Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 77 Puzzled

He took out his pocket watch and checked the time, and found that there were still three or four minutes before the game officially started, so Wright was not in a hurry to find Chang Chu, who didn't know where he was now. He first scanned around and found a piece of ground that looked relatively clean. Then he walked over and squatted there and began to think.

Even now, Wright still doesn't know exactly what Professor Devonte's purpose is for organizing such extracurricular activities. He didn't believe that Professor Derwent would organize such extracurricular activities for no reason, but the problem was that Professor Derwent's purpose was something that Wright couldn't even imagine and couldn't find!

It is undeniable that many students in the school this year have greatly improved their magic skills because of Professor Derwent's Defense Against the Dark Arts class. But Wright also noticed that such an extremely obvious increase in experience was not reflected in the first and second grade students, but mainly in the fifth to seventh grade students.

One of the hot topics among students recently is Charlie Weasley, captain of the Quidditch team of Gryffindor House. He is still almost half a year away from graduating from seventh grade, but he still got a job from the British Ministry of Magic. Invitation to join.

Well, although it is under the control of the Management of Magical Creatures, this is still the first time in recent years that the Ministry of Magic has sent job invitations to undergraduate students!

Having said that, due to the limitations of magic knowledge, magic spells and the amount of magic power, the first and second grade students still remain at the level of standing still and shooting at each other when it comes to battles between wizards. Even because of the high difficulty of the armor protection spell, there are still many students who cannot even release the protective silver shield.

Wright had witnessed sudden fights between first and second grade students in the corridors of the castle more than once. He remembered that once, two first-year students from the Lion House and the Snake House got into a conflict in the corridor for some reason.

Then the two students stood stunned in the corridor, almost ten meters apart, shouting and shouting: You cast a stun spell, and I cast a disarming spell. The sound and light effects were extremely good. Even after fighting for a long time, no one was hit. However, a few of the melon-eating people watching were accidentally injured and knocked unconscious by them.

If Wright could give them an evaluation, it would be that it was very consistent with their training standards in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

In Wright's first year, Professor Devont taught only three spells. Wright believed that children from wizarding families would have a few other special spells, but most children from Muggle families would still only know the two taught by Professor Derwent: the Disarming Curse and the Stunning Curse. Yes, without the Iron Armor Curse, it would be a bit difficult for them.

But the problem is that Wright found that these students who only knew the disarming spell and the stun spell didn't even have the idea of ​​learning the spell. They just used those spells based on the teacher's existing instructions. There are also many students who have not even been to the library during the entire three months since school started.

You know, Hogwarts is the best magic school in Europe! The most valuable place the average student can find is in the library!

So if that's the case, what is the significance of the competition between the first and second graders?

In the first game, Professor Derwent only allowed two teams to exist, which obviously meant that the four houses were divided into two teams. Wright originally thought this was to simplify the game, but it was obvious that when the second betrayal game was connected, the original idea of ​​​​simplifying the game was wrong!

At least it's not correct!

Two grades, four colleges, and hundreds of students joined two different teams according to their own ideas and wishes.

Professor Devont never said that students must be divided into teams according to their houses, but still the vast majority of Ravenclaws and Slytherins joined one group, and the vast majority of Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs After joining one group, only a few students belonging to a certain college joined another team.

However, it was this way of dividing the teams that gave Wright an extremely confusing feeling.

If Professor Derwent had assigned the team members randomly and evenly in person, perhaps the problem would not be so obvious. But let the students be divided into groups according to their own wishes. It goes without saying that hostility was born the moment the two teams were divided!

First and second grade students are not like orangutans still living in the jungle. Gorillas will yell at each other and even push and fight with each other when they are hostile. But once the students who possess magical power become hostile, and if the hostility accumulates and breaks out, they will pull out their wands and shoot at them!

The conflicts in the school recently are evident!

In addition, if students are to be grouped voluntarily, Wright feels that the activities must at least be planned according to a specific and common goal or concept.

Unfortunately, Wright did not discover that such a common goal existed.

The Slytherin students may have weighed the pros and cons before forming a team with the Ravenclaw students; while the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff students saw groups of students from the other two houses. Once we were together, we quickly united together.

But just like this, the team that was supposed to be a joint operation between the two academies actually carried out an internal cleanup activity during the first game! More than half of the students in the two teams were directly eliminated from the field during that clean-up activity. (Of course, all members of the blue and green teams were wiped out, but here we only discuss internal matters within the team.)

The two houses that were originally united, Ravenclaw and Slytherin, Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, are now even more hostile because of their betrayal in the first game!

Then, Professor Derwent started the second game: the betrayal game.

At this time, the opposition between the four colleges is more profound than letting them directly compete among colleges! It didn't take much for Wright to know that among the students in the Forbidden Forest, except for those who had agreed earlier, the other students would definitely regard people from the other three colleges as imaginary enemies without thinking.

And to be honest, Wright didn't find anything clear about the rules of the second betrayal game. Professor Derwent didn't add any other rules except that everyone could betray the original team. Apart from the rules that must be known, such as what forbidden spells cannot be used, there are no additional conditions. They don’t even know how to win. As long as they stay in the field for a full hour, the second game will officially end.

There is no purpose.

no limit.

There are no rules.

There is only betrayal.

So what is the purpose of Professor Derwent doing this?

Wright was deeply puzzled.

Suddenly, a loud and sharp whistle echoed in the Forbidden Forest.

Wright raised his head. The moment the whistle sounded, several figures riding broomsticks rushed directly to the canopy of the Forbidden Forest.

All are sophomores!

Professor Devont doesn't even have limits on his broomstick!

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