Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 38 Don’t panic, it’s a small conflict

Friday, Hogwarts Castle.

If you want to be more specific, it was at 11:36 noon on Friday, next to the Ravenclaw table in the first floor of the castle.

Wright put the golden magic pocket watch in his hand back into the mok bag. He asked Fathead to buy this watch on Wednesday. In fact, this statement is not quite accurate. It can only be said that he asked Fathead to go to Diagon Alley with the shopping letter and money. Well, since buying only a pocket watch could not reflect Fathead's ability, Wright also bought something else.

Electronic products cannot be used in Hogwarts. This is a reminder that Wright's original electronic watch gave him with his life.

Three days have passed since the first Defense Against the Dark Arts class. The holographic simulation movie played by Professor Devonte in the class has not completely dissipated.

As one of the strongest dark wizards in history, Gellert Grindelwald's personality charm can still bring a huge impact to people even if it is played through memories that have been passed on for who knows how many times.

Whether it was Grindelwald's attitude towards the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy or his views on people who did not have the ability to cast spells, both left a deep impression on Wright. Not to mention the phrase "the war to end the war"!

In addition, Wright could now be sure that Devonte Simplin was really a native wizard, not the bad guy named Thanos from Titan.

But there was one thing that still bothered Wright, that is, Chang Chu really ignored him after that Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Thinking of this, Wright secretly glanced at Chang Chu who was sitting at the other end of the long table. He still couldn't figure out how he and Chang Chu broke up that day.

On Tuesday afternoon, Wright walked into a somewhat dark classroom. When the sunlight outside the castle entered the classroom, it was diluted into a layer of scattered white light by the foggy windows. The atmosphere in the classroom was not warm, and there were not even a few students. The whole classroom seemed unusually quiet.

This classroom was the History of Magic classroom, and this course was taught by Professor Binns, the only ghost professor at Hogwarts. Referring to the advice given by senior Penelope and the impression in memory, Wright's attitude towards the History of Magic course is: skipping classes according to his mood.

As for the final exam? Is it difficult for Wright to pass a subject that can be passed by memorizing?

But since it is the first class, he still has to go to the class politely to show Wright's respect for the teacher. Besides, it is the first class after all, what if the teacher calls his name?

However, the main reason why Wright came to this class was that Chang Chu shook his hand in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class in the morning! God has pity, Wright never thought that he would have such a humble day, just because a girl held his hand, he ran to class happily!

Although Chang Chu disappeared after the Defense Against the Dark Arts class ended, and was not seen at lunch, Chang Chu was still a good girl who didn't like to violate school rules. In other words, Wright was sure that he would meet Chang Chu in the History of Magic classroom!

As expected, Wright found Chang Chu sitting in the classroom at the door of the classroom. She was eating a piece of bread in the second row of the classroom. When she noticed Wright appeared at the door of the classroom, she immediately stuffed the unfinished bread into her small backpack.

Wright walked towards Chang Chu with a smile that he thought was full of charm.

"Chang Chu, good afternoon!" Wright sat in the empty seat next to Chang Chu, turned around and said to her, "You are here for the History of Magic class too!"

Chang Chu rolled her eyes at Wright and didn't want to talk. What was she doing here if she wasn't here for the History of Magic class? Was she here to see Wright chatting awkwardly as if no one was around?

Seeing that Chang Chu didn't want to talk to him, Wright was a little embarrassed, but he still bit the bullet and continued to ask: "Chang Chu, why didn't I see you after the Defense Against the Dark Arts class this morning? And you didn't come to the long table at lunch." After hearing Wright's words, Chang Chu's face flushed slightly. She disappeared after class because she had decided to ignore Wright on Monday, but after hearing Professor Devonte's words in class this morning, she couldn't help but hold Wright's hand worriedly, which made her a little annoyed. "Nothing, I'm losing weight!" Chang Chu decided to make a quick decision. She thought that if she responded so simply and rudely, Wright would give up. But Wright didn't understand what Chang Chu was thinking. He just felt that Chang Chu was talking to him again. This made Wright a little excited. After all, this was a small progress. Encouraged, Wright continued to ask: "Can you tell me what happened to you today and yesterday? I don't think I did anything to make you..." Chang Chu interrupted Wright: "Wright, do you know that this is the third time you have asked me what happened to me in the past two days?" "Ah? Really? Haha..." Wright scratched his head in confusion. "Besides, I'm fine! This is the third time I have officially replied to you!" "But you this morning..." "What happened to me this morning?" "I feel like you are still worried about me. When Professor Devonte said that I might become the Dark Lord in the future, you still held..." "Wright! Wrightpas!" Chang Chu suddenly stood up from the chair, her face flushed with shame. Of course, from Wright's perspective, her face was red with anger.

"I'm officially informing you, please stay away from me now!" Chang Chu shouted to Wright, otherwise I wouldn't be able to hold on myself.

"Ah...ah..." Wright opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say.

After the class bell rang, Professor Binns floated into the classroom from the wall. Without calling his name, he picked up his textbook and started lecturing non-stop in an extremely monotonous voice.

The classroom has become a little hot and stuffy due to the influx of a large number of students, and the air has become a little turbid, making it easy for people to have drowsy thoughts. Coupled with Professor Binns' hypnotic voice, more than half of the students began to lie down on the table to take a lunch break.

Wright was lying on the table like most of the students in the classroom, but he did not sleep. He just covered his face with his textbook and looked at Chang Chu in the distance. She was sitting up straight and listening to Professor Binns' lecture attentively, lowering her head from time to time to write down some notes in her notebook.

There are two classes on Wednesday, namely Charms and Herbology. Except that there is no Transfiguration class, they are simply a replica of Monday's classes.

Wright continued to perform steadily in the Charms class, but remained silent in the Herbology class, just watching Chang Chu keep raising his hands to answer Professor Sprout's questions.

In the evening, Chang Chu accepted the gift that Wright asked Fat Head to buy in Diagon Alley - a high-end automatic ink-dipping quill that can read the writer's thoughts. Wright originally wanted to use this opportunity to reconcile with her, but Failed again.

Thursday morning was Transfiguration, the afternoon was Herbology, and the evening was the weekly Astronomy class. Students need to use telescopes to observe the starry sky and learn the names of different stars and the orbits of planets. Wright lost interest in this course after feeling novel for a while.

Although there are indeed extremely sophisticated stargazing methods in the wizarding world, they obviously do not appear in school astronomy classes.

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