Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 46: Boarding the Chocolate Frog Picture (please recommend)


It was the third day that Wright was admitted to the school doctor's office.

Three days have passed since Wright fell from Moon Dream. During these three days, Wright missed one Transfiguration class, one Herbology class, one Astronomy class, and two Potions classes.

If it were a normal student, if he/she missed three days of classes due to hospitalization, he/she would definitely feel a little bit uneasy. But after Wright briefly thought about the class schedule and teaching progress at Hogwarts, he immediately put this uneasiness behind him and began to enjoy this half-holiday break with peace of mind.

Why is it called a half-holiday?

Because since Madam Pomfrey forced Light to be taken to the school infirmary on the second floor of the castle for examination and diagnosis on Wednesday evening, in these short three days, there were always some people who wanted to break through her blockade and rush into the school infirmary. inside. They either wanted to visit Wright, or they wanted to ask about Wright's mood at that time, or they wanted to ask how Wright was feeling now.

These people include teachers, such as Professor Flitwick, the head of Ravenclaw, and Professor McGonagall, the transfiguration teacher. Professor McGonagall even left a thick transfiguration homework; there are also students from Hogwarts. Students, there are students from every house who want to come to the school infirmary, including students from Slytherin House, which Wright refused to enter at the time, who also want to visit Wright.

Well, there are also some students who want to enter the school doctor's office and write a letter of challenge to Wright. Well, they are the Weasley twins and their good friend Lee Jordan.

In addition to people inside Hogwarts, there were also people outside the school who wanted to come to the school to interview Wright, most of whom were interviewers from newspapers. According to Madam Pomfrey, almost every influential newspaper and magazine, from the Daily Prophet to Wizarding Weekly to The Quibbler, wanted an interview with Wright.

It's not that they were all convinced that Wright flew dozens of miles above the ground on a broomstick he made. It can only be said that they just regarded it as a hot spot. Recently, except for the change of leadership in the Ministry of Magic, the British wizarding world is like a backwater. They really need breaking news!

Wright still remembers what Madam Pomfrey said yesterday: "Fortunately, Wright, you are not a girl, otherwise there would definitely be another reporter from "Witch Weekly" here!"

Fortunately, Madam Pomfrey shut out all these outsiders, and only allowed a small number of people from the school with legitimate reasons to visit the school infirmary (of course, the time should not be too long), such as sitting in the infirmary. Chang Chu beside Wright's bed.

"Lite, come on, open your mouth, ah!" Chang Chu had just peeled off a piece of orange and wanted to stuff it into Wright's mouth, who was lying on the hospital bed.

Wright reluctantly took the orange, which was Chang Chu's most common attitude these days. I don't know if she wanted to make up for her previous deliberate alienation from her, or something else, but now she completely regarded him as a fragile porcelain doll. To be honest, Wright felt that Chang Chu seemed to have awakened some strange attributes after feeding himself for the first time, as if a girl had a large real-life doll.

"Okay, Chang Chu, I'm not a newborn baby. I'll get whatever I want to eat. You don't have to feed me like this." Wright threw the orange segment into his mouth, and the sweet and sour taste made him energetic. A jolt.

"That's not okay. Madam Pomfrey has let you stay in the school doctor's office for three days! If you didn't have any sequelae, how could she let you stay here for so long?" Chang Chu picked up the medicine from the table this time. I bought a banana. These fruits were all left by people who came to visit. "Don't you like oranges? How about bananas?"

Wright glanced at Madam Pomfrey, and when he saw that she didn't look over, he immediately sat up from the bed, and took away the banana in Chang Chu's hand: "There's really no need to feed it! I'm now Already full!"

As he spoke, Wright glanced at Madam Pomfrey again. In the past three days, he had fully realized what "the majesty of medical staff" meant. In the school infirmary, Madam Pomfrey would not even show respect to Dumbledore. When the time came, no matter who it was, everyone had to get out! Those who were not allowed in did not even have a chance to step on the floor of the school infirmary. They would be asked out by Madam Pomfrey the moment they appeared outside the door of the school infirmary.

"And if Madam Pomfrey hadn't asked me to stay here, I would have been discharged from the hospital as early as Thursday." Wright whispered in Chang Chu's ear.

Chang Chu looked at Wright in surprise when he heard this. Wright nodded affirmatively and gave her a big smile.

It is said that Wright's injuries were almost healed when he fell from the sky. Although his appearance looked scary at the time, in fact, except for his hair and clothes soaked in blood, Wright felt that he At that time, I should have been able to go back to the common room and take a shower.

There may still be a little anemia caused by excessive blood loss, but this was cured as early as Wednesday night under Madam Pomfrey's superb medical treatment.

"No, I don't believe it." Chang Chu shook his head and said, "Don't think that you can leave here only when Madam Pomfrey is sure that you can be discharged from the hospital. It's better for you to lie back down now, otherwise I will Madam Pomfrey called over."

What else could Wright say? He could only lie back.

"Okay, what do you want to eat now? Apple, banana, or pear?"

Sunday afternoon.

Wright finally got Madam Pomfrey's permission to leave the school doctor's office. In fact, except for using hair growth elixir to grow back the piece of hair on Wright's head that was cut by the wind, Madam Pomfrey did not check anything else. any problem. Even the blood stains on Wright's body were cleaned up by Wright himself.

Wright quickly took off his patient gown and changed into a student gown, then walked out of the school doctor's office without looking back. He felt that if he stayed here any longer, he would definitely get sick! Moreover, after staying in the school doctor's office for so many days, Wright just wanted to go to the auditorium to have a big meal and see greasy meat.

He walked quickly from the second floor to the auditorium on the first floor. As soon as he opened the door of the auditorium, the students near the door immediately paid attention to Wright, and as Wright approached, more and more students paid him Show your attention.

The originally noisy hall quickly became quiet.

Wright walked to the long Ravenclaw table uncomfortably. Before he could sit on his butt to warm up, Penelo had already come over with a box of chocolate frogs.

"Senior, what are you doing?" Wright asked Penello, who was walking over, "I don't want to eat chocolate now, I want to eat meat."

"It's not the chocolate frog, it's the card inside!" Penello opened the chocolate frog in her hand with excitement and showed the card inside to Wright, "It's Wright, you boarded the chocolate frog card! You are Aside from Harry Potter, the youngest wizard to appear on a Chocolate Frog card since its inception!”

Wright took the chocolate frog card from Penello, which read:

Lightpath light path (1979-present)

The first wizard to reach an altitude of 30,000 meters on a broomstick he made.

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