Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 398 Harry’s Patronus

"Poor Professor Lupin, he will never forget what he experienced tonight." Harry said with some emotion, "This is really pitiful."

However, Lu Wei, who had the werewolf Lupine under his feet, did not feel the surprise of Harry and Hermione at all. Instead, he was wagging his tail and calling in a low voice, as if asking for credit from Chang Chu.

"Stop chatting here, go to Sirius quickly!" Chang Chu waved her hands angrily. She originally thought she would encounter some thrilling things during this time travel journey, but along the way, in addition to rescuing Buckbeak was a little more nervous, but the rest of the time it was basically not that difficult.

Even if he is not on the scene, Wright, an excellent off-field aid, has already done everything well.

"Professor Luping, just let me watch. Come back later when you are done, and we will go to the black tower cell of the castle to rescue Sirius." Chang Chu said, "Didn't Dumbledore just say that Sirius Being held there?"

Suddenly, an icy cold wind blew over, as if it could penetrate deep into people's hearts and freeze their souls. It was clearly a June night, but Harry, Hermione and Chang Chu trembled in unison.

Even Lu Wei couldn't help but increase his strength, causing the werewolf Lupine to scream in a low voice again.

This is the special feeling you get when dementors come!

Those dementors are approaching!


Harry had no other thoughts in his mind. He was going to the lake, to Sirius, and to see if the person who cast the Patronus Charm was his father!

Not far away, the shouts of "himself" drifted along the cold wind, and Harry ran straight towards the lake.

After a moment of hesitation, Hermione decided to follow Chang Chu's suggestion and ran up behind Harry.

The two soon arrived at the lake.

Both Harry and Hermione saw the small silver flash on the other side of the lake.

"That's my patronus. It hasn't taken shape yet. It can't drive away the dementors..." Harry whispered to himself.

Hermione saw a Dementor rushing towards "Harry" on the other side of the lake. The weak silver flash only resisted for less than two seconds before going out.

"This is really scary..." Hermione's voice was trembling. The Patronus Charm was the best way to resist the Dementors. Without the protection of the Patronus Charm, the Dementors could directly attack the wizard's body.

"Don't worry, my dad will come!" Fear and excitement were struggling in Harry's heart. His words seemed to comfort Hermione, but also seemed to persuade himself, "My dad is back, he Can cast the Patronus Charm..."

Another dementor attacked Sirius who was lying on the ground, sucking away a lot of his happy memories. His whole body was twitching, as if he was enduring great pain.

"He's coming! He's right there! You'll see it!" Harry raised his hand excitedly and pointed to a certain piece of stone on the shore of the lake.

"Harry, listen to me, no one is coming," Hermione said softly.

"Don't worry! He will come! He will!"

Sirius, who was lying on the other side of the lake, was no longer moving at this time, and the soul beads were slowly rising from his mouth...

But no one came.

Harry looked intently at the circle of dementors on the other side of the lake. More than a hundred dementors were like sharks that smelled blood, surrounding Sirius and "Harry", all waiting for that moment. The moment when a cherished soul orb completely separated from Sirius's body!

A flash of light suddenly penetrated Harry's hazy mind.

By this time, the person who cast the Patronus Charm should have appeared, but at this moment, he and Hermione were the only two people standing on the other side of the lake.

What he originally saw was not his father, but someone with a very similar face to his father - what he saw on the other side of the lake before was himself!

Harry jumped out from the shadow of the giant tree, pulled out his wand, and ran straight towards the lake.

He could no longer control Hermione's shouts.

"Guard!" Harry shouted

Almost at the same time, another Patronus Charm was activated on the other side of the lake.

Something emerged from the tip of Harry's wand, this time it was no longer a shapeless silver cloud, but a brilliant silver animal.

It was not a unicorn or a horse as I thought before, but a stag, as bright and flawless as the moon in the sky.

With the clatter of hooves, the stag galloped away from Harry, ran across the black lake, and charged towards the large group of Dementors. On the other side of the lake shore, the giant tiger with the shining silver light closely guarded Sirius lying on the ground and "Harry" who was about to faint, to prevent any more Dementors from approaching.

Facing the front and back attacks of the two physical patron saints, hundreds of dementors scattered backwards as if they had encountered natural enemies, disappearing into the darkness in an instant.

The Patronus of the Stag turned around and ran towards Harry, revealing the pair of antlers that stood up toward the sky, looking wanton and flamboyant.

"Prongs..." Harry's voice, like his body, was shaking violently.

There was a flash of light, and the stag disappeared. At the same time, the silver giant tiger on the other side of the lake also disappeared.

"Harry! Look what you have done! You have interfered with the past time!" Hermione rushed to the shore and pulled Harry back, who was still in a state of losing his virginity, as low as a little lioness. roared.

"I'm not interfering with time. This has happened in the past. I thought it was my dad who saved me, but in fact, it was me who saved myself." Harry explained excitedly.

"Has anyone seen you?" Hermione asked.

"Yes - or not -" Harry's expression was very confused, "Light on the other side also cast the Patronus Charm, almost at the same time as me. It's unreasonable to say that he didn't see me."

Hermione hid in the shadow of the giant tree and looked towards the other side of the lake. She saw that Wright had turned into a stretcher and used magic to move "Harry" and Sirius up.

"Did he see Wright?" Hermione was a little surprised. "That shouldn't be the case! Normal people would never behave as calmly as Wright did when seeing two identical people appear in front of them. At least they should come and take a look... "

"Is Wright a normal person?" Harry asked, "In my opinion, Wright may have known about Hermione, you have a time turner, otherwise he wouldn't have told you about the time turner before. Can't withstand a lot of force, and won't say that he will be seen by himself."

Hermione only listened to the first half of Harry's words, nodded and said: "It makes sense, Wright is indeed not like a normal person. And it seems that when we were in Hagrid's hut, the little girl said "Liao Lei seems to have noticed our presence, not the us still in the house, but the three of us outside."

"But Wright doesn't always like to tell us everything," Harry said, "just like Dumbledore. And..." His expression hesitated, "And I always feel that Wright has arrived here long ago. , but he never cast the Patronus Charm, just because he wanted me to complete the Patronus Charm myself..."

"Stop talking, let's go back quickly! Time is running out." Hermione looked at her watch, her expression suddenly became nervous, "There are still about forty-five minutes until we use the time turner, we must immediately Rush back to the black tower cell of the castle, Sirius is still waiting for us!"

"Are we going to run back?"

"Are you crazy? There won't be enough time to run back! Don't forget, we also have Buckbeak, a hippogriff!"

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