Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 388 The Werewolf Professor

There was sudden silence in the Shrieking Shack.

Ron looked confused and uneasy, and shrank back.

Lupine was heard murmuring: "But...why...unless...changed..."

Sirius stared into Lupin's face with a sad expression and nodded very slowly.

"Kill him, Remus, kill him! Let's kill him together!" Sirius almost roared again, "Tonight, right here! It will all be over!"

Lupine grabbed Sirius' arm and hugged him again, as if he were a biological brother.

"I know, I know, Sirius," Lupine said, "I will..."

"I don't believe it!" Hermione screamed.

Harry, who was supporting his head with his hands, suddenly raised his head and looked at the two men hugging each other in the other corner of the room, feeling his heart drop heavily.

"I trust you so much!" Harry shouted at Lupin, "So you have always been a friend of this murderer!"

"No, not always." Lupine said calmly, "I wasn't Sirius's friend before, but I am now...let me explain..."

"No! Harry! Don't believe him!" Hermione screamed again, "Don't believe him! He was the one who helped Black sneak into the castle before! He wants you to die too! Professor Lupin - no, Lupin, He's a werewolf!"

Sirius sighed.

Lupine suddenly stopped and remained motionless.

His face trembled, and he said to Hermione with some difficulty: "How long have you known?"

"It's been a long time," Hermione said with a stubborn expression, "since Professor Snape assigned that paper on werewolves."

"Snape will be very happy to know about this," Lupine said coldly. "He originally assigned that paper just because he hoped someone would think of what my symptoms meant... Did you miss the moon profit and loss chart? Did you find that I always get sick when the moon is full? Or did you find that the Boggart turned into a silver ball moon when he saw me?"

Hermione said calmly: "Discovered both."

Harry suddenly asked: "Does Dumbledore know you are a werewolf?"

"Yes." Lupine said, "The professors all know that I am a werewolf, and many employees also know my identity, like Madam Pomfrey."

"Dumbledore knew you were a werewolf and hired you to be our Defense Against the Dark Arts professor?" Ron asked breathlessly, "Is he crazy?"

"Does judging whether a person can become a professor at Hogwarts have anything to do with whether that person is a werewolf?" A cold voice sounded.

"Of course it's relevant -" Ron was about to retort loudly, but found that the person who just spoke was not Lupin or Black as he thought.

But Wright.

"Since when does judging a professor's qualifications have anything to do with his blood origin?" Wright continued to frown and said, "I don't mean to criticize, but in an era where a mixed-race giant can be the principal, why is a werewolf Can't you become a professor? Besides, didn't Mr. Damocles Belby invent the Wolfsbane Potion? He has minimized the danger of hybrid werewolves like Professor Lupin."

Ron mumbled something vaguely, not knowing what he was talking about.

"It would be nice if people thought like you, Mr. Pass." Lupine said dryly. "Dumbledore had to do a lot of work to convince some professors that I was reliable, but there are still some People think Dumbledore is crazy to hire me——"

"Because Dumbledore was wrong! You have been helping this murderer!" Harry shouted, pointing to Sirius's position with trembling arms.

"You are wrong, Harry!" Lupine retorted coldly, "The real murderer is someone else! And tonight, he will definitely die here!"

"I would like to hear the details." Wright stretched out his hand to signal Lupine to continue.

"Wright!" Chang Chu, Hermione and Harry called out at the same time, with various emotions in their voices.

"Calm down, everyone." Wright said calmly, "I have always been very strange about something. Although I am not in school this semester, I have been staying in the castle for more than half a month. I don't know What does Professor Lupine look like in your eyes, but from what I have seen with my own eyes, Professor Lupine is at least a very qualified Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, and he also has a good personality."

"I think you should all have given Professor Lupine the minimum of trust, so why don't we continue to listen to his explanation now?" Wright said.

"Because I already know the reason behind it." Harry said, still looking at Sirius, "He betrayed and betrayed my parents, and it was you who killed them all!"

"No, Harry, it's not Sirius, it's not him." Lupine said, "Someone did betray your parents, but it was someone else. And I didn't know until recently that that person was not actually dead."

"Who is that?" Harry said sarcastically.

"Peter Pettigrew!" Sirius shook his body and shouted Pettigrew's name loudly. "He is in the house, right now! Come out! Come out! Peter!"

"Absurd!" Harry said coldly, "Peter Pettigrew is dead! Just twelve years ago, he was killed by your own hands! Along with the lives of a dozen Muggles on the same street!"

"I wanted to kill him back then!" Sirius yelled at Harry for the first time, "But little Peter got the better of me that time... It won't happen this time!"

Sirius lunged towards Scabbers, but he was tripped by four vines that suddenly rose from the floor and fell to the ground. The four black vines suddenly grew in size after tripping Sirius down, surrounding his body and binding him tightly, making it impossible for Sirius to move at all.

Chang Chu turned the thorn-shaped magic bracelet on her left wrist. She used this magic bracelet to summon the vines just now. The original intention of this alchemy tool was to restrain those extremely fast targets.

Alchemy Bracelet: Elf's Embrace, which can follow the wearer's will to generate plants at the target location and entangle any object within a certain range. As long as the magic power stored in the bracelet is not exhausted, the target can be bound forever. The speed of magic power consumption changes with the strength of the bound person's struggle.

This alchemical prop was also unexpectedly inspired by Wright's discussions with alchemists from other countries during the International Alchemy Congress. Although he himself does not need such alchemical works due to the shadow energy, others still need them. Moreover, the binding strength of the Elven Embrace is quite good, at least the dying Sirius has no chance of breaking free.

Chang Chu looked at Sirius on the ground and said cautiously: "For safety reasons, I don't think you can get close to us now, especially Harry."

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