Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 43 Fall

After hearing this, Wright leaned forward slightly, and Moon Dream was still hovering steadily in mid-air.

"Very good! Wright!" Mrs. Hoqi looked at Wright approvingly, and then looked at the other students.

Wright tried to land and lift off a few more times, but Yue Meng didn't notice any accidents for the time being. The levitation charm still provides stable buoyancy to the broomstick, and the shock-absorbing charm can also ensure basic comfort during flight. Wright has not added other protective spells yet, after all, he does not have sufficient knowledge in that area.

After a while, most of the students were able to successfully float on their broomsticks.

Mrs. Hooch called the students back to the ground.

"Okay, kids, I'm glad you were able to fly so smoothly." Mrs. Hooch said, picking up her whistle again. "Now hold your broom steady and get back in the air again." , after I whistle, you can start to try flying, but only above this grassland, and you are not allowed to fly too high."

"Especially you, Wright." Mrs. Hooch specifically named Wright's name.

Some students who had long been unable to restrain themselves immediately jumped on their broomsticks after hearing this, and stared at Mrs. Huo Qi with expectant eyes. Here, Wright also stepped onto Moon Dream again and floated to a height of five feet above the ground again.

"!" Mrs. Huo Qi's whistle sounded.

Wright gently pulled the top of the broom handle, and Moon Dream climbed up into the sky lightly. A breeze blew in his face, gently brushing past Wright's ears. The wizard's robe on his body kept undulating with the blowing of the wind.

After a while, a somewhat satisfied Wright suddenly pulled the broom handle. Moon Dream's log-colored broom tail drew a beautiful arc in the air, and then slowly flew Wright to the ground. There were still a small number of students on the ground who could not successfully summon the broomstick, but they still gave Wright a rather warm applause for his operation.

Mrs. Hooch flew to Wright's side on a broomstick, and a group of students also approached.

"How are you, Wright, are you okay?" Mrs. Huo Qi first glanced at Yue Zhimeng, and then asked Wright.

Wright didn't notice Mrs. Hooch's little movement. He smiled and nodded: "Yes, this feels really great!"

"Very good, really good! I think this Moon Dream should be considered a successful work." Mrs. Hooch said, "Wright, you are really excellent. Even in the entire history of Hogwarts "Based on your performance in the past two weeks, you are among the top students. I look forward to your greater achievements in the future."

The surrounding students, whether flying in the sky or walking on the ground, were clapping excitedly.

Wright smiled and touched his nose sheepishly.

Soon after, the bell rang for the end of get out of class, and Mrs. Huo Qi blew the whistle. The sharp whistle resounded on the grass, and the students flying in the sky returned to the ground on their broomsticks.

"That's the end of the first flying lesson. I'm very happy that no one made any mistakes today." Mrs. Huo Qi said to everyone, "The get out of class is over now! I think your dinner should be ready in the auditorium on the first floor. "

The students obediently put the broomsticks back on the ground, and Wright also got off the Moon Dream.

"But I think you still have a lot to ask Wright, right?" Mrs. Hooch asked the students who were still staying in place before directing a group of broomsticks to leave.

Everyone immediately turned their eager eyes to Wright.

After a while, Moon Dream once again flew in the sky of Hogwarts.

Feeling the colder and fresher air than before, Wright's brain suddenly sobered up a lot. At this time, he had climbed to a much higher height than before. The wind became stronger and stronger, and the wizard robe behind him was blown away. Hunting sound. Wright lifted Moon Dream up a little more, wanting it to fly higher.

Moon Dream is not known for its speed. It was famous for its ability to fly to heights that other brooms at the time could not reach, but it was still able to drive freely. It's just that because Ladis has always insisted on independently producing Moon Dream and cannot fully meet the needs of the market, Moon Dream has gradually been eliminated by the world.

higher! higher! Wright kept shouting in his heart.

The people on the ground couldn't help but look at the smaller and smaller black dot in the sky. They didn't expect that Wright's broomstick could fly to such a high altitude.

Mrs. Huo Qi frowned. She had just carried all the broomsticks back to her wooden house. She was originally going to go to the auditorium to have dinner, but seeing that the students here had not dispersed, she hurriedly headed here again. Came over. What Mrs. Huo Qi didn't expect was that Wright was still in the sky and had not come down. Nearly twenty minutes have passed!

Chang Chu was also one of the people staying below. She had already left with the large group of students, but she turned back because she was still worried about Wright. Chang Chu clenched her clothes tightly at this time, but she had no other choice but to hope in her heart that Wright would come back safely.

Looking at the shrinking Quidditch pitch and Hogwarts Castle below, Wright couldn't help but sigh inexplicably in his heart. This is the power of the wizard, a supernatural power that transcends all natural rules and allows humans to fight against the rules of gravity with their mere flesh and blood!

After a while, Wright broke through another layer of clouds.

Wright's mood became more and more excited, and he felt as if a new door had opened in front of him. Compared with those boring broomstick theory research processes, exploring the limits of Moon Dream at this time is incredibly exciting and interesting!

Wright's heart was beating excitedly. He licked his lips and chose to continue climbing.

The Moon Dream's speed is not its strong point, but after nearly a century of improvement by Ladis, the Moon Dream's speed limit is still close to 100 miles per hour.

The broomstick made by Wright is far from the level of Ladis. The speed limit of this broom is about 80 miles per hour. But even so, Wright had been climbing vertically in the sky at full speed for nearly a quarter of an hour.

In other words, Wright had reached the stratosphere nearly 30 kilometers above the ground. Although the physical fitness of the wizards was indeed far superior to that of ordinary people, Wright still felt very uncomfortable just exposing his body naked to the stratosphere. He had to use a large amount of shadow magic to wrap his whole body. In fact, Wright had already done this when he broke through the troposphere just now.

The temperature and air pressure in the stratosphere are unbearable for ordinary humans, and even commercial airliners can only fly to an altitude of nearly 10,000 meters. At this time, Wright arrived close to the upper stratosphere.

The thick white clouds were stepped on by Wright, the clear and light air swayed quietly like waves, the sun hung in the blue sky without a trace of color, and the brilliant golden light shone on Wright's face without any obstruction. On his body, Wright couldn't help but stretched out his hand to resist the dazzling light.


Moon Dream trembled violently.

Wright lowered his head.

The Moon Dream began to disintegrate at this moment.

Wright fell.

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