Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 66 The terrifying school doctor’s office

The autumnal equinox has just passed, and the temperature around Hogwarts has dropped again.

The early morning sun shone through a window on the second floor of the castle, shining on the face of the black-haired boy who was lying on a bed in the room.

The boy who was originally sleeping in the dreamland frowned, as if his dream was disturbed by the dazzling light. He slowly opened his eyes that were still hazy and sleepy, but what he saw was a blank.

"Well, a strange ceiling..."

Wright muttered quietly and pulled the quilt covering him over his head. After completely blocking the annoying sunlight outside the quilt, Wright squirmed comfortably and closed his eyes again, preparing to take another nap.

"Ahem!" At the same time that Wright made these little moves, the school doctor's wife in a white robe who was standing in the room coughed heavily.

Under the quilt, Wright instantly opened his eyes in horror. His brain, which was still in chaos, was not enough to analyze where he was, but he could only hear the voice of a middle-aged woman. Several thoughts suddenly popped into Wright's mind:

"Aren't I playing the third session on the platform of the Quidditch pitch?"

"Where am I now? In bed?"

"Where's Chang Chu? I seemed to have hugged her in the end? And kissed her on the face?"

"Whose female voice just now belongs to? Although it sounds familiar, it's not particularly impressive. Do you think I have to lose my integrity?"

Madam Pomfrey quickly walked to Wright's bedside, and then she suddenly lifted the quilt covering Wright's head. The dazzling sunlight once again shone on Wright's face. Wright involuntarily squinted his eyes, and then he covered his eyes with his hands, trying to see through the gaps between his fingers who dared to be so bold as to disturb people's dreams. !

"Mr. Paz!" Madam Pomfrey stared seriously at Wright, who was in a weird posture on the bed, "If you are already awake, you can leave the school doctor's office quickly!"

The school doctor's office? Is this Madam Pomfrey?

Wright's brain began to return to normal work, and he removed his right hand from his eyes. The serious face of Madam Pomfrey was instantly clearly reflected in Wright's pupils.

"Mrs. Pomfrey, it's you! Good morning!" An awkward but decent smile appeared on Wright's face, while his earlobes turned faintly red.

Wright felt extremely ashamed and sad about his evil thoughts just now, and he was still at Hogwarts! What was going through his mind? !

"No! I didn't feel well at all this morning! I was busy all night and didn't sleep!" Madam Pomfrey looked in a very bad mood. She said angrily, "Thanks to you, Mr. Paz, the whole school nurse yesterday The room was packed with students! Some students couldn't even get into the school doctor's office and had to spend the night in the corridor outside! Just now I had to give them a cold medicine to prevent them from getting sick again later! will be sent here!"

Wright curled up into a small ball on the bed. He first wiped the non-existent cold sweat on his forehead, and then tried to calm down the irritable Madam Pomfrey: "Madam, you may have misunderstood me. A good person like me Student, why did you send so many students to the school doctor's office? "Maybe you made a mistake?"

"A good student?" As if she heard some joke, Madam Pomfrey twitched her lips with a sneer, "A good student who was sent to the school doctor twice in less than three weeks after the school started? This time he even put himself at risk. All brought in! The magic power is exhausted! The skin is bruised!"

"Uh..." Wright was speechless.

"A good student who flew to an altitude of tens of thousands of meters and then fell down on a broomstick that he made himself without complete safety experiments?" Madam Pomfrey continued. It seemed that she had been holding back these words for a while. .

"Well, this..." Wright scratched his face.

"A good student who frequently used stun spells to knock out dozens of classmates?" Madam Pomfrey asked, "Do you know that some students are still not awake yet?"

"Well, I have something to say about this." Wright suddenly became energetic, "Mrs. Pomfrey, I can swear to Merlin that I am very confident about the coma spell I cast! Those classmates who were knocked unconscious by me I definitely won’t be in a coma and still haven’t woken up.”

"I know this! There were indeed dozens of students who woke up shortly after yesterday's game!" Madam Pomfrey said, "But there are still many students who have not woken up in the school doctor's office!"

"But what does this have to do with me?" Wright couldn't help but ask.

"How come it has nothing to do with you?" Madam Pomfrey asked, "Are you the captain of that blue and green team?"

"Yes!" Wright nodded affirmatively.

"Then your team members were knocked unconscious by those Gryffindor and Hufflepuff students. Shouldn't you, the captain, bear some responsibility?" Madam Pomfrey pointed to the lying body still lying on the ground. There are more than a dozen Slytherin students outside.

"Who are they?" Wright, who was still lying on the bed, could only see the green-trimmed robes they were wearing, but could not see their faces clearly. However, students who passed by the school doctor's office from time to time would frown strangely and cover their noses when passing by them.

"Aren't they members of your blue and green team? I don't know what the two Weasley boys did to them. The smell of big shit and eggs on their bodies didn't go away all night! Plus, I don't know what those two Weasley boys did to them. "I was hit by dozens of students' spells and I had to put them outside the school doctor's office!" Madam Pomfrey said.

Wright opened his mouth. He wanted to tell Madam Pomfrey that these Slytherin students were actually killed by the red and yellow team after they killed the Ravenclaw students.

And strictly speaking, Wright and these Slytherin students were still in a hostile relationship. The fact that they were still unconscious had nothing to do with him. Even if Wright cast a coma spell on these Slytherin students, these students would have woken up long ago!

But when he saw the dozen or so poor guys who were dark and seemed to be still smelling, Wright didn't even say a word of defense.

"Slytherin and Ravenclaw, versus Gryffindor and Hufflepuff! Huh! That guy named Derwent is really good!" Madam Pomfrey pointed the finger at the new Dark Magic who was appointed this year. Defense course professor.

"I suggested to Dumbledore last night that all the activities proposed by this professor should be abolished. Even your first and second grade activities will send so many students to the school doctor's office. I can't even think of those fourth and fifth graders, or even What will happen to the sixth and seventh grade students?”

Wright just listened quietly and didn't dare to interrupt.

At this time, in Wright's eyes, Madam Pomfrey looked like a three-stage transformed Super Saiyan, exuding golden energy fluctuations, not to mention, her hair almost stood on end!

After chattering for a while, Madam Pomfrey seemed to be completely depressed and immediately asked Wright to leave the school doctor's office.

After finally escaping from the school infirmary, Wright stood in the corridor outside. While he decided angrily that he would never come here, he walked to the bedside of a Slytherin student.

This guy is...Terry?

This was Wright's first feeling after wiping his eyes.

He really... stinks!

This was the second feeling of Wright who was holding his nose.

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