Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 400 The train leaving school

The front foot looked at Wright, Chang Chu, Hermione and Harry using the time turner to leave the school doctor's office, and the back foot saw the three of them pushing the door open and panting.

"I almost didn't catch up. Huh, I'm so exhausted!" Chang Chu used his hands to make a fan and kept fanning his little face.

"Peeves is such a pest! We were almost too tired to come back!" Harry was also very tired.

"Dumbledore is waiting at the door. He must also know that we are using the time turner." Hermione calmly said calmly after calming down first.

Wright came over with a glass of iced juice and handed it to Chang Chu.

"Actually, Harry and Hermione can still rest now," Wright smiled as he watched Chang Chu drink up the juice in one gulp, "But Xiaochu, have you forgotten something?"

"Huh?" Chang Chu, who was still drinking juice, gave Wright a confused look.

"You have a test tomorrow." Wright said with a smile.

"Cough cough cough!!" Chang Chu suddenly coughed violently, and she almost forgot about it! Oh my gosh, she has an exam tomorrow! It’s still the herbal medicine exam that I’m most looking forward to!

"Come on, I'll be waiting for you at the dining table at noon." Wright gently stroked Chang Chu's back and helped her straighten her breath.

At this moment, a low groan came from the other end of the ward. Ron, who had been sleeping after taking medicine, woke up, rubbed his head and looked around.

"Where are we? I think it's in the school doctor's office," he muttered. "Harry, where's Sirius? How is Lupin?"

At noon the next day, Harry, Ron and Hermione left the ward together. Originally Hermione was not needed, but Madam Pomfrey said that she might also be frightened, so she forced Hermione to stay in the school doctor's office overnight.

Chang Chu escaped because of the exam, but it's hard to say because her face looked quite bad after coming out of the exam greenhouse. She must have done unsatisfactory in the exam.

On the last day of the semester, the test results came out. Because Wright did not take the exam, the first place in the fourth grade was no longer him, but another familiar Ravenclaw classmate. Chang Chu's grades were not bad, at least much better than last year. Harry, Ron and Hermione passed every class, but this time Hermione's Defense Against the Dark Arts class was not better than Harry's, probably because she lost a lot of points on the Boggart level.

Of course, there is no doubt that Ravenclaw is the winner of this year's House Cup and Quidditch Cup.

After the end-of-term banquet, the Hogwarts Express took a group of students away from the school.

"I can't believe it, Professor Lupine, you actually gave me a P in my Defense Against the Dark Arts class!" Ron complained to Lupine on his left, not caring that he had hated Lupine before. Werewolf identity.

"That's because you failed at the level of Hinkpunk without even going to the subsequent levels!" Hermione told the truth poignantly, "If you ask me, Professor Lupin didn't give you a D. Just because you are a Gryffindor."

"You!" Ron glared at Hermione, "An E must make you feel uncomfortable, right? On the test report card with all O's, this is the only one with an E!"

"I don't care as much as you think!" Hermione said duplicitously.

She stopped talking to Ron and continued to look at Lupin.

"Professor Lupin, do you really want to resign?" Hermione asked sadly, "No one wants you to leave."

"Obviously, Miss Granger." Lupine pointed to the shelf above his head, where he had packed all his belongings into boxes and taken them away.

"But why?" Hermione asked, "Obviously no one knows your werewolf identity except us, and we won't tell anyone else about it."

"But I can't pass my own test." Lupine said with a bitter smile, "I can no longer let Dumbledore take too many risks for me. I set rules for myself long before entering Hogwarts. Once If I ever completely transform into an irrational werewolf, I will submit my resignation to Dumbledore immediately."

"But even if you become a werewolf, there is still a way to control you." Ron said loudly, "I remember didn't Lu Wei suppress you all night?"

Lu Ping shook his head helplessly and said no more. In fact, he was very grateful to Wright. If it hadn't been for Lu Wei, he might have unintentionally hurt others that night. It's just that he was beaten by a dog. This... is really hard to explain.

Hermione gave Ron a hard look. If you can't speak, just don't speak, okay? Even if Professor Lu Ping really can't beat Lu Wei, don't say it directly in front of him, okay?

"Remus, if you ask me, you are just too sensitive." A somewhat careless voice came from beside Lupine, and at the same time, an arm hooked Lupine's shoulder, "It's better to stay in school." It’s better than being discriminated against outside, but having to look at that snot-nosed guy every day makes you uncomfortable.”

"Sirius, if Snape knows that you continue to call him this, he will definitely not let you go." Lupine smiled.

"Since when have I ever cared about what that snot-nosed guy thinks?" Sirius chuckled.

In just a few days, his originally thin and dry body had become much fuller. The body that was depleted in Azkaban also gradually recovered a lot under the care of Madam Pomfrey. At least his skin was no longer as white as before. , miserable.

Of course, the most important thing is the youthful and uninhibited smile on Sirius's face, which makes him much younger.

"Sirius, how did Snape get this nickname?" Harry asked curiously.

"That's right," Sirius said with excitement, "Isn't his nose extraordinarily big? When he was in school, he liked to put his nose on the textbooks, and then -"

"Sirius!" Lupine scolded softly, "Harry, Snotlout is just a nickname we gave Professor Snape, just like Ron's surname Weasley, which has the same pronunciation as 'Feed the Chicken'. Severus (Severus) and Snivellus (Snivelus) sound a bit alike."

"What's the difference between the two?" Ron asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"Good boy, Ron!" Sirius praised, "Well done!"

The train continued to move, and the laughter in this small compartment never stopped. It was not until it pulled into King's Cross Station that Harry reluctantly said goodbye to Sirius and Lupin.

"Sirius..." Harry hesitated.

"Don't worry, kid." Sirius reached out and rubbed Harry's messy black hair, "I'll be fine at Wright's place. I will take you over after Remus and I have settled down. ”

"Have you been living at Wright's house since then?" Harry asked.

"No, that's too rude." Sirius smiled and shook his head, "You know, I still have a little bit of private property, enough for me to buy a piece of land and build a house in St. Catchpore. You know, Because of the Ministry of Magic’s ruling, although I can leave Azkaban, I cannot be too far away from Wright. I must be under his supervision, at least in name.”

"You will also live in St. Catchpole?" Harry's eyes lit up. Wasn't that what he had hoped for before?

"Yes, at least I have to live there until the traitor Peter Pettigrew is caught." Sirius said, "I will take you to my place to play during this summer vacation, and there will be surprises!"

"Sirius, it's time to go." Wright, who had delivered Chang Chu to Chang's father, finally came over and said to the two of them, "Also, Harry, I just saw the Dursleys heading this way. Come on, you have to leave too."

When they were on the train just now, Wright did not sit in the same compartment with Sirius and Lupine as the trio. Instead, he sat in another compartment with Chang Chu.

"Okay, goodbye Sirius." Harry waved to Sirius and dragged his suitcase towards the station entrance. The Dursleys would not wait for him at the entrance of platform nine and three-quarters, they would not Want to meet other wizards.

Wright looked at Harry's back, lost in thought.

Sirius barely regained his freedom with his own help, and Pettigrew's escape continued the subsequent plot. So what kind of story will happen in the days to come?

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