Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 41 The magical speed of knowledge update

Next year's Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher will be a double-faced man possessed by the Dark Lord; the year after that, he will be a big star in the wizarding world, only good at the Oblivion Charm that cannot be taught to others; in fourth grade, it will be on a full moon night. The werewolf who showed his true form; the fifth grader was a retired old Auror who was mentally disturbed; the sixth grader was Urumqi, ah no, Umbridge; the seventh grader was Snape...

Wright thinks this course should be canceled as soon as possible!

After shaking his head, Wright continued to write in his notebook:

Judging from the selection of Defense Against the Dark Arts professors, Dumbledore's requirements for teachers are really very low, and he does not require any academic qualifications. In other words, as long as you have enough practical proficiency, you can get a job. However, this is consistent with the previous education method, which does not focus on academics.

But it may also be because this course was cursed by Voldemort that the threshold is so low.

Fourth, regarding school textbooks.

Because I am only in the first grade, I can only have access to some elementary textbooks, but if I look at the publication date of those textbooks, I can see some problems.

"The Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration" is a work from the early 20th century; "Standard Spells, Beginner" was published in the 1950s and 1960s; "Dark Powers: A Guide to Self-Defense" is a work from the early 20th century; and "Theories of Magic" It’s a book from the end of the last century;

"Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" was published in 1927; the first edition of "A History of Magic" was published in 1947 and is still being revised; the most recent book is "Magic Potions and Potions", but it is also the second edition. Books from ten years ago.

In other words, after a current student enters the best magic school in the UK and even the world, he can get the latest textbooks, which are the textbooks of his father's generation, and more importantly, the textbooks of his grandfather's generation.

As for "Thousands of Miraculous Herbs and Mushrooms"? Sorry, it was written in the 14th century.

It has been used for generations and everyone agrees!

Wright closed the notebook in his hand and stuffed it back into the Mock bag. He could understand some situations in the wizarding world: for example, because magic facilitates wizards to complete various tasks, wizards have never invented machines or used electricity. It is precisely because of this that the technological level of wizarding society is only equivalent to that of the Muggle world before the Industrial Revolution.

But Wright still couldn't understand some other magical situations, such as the ones he just wrote in the notebook.

What is certain is that untrained wizard children will unconsciously perform some random magic when their moods fluctuate violently. This is often called a magic riot. There are also some children who have unique talents and can manipulate their magic power to perform some relatively simple magics on their own. But no matter what, every wizard child should and needs to learn how to control and use this ability through years of education.

As the only magic school in the UK, Hogwarts should have a very high level of education and a complete knowledge system. But as far as teaching materials are concerned, the speed of knowledge development and updating in the wizarding world is really slow.

Take "Thousands of Miraculous Herbs and Mushrooms" as an example. Can you believe that there are still schools that use textbooks from five to six hundred years ago to teach?

However, such a fantasy happened in front of Wright's eyes.

Wright couldn't help but shook his head. Maybe for wizards, they didn't need such a fast update of knowledge. After all, the population is limited, and most people are self-sufficient, so knowledge is enough for them.

Wright quickly put the matter behind him, summoned the broomstick to the table again, and began to immerse himself in making his own broomstick.

The weekend went by in a flash, and there were no entertainment activities for the first-year students themselves. Third-year students and above can go shopping in Hogsmeade Village on weekends. Most second-year students also have their own activity clubs. The day before yesterday, Wright saw the Gobstone Club posted on the advertising board in the common room. Recruitment notices are limited to those with two years of experience and above.

Most of the first-year students could only watch pitifully as the seniors and senior sisters played with each other. According to school rules, first-year students did not even have the right to bring their own broomsticks.

However, Wright felt that he had not violated school rules for the time being. After all, the admission notice stated that "you are not allowed to bring your own broomstick." His broomstick was made in school through his own efforts.

That's right, through this weekend's efforts, Wright has almost completed the broomstick. All the charms that need to be attached to various parts of the broomstick have been added, and only the final polishing and assembly process is left. Although it is still a long way from being ready for the market, Wright feels that it is enough as a work produced in the laboratory.

Monday's Charms and Transfiguration classes were still about learning the Levitation Charm and the Transformation of Matches into Silver Needles. Wright, who had fully mastered these two magics, was entrusted by Professors Flitwick and McGonagall to help those who could not take care of them. Students who failed to cast the spell successfully. Of course, Wright not only gained ten college points afterwards, but also gained the friendship of a bunch of students.

The herb class in the afternoon was Chang Chu's performance time alone. Wright heard the Hufflepuff students say that Professor Sprout was always complaining to them below about why Chang Chu was assigned to Ravenclaw.

The Defense Against the Dark Arts class on Tuesday morning was still held in the large classroom on the third floor. This time, there were only a few more students who were able to use armor for protection than last time, and they still failed to meet Professor Derwent's expected requirements. The bell rang, and after announcing that he would be attending classes with the second-year students next week, Professor Derwent announced that the teaching course of the three magic spells was officially over.

It was Chang Chu who was still sparring with Wright in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, and she was able to successfully use the armor to protect herself. Although its defensive power has yet to be verified, being able to use armor every time for protection is already beyond the vast majority of students in the class.

In the History of Magic class on Tuesday afternoon, Wright was doing the homework from yesterday's Charms and Transfiguration class. Even though Wright had obtained a status similar to that of a junior teaching assistant, according to Professor McGonagall: "How can a student not do his homework?" Woolen cloth?"

The time soon came to Wednesday afternoon.

Wright came out of the First Greenhouse at the back of the castle with the other Ravenclaw students, who had just finished an Herbology class with the Hufflepuff students. They walked quickly down the sloping lawn to a flat lawn on the opposite side of the field.

It was a sunny day. The warm sunshine shone on the lawn, and the gentle wind blew the green grass on the ground. It was an extremely suitable day for flying.

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