Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 370 The reaction of the Egyptian Ministry of Magic

Egyptian Ministry of Magic.

Different from the magical world in Europe, due to geographical reasons, although the population of the Egyptian wizarding world is not less than that of the wizards in Britain and France, it is even much larger. In the vast expanse of desolate desert, it was easier for Egyptian wizards to hide themselves from Muggles than it was for Britain and France.

Therefore, the Egyptian Ministry of Magic is not like the British and French Ministry of Magic, which each use magic to hide the magic headquarters in the national capital.

On the contrary, either because of the inheritance of magical knowledge, or because of the convenience of concealment, or because of the convenience of transportation, the headquarters of the Egyptian Ministry of Magic was simply set up inside a pyramid that has not been discovered by the Egyptian Muggles!

After thousands of years of magical protection, this pyramid, which was used by Egyptian wizards as a magic headquarters, has been cast with numerous protective magics inside and out. The Muggle expulsion spell and the unplottable spell have been strengthened countless times. For ordinary people, it is almost impossible to discover this pyramid.

Unlike the French Ministry of Magic, which values ​​gorgeous and exquisite decoration, the decoration style of the Egyptian Magic Headquarters is more in line with the habits of ancient Egyptian wizards. It is rough, primitive, and full of the style of ancient wizards.

On the splendid stone walls, various reliefs of ancient wizards can be seen everywhere, as well as many painting patterns, including labor, hunting, animal taming, music, duels, astrology... countless. The majestic and powerful load-bearing columns support every support point on the ceiling of the headquarters hall, and are symmetrically distributed from left to right based on the center line of the hall. Each load-bearing column is also engraved with exquisite and round reliefs.

At this moment, it seemed that all the employees of the Egyptian Ministry of Magic were gathered in this wide and deep hall, but no one spoke for the time being. The air was so quiet that only the eternal flame magic on the wall could be heard. The crackle of burning.

Every Ministry of Magic employee in the hall had an extremely serious expression on his face. The reason why they were so solemn was naturally the huge statue of Anubis standing quietly in front of the wall in front of the hall. In the hands of the black stone statue with a wolf head and body, it held up an Eye of Ugarte that symbolized the falcon-headed god Horus, the god of the sky.

The Eye of Horus, which was originally completely golden, had now turned into a scarlet and translucent color, and even continued to emit bursts of sharp and harsh eagle calls.

In ancient Egyptian mythology, the Eye of Horus has an extremely sacred meaning. It represents the blessing of the gods and the supreme power of the king.

The Egyptian Ministry of Magic also respects this tradition, erecting an Eye of Horus in the most conspicuous place in the hall of the magic headquarters, which means that this Eye of Horus can be inspected at all times like the God of the Sky. conditions throughout Egypt.

At this moment, the hawk's chirping sound emitted through the changed color of the Eye of Horus, what this represents, every employee of the Ministry of Magic present knows, this is also what employees of the Ministry of Magic in almost every country know. Things we all understand.

That is Egypt today. There is a certain wizard, a certain organization, or a certain incident that has extremely seriously violated the "International Wizarding Secrecy Act" and the "National Security Law". The degree of violation directly reaches the highest level, which may threaten the entire The Egyptian wizarding world and even the entire wizarding community are fully exposed!

Anwar Sadat, the Egyptian Minister of Magic, stood in front of all the Ministry of Magic staff with a stern face. Behind him was the black statue of Anubis holding the Eye of Horus.

Anwar Sadat is a dark-skinned wizard, wearing a simple white robe, a thick blue and gold intertwined belt around his waist, and a cone-shaped headdress on his head, in the center Set with a huge sapphire.

Clearing his throat, Sadat said in a deep voice: "Who can report the current situation?"

"The blood spread to the province of Alexandria."

“It’s also available in Aswan province.”

"Province of Matruh."


Some staff members shouted out the names of almost all the provinces.

Sadat rubbed his temples with a headache and said slowly: "In other words, blood is almost everywhere in Egypt? Including what Muggles are drinking and using now, is it also blood?"

"I'm afraid that's it, Mr. Minister." A senior Auror said with some difficulty, "This bloody disaster should probably cover the entire Egypt."

Sadat frowned and asked, "Isn't the blood gone now?"

No staff member was the first to give an answer, but many people directly used magic to summon clear water.

"No, Mr. Minister." said the clerk who was the first to complete the water-clearing spell, "but the blood water now is much clearer than before, and it is expected that it will turn into clear water again soon."

Sadat secretly breathed a sigh of relief. What he was most worried about was that this bloody disaster would last for weeks or even months as recorded in the history books. In that case, the Egyptian Ministry of Magic would be exposed to those Muggles, and almost Unavoidable. And once that happens, Egypt cannot solve it alone!

But now it seems that the bloody disaster is not as powerful as imagined, and it does not even last for half a day.

After relaxing for a moment and clearing his mind, Sadat continued to ask: "Is there anything going on with the Muggles? Do the people on the Muggle Issues Mediation Committee have the answers?"

This time, many more people answered directly than before.

"Muggles? What can they see?"

"I don't know, no one seems to have noticed their situation."

"They may have seen the bloody disaster, but they will probably forget about it soon! Muggles are the most unreasonable and simple creatures."

"There are some Muggle reports saying that the blood floods are caused by a type of algae. How ridiculous!"


Minister Sadat frowned and listened for a while, but found that there was no valuable information, so he had to give up. And he was also going to explain the situation to the Muggle King later, but they seemed to be calling the president?

When everyone gradually calmed down, Sadat spoke again: "Then what's the reason? Who can tell me the reason for this bloody disaster?"

Sadat looked around the entire hall, hoping that someone could give a reasonable explanation.

At this moment, a wizard wrapped in a black wizard robe walked out of the crowd. Everyone just glanced at him and made way for him. People dressed like this are rare in the Ministry of Magic, only those in the Silent Man's office wear them this way.

The silent man stopped in front of Sadat. From under the hood where his face could not be seen clearly, a calm and hoarse female voice came out: "Mr. Minister, not long ago, the man apparated." The office detected a location where Apparition magic was frequently used, and after rushing there, they found these people."

The silent woman waved, and several Muggles dressed as ordinary people flew from the back of the crowd to the front.

There was a buzz of low-pitched discussion among the crowd, and many staff members even wanted to drive these Muggles out who barely raised their heads!

"But all the memories of these Muggles have been wiped clean. It is not a forgetting spell with the purpose of covering up the memory, but a destructive forgetting spell with the purpose of destroying the mind." The silent man said slowly, "Although They are still alive, but they are no different from dead. For now, we cannot restore their consciousness, at least from the Silent People's side."

Ordinary people naturally cannot use magic, so these unconscious ordinary people were probably brought there by the wizards who caused this bloody disaster.

Sadat asked the most critical question: "Can the starting point of the Apparition magic be traced?"

"The people from the Apparition Office are still searching there, but their hopes are not high. The wizard or those who use Apparition magic are very accomplished." After the silent man finished speaking, he retreated directly into the crowd, "Also, "The Silent People are still looking for the cause of this bloody disaster, and I believe there will be results soon."

Taking a deep breath, Sadat said solemnly: "Now all employees in various departments are mobilized, recalling those employees who are on vacation, recuperating, or going out, and do their best to search for the cause and culprit of this bloody disaster."

"Finally, be careful. There may be other disasters after the bloody disaster."

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