Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 8 The happy little motorcycle that you missed (please subscribe)

One day in late July.

Due to the arrival of summer, the temperature near Hogwarts Castle is getting higher and higher. With the gradual arrival of midsummer, rainy weather has become less and less frequent, and the sky is always sunny and cloudless.

Every afternoon when he passed by the large lake next to the castle, Wright would see the giant squid lazily floating on the surface of the lake basking in the sun. The same is true in the Forbidden Forest next to the castle. Summer gives all the creatures in the Forbidden Forest the strong sunlight they need to grow, and the Forbidden Forest looks prosperous.

This morning, Wright followed Hagrid to the depths of the Forbidden Forest as usual and continued to feed Lu Wei.

Walking through an overgrown path, bypassing a dense jungle, I said hello to a Thestral that happened to pass by. After another ten minutes, Wright and Hagrid walked to the deepest part of the Forbidden Forest, where Lu Wei's new home was.

Wright raised his head and looked at the tall and powerful three-headed dog on the ground in front of him. Lu Wei's size has grown a lot this month. In fact, if Wright hadn't come here to feed him every day, Wright estimated that Lu Wei would have broken free of the rope that was extremely slender for him.

And it was precisely because Lu Wei's size expanded again that Wright and Hagrid moved Lu Wei's settlement from its previous location to the deepest part of the Forbidden Forest.

Lu Wei obediently lay down in front of Wright. In fact, even before Hagrid transferred Lu Wei's ownership to Wright, Lu Wei had only listened to Wright's words.

Just when Wright was about to feed Lu Wei, he suddenly heard Hagrid's words.

Wright felt like he had heard wrongly.

Wright picked his ears and looked at Hagrid aside: "Hagrid, I'm sorry, can you say it again? I didn't hear what you were saying clearly."

"It's okay, Wright," Hagrid scratched his hair, "If you have other things to do, you don't have to come with me."

"No, I really didn't hear it clearly," Wright repeated again, "Can you say it again?"

"Ah, that's it," Hagrid said, "Dumbledore told me that Harry had not received the admission letter from our school, so he needed to send someone to deliver the letter to him. So he entrusted this task to me."

"Dumbledore also said that because my height was too conspicuous in the eyes of Muggles, it might create a bad impression on Harry," Hagrid said with a slight blush. "He said, if possible, I would Let me go with you to Harry and give him the admission letter."

"So, probably, Dumbledore wants me to go with you to deliver a letter to Harry Potter?" Wright said word by word.

"Yes, uh," Hagrid paused, and then said slowly, "But Dumbledore didn't say you have to go. What he said was that if you have time, you can go with me."

It's summer vacation, which student doesn't have time? Besides, Wright was under Dumbledore's nose almost every day. Didn't Dumbledore know if he had time? Isn't this obviously asking Wright and Hagrid to deliver the message together?

"Don't other professors have time?" Wright asked Hagrid.

Wright really didn't want to come into contact with any of the Harry Potter trio, well, except maybe Hermione. However, Chang Chu's face flashed across Wright's mind, and Wright immediately excluded Hermione as well.

"In the past, Professor McGonagall was usually responsible for sending admission letters to students. Sometimes Professor Quirrell from Muggle Studies would also help her," Hagrid explained, "But Professor Quirrell has not been out recently. Have you trained yourself? So Professor McGonagall is the only one working on it this year."

Wright originally wanted to talk about Snape, but when he thought of Snape's stone face with no expression, Wright simply stopped mentioning him. Professor Flitwick is also not suitable for delivering letters due to his body shape, but other professors can always do it.

"What about Professor Sprout?" Wright asked.

"I'm not very sure about this," Hagrid shook his head. "Anyway, in my impression, Professor Sprout has never been in charge of this matter."

Wright nodded helplessly.

"Would you like to come with me, Wright?" Hagrid looked at Wright expectantly. "Although I don't know why Dumbledore would entrust me with such an important task, I will do my best no matter what!"

What else could Wright say? Should we blatantly reject Dumbledore's suggestion? Or still refuse Hagrid’s favor offensive?

What else can be done? Of course I promised him.

"Then when are we going to deliver the letter to Harry?" Wright sighed and asked Hagrid.

"Well, it's tomorrow." Hagrid said a little embarrassed.

Wright glanced at Hagrid angrily and amusedly, and said, "I'm going to deliver the letter tomorrow. You just asked me for my opinion today?"

"Then how are we going to get there?" But now that he had decided to deliver the letter, Wright stopped worrying too much and directly asked Hagrid about his specific plan, "Also, Hagrid, you know? Where is the Lippert family’s address?”

"Generally speaking, if I go outside the school alone, I will ride a flying motorcycle that I borrowed from someone else. It also has two seats on it. You can also sit on it, Wright," Hagrid said, "But I don't know about you. If you're not used to it, we can go to Hogsmeade and floo powder to the Leaky Cauldron."

"No! Just ride a motorcycle!" Wright's eyes lit up. Recently, due to frequent letters from Fred and George, he was very interested in various flying props.

"Well, okay then, let's go riding motorcycles together tomorrow," Hagrid said.

"As for where Harry lives, I also know it. That's where I sent him." Hagrid said, "Harry was just a little kid at that time."

"How long does it take to get there from Hogwarts?" Wright asked.

"It would take about five or six hours to ride a motorcycle..." Hagrid said a little uncertainly, "After all, I have never tried to ride from here to there."

"Five or six hours?" Wright glanced at Hagrid and thought about it secretly, "This time may not be enough..."

"What's wrong? Wright?" Hagrid looked at Wright who suddenly became silent with some doubts.

"It's nothing, Hagrid, it's just that I changed my mind!" Wright shook his head, "We will set off together at eight o'clock tomorrow morning, and then use the fireplace in Hogsmeade Village to lead to the Leaky Cauldron, and then from the Leaky Cauldron Bar to Harry."

"No problem!" Hagrid nodded.

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