Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 71 The arrival of Halloween

The students originally hoped that Professor Derwent could give more information, but after he announced the name of the second game, he directly asked everyone to start training on the magic spell. The students whose expectations failed could only rely on "betrayal" The name "Game" can be used to make a rough inference.

Wright and Chang Chu boarded the platform transformed by Professor Derwent together and began the consolidation training of the three magic spells.

"Wright, what exactly is the 'betrayal game' that Professor Derwent mentioned just now?" Chang Chu asked Wright, "Expelliarmus."

"Armor protection." Wright waved his wand downwards, and a silver shield appeared to block the red light. "I don't know, but it should be interesting to see the name of the second game."

"Collapsed." Chang Chu cast another coma spell, "I also think it would be interesting. The name Betrayal Game sounds like a spy game."

"Maybe." Wright nodded.

After this Defense Against the Dark Arts class ended, time seemed to have wings. The rest of September quickly came to an end, and October arrived as promised.

As time progressed, Wright sometimes made new broomsticks in the suitcase version of the broomstick workshop. However, after the new Moon Dream was completed, the amount of time Wright spent in the Room of Requirement increased significantly. promote.

And after successfully mastering the Disillusionment Curse, Wright no longer had to wait until night fell to go to the Room of Requirement. It is precisely because Wright spends most of his free time in the Room of Requirement every day learning spells and transfiguration that his proficiency in the Disguise Charm gradually increases.

On the other hand, each first-year course also gradually deepens its learning under the guidance of professors in each subject.

Professor Derwent in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class not only allows students to consolidate their learning of disarming spells, stun spells and iron armor spells, but sometimes also allows students to see some magical creatures he caught in the Forbidden Forest, like something like Ghouls, red hats, kabbas and the like.

Once, Professor Derwent even carried a wet Grindylow directly into the classroom. According to him, this Grindylow was caught in the big lake in front of the castle.

The Transfiguration class has also slowly changed its curriculum. A small number of students are still learning to switch between matches and silver needles, but most students have been able to successfully master the transformation between silver needles and matches. In October, Professor McGonagall mainly taught everyone how to learn the Transformation Spell, which is the most extensive form of transfiguration spell and can theoretically turn anything into anything else.

However, it is precisely because of this that the degree of mastery of the transformation spell varies according to each person's different understanding of everything in the world. The incident between Chang Chu and Professor McGonagall had long been forgotten by both of them. Apart from Wright, Chang Chu was the best performer in the Transfiguration class.

The progress of magic studies has reached the fire-making spell, and the spell is blazing flames. For this reason, Professor Flitwick even expanded the classroom a lot to prevent careless students from burning off his beard due to the small space.

Wright also learned through this that Professor Devonte's previous transformation of the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom should have been the authority given to the teacher by the school, not the teacher's own transformation ability.

In addition, in the Potions class, Snape talked about how to make the Forgetting Potion, and Professor Sprout of Herbology also began to let the students get in touch with the herbal medicine. Other astronomy classes and history of magic classes were no longer included one by one. No more details.

In addition to these, there are other things that keep happening around Wright.

The Quidditch game continued. In the first game between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff in October, Cedric successfully caught the Golden Snitch and led the Hufflepuff team to win the final. victory.

The Weasley twins, the vice-captains of the red and yellow team, also performed well in their first appearance, but it also made the composition of the Gryffindor Quidditch team look a bit strange. Three of the seven team members are from the Weasley family, with Charlie Weasley serving as captain and seeker, and Fred and George serving as beaters.

But the hottest thing in October is not the Quidditch match. The extracurricular activities of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class have successfully replaced the Quidditch Cup as the most popular activity among students. On the one hand, this is because every student can participate, and on the other hand, because the frequency is very high, there is an activity almost every week.

The first game for grades three to five is played in the Forbidden Forest, while the first game for grades six and seven is played in the Great Lake. The environment faced by senior students is much worse than that of first and second grade students, especially those in sixth and seventh grade.

When the sixth- and seventh-grade students play games in the lake, they need to protect themselves with bubble spells at all times. Professor Devont specifically restricts them from using magic potions, magic materials, or even hemp. Professor Derwent also specifically mentioned that Guamen's diving equipment is not allowed to be used.

This is how October comes to an end.

On October 31st, not long after Wright walked out of the Ravenclaw common room, he smelled the sweet and tempting aroma of roasted pumpkin.

After the morning spells class ended, the hall on the first floor was already being decorated for the Halloween dinner.

The afternoon class is an herbal medicine class, and the content of the study is exactly the most dangerous plant that first graders can come into contact with in this class - Devil's Web.

"Can anyone explain to me what a devil's net is?" Professor Sprout looked around.

"Devil's web is an ugly vine-type plant that likes darkness and moisture. Its weakness is flame. The harder you try to shake it off, the more tightly its vines will wrap around you like a snake. It The long tentacles look like crab claw orchids." Chang Chu stood up and started talking.

"I can't imagine a better answer than this! Two points for Ravenclaw." Professor Sprout smiled broadly and looked at Chang Chu with satisfaction.

Chang Chu gave Wright a proud look, and Wright quietly gave her a thumbs up.

When class was over, Wright and Wright walked to the auditorium together to attend the Halloween party. The auditorium was completely decorated at this time, with colorful Halloween decorations covering the inside and outside of the auditorium.

A thousand bats fluttered on the walls and ceiling, and a thousand more circled like low dark clouds over the dining table, making the candle flames flicker in the pumpkin's belly. Delicious food suddenly appeared on a golden plate, just like at that first-term banquet.

Dumbledore, who had not seen him for a long time, was sitting on the huge golden chair belonging to the headmaster. When he used the Elder Wand, he released a group of purple fireworks. The noisy students in the auditorium immediately fell silent and focused their attention on him.

"Good afternoon everyone, seeing that you are so excited, I won't disturb you anymore," Dumbledore said in a low voice, "Please enjoy your Halloween party!"

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