Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 8 Letter

"Paid service?" The woman's expression seemed a little unreasonable, but she soon recalled her situation, and her expression immediately became resentful. If this gentleman hadn't suddenly appeared, her purse would have been snatched away by the white young man, and the situation she would face afterwards might be even worse.

"Yes, paid service." Wright looked at the woman who stood up with a painful expression while covering her abdomen, and nodded noncommittally, "But I hope you understand that even if it is paid service, it is still justice."

The woman didn't seem to agree with what Wright said, but she didn't know what she was thinking, but she still nodded.

"If I were you, I would take this opportunity to leave here as soon as possible." Seeing that the woman was in a daze at this time, Wright couldn't help but remind him that he didn't want to meet this poor woman again later.

"Ah! Yes! Thank you, sir!" The woman came back to her senses, nodded hurriedly, and quickly pulled out the hand that had been put into the bag, "I'll leave here right away!"

Wright watched the woman leave the alley and shook his head secretly. He didn't know why this woman would pass by this neighborhood at such a late hour, but in any case, this chaotic and complicated neighborhood was still too dangerous for such a thin woman!

However, did this woman just think that I wanted to ask for payment from her? Wright thought of the woman's action of taking her hand out of her purse, and couldn't help but frown slightly.

After sorting out his mood for a while, Wright was ready to continue his debut as a time traveler tonight. He was a little excited about a good start of nearly a thousand pounds, but the hunting trip was far from over.

However, the next operation was not very smooth. In nearly half an hour, Wright only encountered a few thieves who came to him on his own. Their pockets were cleaner than their faces. Wright worked for a long time before getting less than fifty pounds. This also made Wright understand one thing, that is, the big fat sheep he met for the first time can only be met but not sought!

About two hours later, Wright returned to the children's welfare home with more than a thousand pounds in cash. This was all he gained tonight. When passing the wooden donation box in the orphanage, Wright divided half of the pounds in his pocket and put the divided half into the box.

“Justice is always a paid service, isn’t it?”

The warm current of the North Atlantic flows through the western coast of Scotland several times, and the warm wind it brings crosses the Pennine Mountains and reaches Edinburgh. Time passes by inadvertently for two years.

George Herritt Elementary School, classroom of Grade 3, Grade 6.

The desks and chairs in the classroom are neatly arranged, and there is a sixth grade student sitting in front of each desk. This is SATs (standard achievement test). This is a test that every 11-year-old British child must pass. The country regards this score as an important indicator for entering middle school. In fact, this can also be regarded as a national unified examination.

Unlike other students around him who were scratching their heads and scratching their heads from time to time, Wright filled in the answers in the blank spaces of the test paper in his hand without any pause. After six years of study and an extraordinary memory, Wright was sure that what he was writing now was the answer the teacher wanted, and this fact had been fully verified by teachers in the past few years.

Soon, Wright finished answering all the questions on the test paper and quietly walked to the podium, trying to minimize his impact on the surrounding students. The half-bald middle-aged invigilator also knew something about this talented student in the school. He showed a satisfied smile to Wright and then took the test paper handed over by Wright.

Wright nodded to the invigilator and walked out of the classroom. This is the last exam of SATs. After completing this exam, Wright will officially graduate from elementary school. After walking out of school, he only needs to usher in the joyful months-long summer vacation, and then he can receive the letter from Hogwarts, then go to Diagon Alley, then go to Hogwarts, and then...

Thinking of this, Wright couldn't help but speed up his pace.

From fourth grade to sixth grade, it wasn't just Wright's age and height that grew. For two years, Wright found an opportunity to go out and fight crime almost once or twice a week. While constantly replenishing his own treasury, he can also donate a certain amount of money to the orphanage.

However, the cash of more than 1,000 pounds on the first night was Wright's largest income in the past two years. The largest amount of money at other times was only 500 pounds. But even so, not counting half of the money donated to the welfare home, Wright still accumulated a net worth of more than 10,000 yuan in the past two years.

It is precisely because of such frequent training that Wright has become familiar with the manipulation of shadow energy. Shadow energy continues to be generated in Wright's body, giving him more and more energy. These shadow energies were born in Wright's body, and it is almost effortless for Wright to manipulate them. All Wright needed was to become familiar with them and use them correctly.

Wright's current method of dealing with the enemy is not the same as at the beginning. He wraps himself in shadow energy, lurks behind the enemy, and then looks for opportunities to give people a brick. After two years of training, Wright was able to control a shadow, but he had not yet tried the maximum area of ​​​​the shadow that could be manipulated. After all, he had not yet encountered an enemy that could make him go all out. This kind of shadow has no direct offensive ability, but it can not only enhance Wright's concealment ability, but also compensate for Wright's perception level and medium and long-range control methods.

In addition, Wright can also partially materialize the shadow. Wright's current trump card is to drive the materialized shadow into the opponent's body, thereby causing huge damage.

Of course, Wright also tried to practice according to the mage's practice method described in many works he had read, but he didn't know whether it was not allowed by the rules of the world or improper operation. In his impression, these methods were useless. And meditation, one of the most famous mage training methods, has almost no effect at all except for making Wright calm down.

However, what pleased Wright the most was not the growth of shadow energy, but the tacit agreement between Wright and Chang Chu to distance themselves from each other almost simultaneously when they were in sixth grade.

Could it be that the little girl has really awakened her female consciousness? Wright has not yet reached a conclusion in his mind.

The first week of summer vacation passed quickly, and the SATs scores were sent to the Juan Children's Welfare Home not long after. Not surprisingly, Wright's score was Level 5, which is the highest score level in the SATs exam. But the most outstanding thing is that Wright won the first place in the country. After all, not everyone can get perfect scores in all exams, even in elementary school exams. (The national results here are fabricated by the author. The author is not sure whether he has recorded the first place in the country, but he probably has.)

This result made Susanna extremely happy. In the days after the report card was mailed to the orphanage, she asked Steven to give Wright a few massages. It seemed that she was looking forward to Wright going to a good middle school. Not knowing how to explain the rest of his life to Susanna, Wright could only express his guilt by eating all of Steven's cooking with tearful eyes.

One day in July,


The doorbell of the orphanage rang, and Wright quickly walked from the garden to the door to open the door. Children living in the orphanage will be required to take responsibility for some things within their capabilities, and Wright will also take on these things after he fully recovers. Especially now that Wright is considered one of the older people in the orphanage, he sometimes provides some help within his ability for some tasks that are not his own.

According to the schedule, the postman should be knocking on the door at this time. Wright opened the door, and sure enough, there was a postman carrying a gray-green mailbag standing outside the door. A bicycle was parked not far behind him.

"Wright!" Since he often delivers letters here, the postman also has an impression of some of the children in this orphanage. "There happens to be a letter from you here."

The postman said as he took out a letter from his bag.

The envelope was made of heavy parchment and the address was written in emerald green ink. No stamps affixed.

Wright clearly saw a wax seal, a shield, and a capital "h" surrounded by a lion, an eagle, a badger, and a snake.

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