Although they live together, the two rarely see each other in daily life.

Therefore, after Wright came to Egypt, his impression of Fleur probably stayed at the level of "this is a comic book girl who lives next door to him." After this little half a year, the relationship between the two has cooled down, and it is even better than the one in Beauxbatons. Even more unfamiliar.

As for Fleur's work in the first scene...

It looks like a mask?

Wright didn't remember it very clearly. It seemed that Fleur had created a veil that could enchant people's minds based on her Veela blood. The name was not yet certain, and he didn't ask.

Although this is a bit hurtful to say, it is indeed the truth. Wright knows how vigilant his jealous little boy is, and there is no point in joking about such a thing.

Regarding the contestants from other countries...

Wright remembered that Jiang Ruiyang's work was a fully automatic magic cooking pot, and the name seemed to be "Mysterious Chinese Pot". He didn't know if it was to cater to the judges' preferences; in addition, Miss Anzai Nanako, a busty girl from Japan, Her work is a fan blessed with wind-calling magic, which can summon strong winds; Mustafa, the local young alchemist in Egypt, his work is a magic bow and arrow, or a crossbow is more appropriate.

As for the alchemists from other countries...

Let’s talk about some of the more “impressive” alchemy works.

There is a sword with a super cool name, "The Sword of Darkness". It looks gorgeous and high-end, but in fact, it is just a lightsaber that glows when you hold it in a dark place, and it can only shine, nothing else. effect. At that time, the alchemist from South America wanted to ensure that the "Sword of Darkness" would not be dangerous or offensive. Even the blade of the sword was made of that kind of magic rubber, and he even deliberately polished it. It became a blunt body...

There is also a "cyclone boomerang" that can fly to a distance using the wind from behind, and then automatically return to the owner. However, during testing, it was found that this boomerang was often blown away by the wind when it came back. So that I can't fly back accurately...

There is also a "magic bubble launcher", the magic effect is just as the name suggests...

There is also a prosthetic magic prop called the "Shark Arm", which can also be worn by able-bodied wizards. The effect of the prop is to transform the arm worn into a small shark.

In fact, the effect is not bad, but the problem is that the alchemist who invented this alchemy tool does not seem to have carefully understood the problem of whether sharks can leave the water, nor did he use magic to solve it in time. this problem.

This caused this "shark arm" to lose its function before being tested...

Wright's evaluation of it was, well, "shark-like."

As for other participating works, I won’t go into details here. Anyway, it felt like an “eye-opener” to Wright.

I don’t know if those players who participated in the previous conference will have the courage to continue to participate in the second game today, or if for them, the Alchemy Conference is just “friendship comes first and participation is the most important.”

Shaking his head secretly, Wright threw those irrelevant memories out of his mind and prepared to start refining his alchemy work today.

However, at this moment, several piercing screams came from outside, but they stopped immediately.

Wright frowned. Logically speaking, every participant's room had been cast with a very powerful soundproofing spell. This was also to ensure that the alchemists in the room would not be affected by the noise when refining alchemy props. Regarding the interference from external factors, you must know that the primary factor for many magic research is silence. This is one of the reasons why most wizards like to live in the suburbs.

But now there is actually such a sound that can reach Wright's ears from outside the door.

Although it didn't last long, just a moment, it was enough to attract attention.

Wright put down what he was doing, walked to the door and removed the protective magic he had previously attached to the door, and calmly walked out of the room.

There were many alchemists who had the same idea as him. Not far away, Wright saw a "familiar" person, the local alchemist Mustafa from Egypt, who also left the room and left. out.

According to Mustafa's own introduction, he comes from a long-standing family in Egypt. The family has been studying magic related to the pyramids for generations. Most of the family members work in the Egyptian Alchemy Research Center, and It can be regarded as a family of alchemists passed down from generation to generation.

"Mustafa!" Wright walked up and started talking, "Do you know what happened?"

Mustafa glanced at Wright. He was a dark-skinned wizard wearing a turban made of white cloth.

During the short half year in the Red Square, Mustafa, who can be regarded as the host, has naturally met Wright on various occasions. The relationship between the two is better than that of some other contestants. Said, it can be regarded as more familiar.

"I don't know, that's why I came out to take a look." Mustafa shook his head and spoke in a thick voice.

"Then did you notice that the soundproofing magic cast on the room just now failed?" Wright asked again.

Mustafa nodded and was about to speak.

At this moment, a door farther away suddenly opened, and a red torrent carried a wizard in black robes and rushed out of the room. The red torrent also carried some other scattered alchemical materials. There was a piece of clothing that was faintly shining with the light of scales, but it had been eroded by the torrent.

The air was filled with a fishy smell.

Wright took his time and cast a head soaking spell on himself, and Mustafa also used his own method to isolate him from the dirty air.

"How could an accident happen? And what kind of alchemy props require the use of this kind of sewage?" Wright asked with a frown.

"It doesn't seem like... this blood..." Mustafa stared at the red blood that was stopped not far away, his tone full of hesitation, "It seems like..."

After pondering for a moment, Mustafa stopped thinking. He took out his wand and cast a water-clearing spell.

It was different from what Wright expected to see.

What Mustafa summoned was not pure water.

The ball summoned by the water magic was actually a ball of blood, the same color as the liquid that just poured out of the room.

"Yeah...this bloody water...is a disaster..." Mustafa murmured.

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