Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 53 The Room of Requirement’s plan to get rich...bankrupt!

It has been almost three weeks since the beginning of the school year. Although during these three weeks, most of Wright's energy was spent on matters related to the production of Moondream, Ravenclaw's internal library was still roughly covered by his Browsed half of it. Wright has not yet been to the school's large library. In his opinion, the real value of the school library lies in the restricted book area, and he does not need the knowledge there very much yet.

And as long as you don't go to restricted areas like the restricted book area, which will never be opened to students without a teacher's approval, you don't have to worry about being caught by Dumbledore pretending to encounter you by chance. That is to say, the learning of Occlumency can be pushed back a little bit.

The test flight data of Moon Dream had been completely processed before class this morning, and the production of the next broomstick could also be put on the agenda. He was just inexplicably promoted to the position of captain, which may take up part of his rest time in the future.

After making a new Moon Dream, the mobility can be greatly improved. At that time, you can explore the Forbidden Forest, and by the way, you can also go there to collect some materials that can be collected now, and then when you are on vacation, you can go to Diagon Alley to sell them and exchange them for gold Galleons.


No, Wright circled the word "Golden Galleons" in the notebook.

Why do you have to sell things yourself if you want gold galleons?

Isn't there a place inside Hogwarts Castle called the Room of Requirement?

late at night.

Thanks to the fact that she once again angered Chang Chu at noon, she didn't stay in the lounge to ask Wright questions tonight like before. Wright sneaked out of the Ravenclaw common room without any resistance this time and walked down the west tower toward the main castle building.

From memory, the Room of Requirement was located on the eighth floor of Hogwarts Castle, opposite a tapestry depicting Barnabas teaching ballet to a troll.

However, there are actually many rooms on the eighth floor of Hogwarts Castle, including the office of Professor Flitwick, Wright's dean, Gryffindor's boys' dormitory and the girls' stairwell, which Wright may not visit until his third year. Divination classroom and Divination professor Sybill Trelawney's office, as well as several other rooms.

Wright didn't understand how those seniors who traveled through the Harry Potter world were able to enter and leave the Room of Requirement openly (of course, usually at night) without being discovered by everyone. You know, during the day, this is the only way to pass the divination class, but at night, you never know when a pair of wild mandarin ducks will appear. What's more, this place is close to the dormitory of Gryffindor House, the most naughty and mischievous boys in the school.

Wright carefully wrapped himself in shadow energy and walked in the shadows as much as possible, a stealth technique he had developed on his own during his previous crime-fighting days.

After some time, Wright finally stood at the door of the Room of Requirement. Behind him was the tapestry of Barnabas the Fool. Wright looked toward the end of the corridor. The last people he met just now were the Weasley twins. They were holding some weird props in their hands. Wright guessed that they were things they made themselves.

But luckily they didn't take the Marauder's Map tonight, otherwise they would have been exposed! Wright secretly rejoiced.

He carefully used the shadow energy to sense the specific situation around him. After discovering that there was no one, Wright began to close his eyes and walk around in front of the smooth wall.

Wright thought intently in his mind: I need a place full of Galleons... I need a place full of Galleons... I need a place full of Galleons...

After walking through this section of wall three times, a very smooth-looking door appeared on the wall. Wright took a deep breath, rubbed his hands, opened the door and walked in.

What appeared in front of him was a room as big as the auditorium on the first floor. Inside was a mountain of gold galleons. And, there’s more than one hill.

Regardless of whether we are greedy for money or not, this is the human instinct to desire great wealth.

Wright's throat twitched.

He stepped forward and took out a gold galleung from the mountain of gold coins. Wright currently doesn't have any method to identify genuine and counterfeit coins. That is a skill that belongs only to goblins, or to Gringotts. Wright placed the gold galleons on the mountain of gold coins in his left hand, and took out a gold galleons exchanged at Gringotts from the mok bag.

Wright carefully observed the gold coins in his hands. Whether it was color, size, or feel, there was no difference between the two gold galleons. After weighing them, they seemed to be about the same weight. I used magic power to sense it again, but I couldn't feel any difference.

In other words, the money here is most likely real! Wright's heart beat hard.

Wright raised his head sharply, then looked around the room.

If these Galleons are real coins, then there is no doubt that all the money now appearing in the Room of Requirement belongs to the public property of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The Galleons accidentally lost by the students will never be lost. To the extent of several hills!

These gold galleons will be used for students' admission subsidies, students' food funds, students' education funds, professors' teaching salaries, professors' research funds... Anyway, all of this money will be used for everything on the Hogwarts campus. on things.

But it's also possible that Dumbledore might appropriate it a bit. A dark thought suddenly occurred in Wright's mind.

But most of them will still be used on students, of which Wright is extremely sure. As a school that caters to nearly a thousand students almost every year, Hogwarts absolutely cannot do without this money!

Thinking of this, Wright took a step back slightly, but still held tightly the gold Galleons he had just picked up from the mountain of gold coins in his hand. The education he received does not allow him to steal everyone's public property, but with such a mountain of gold coins in front of him, it would be false to think that Wright would be like a saint and have no nostalgia for it.

"Just one," Wright said to himself, "Just take one."

Wright distributed the shadow energy around his body again, and now he felt that learning the Disguise Curse had to be put on the agenda. Then, Wright slowly exited the Room of Requirement.

Standing in front of the smooth wall again, Wright did not rush to enter the Room of Requirement for the second time. Instead, he focused on the gold Galleons in his hand.

"If this golden galleon was not transformed by transformation, it would not dissipate." Wright thought silently.

After waiting for nearly five minutes, there was still no change in the gold coin.

Wright immediately looked eagerly at the Response Room in front of him.

In an instant, any bold idea popped up in Wright's mind.

But when he lowered his head again, the gold galleons in his hand suddenly dissipated into the air.

Wright felt that his dream was also becoming a fantasy at the same time.

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