Harry Potter: Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 422: Preliminary Research Result (II)

"I've studied the Dojutsu of the Uchiha and Hyuga Clans and have some results," said Clone 3. "I've turned the Sharingan into a spell that temporarily modifies the eyes and grants it the same abilities.

"Furthermore, I've made it so the Magical version of the Sharingan can copy Tier 0-3 Arcane Rune Spells. You can guess the benefit of this application."

Edward nodded his head. Previously, the Sharingan could only copy Wandcraft Spells, but now, they can copy low tiers Spells, meaning the Empire's citizens will use it to rapidly acquire battle prowess from Tier 0-3. Of course, being able to copy and use a spell is not the same as understanding its underlying principles.

Nevertheless, it is still helpful to be able to train low-level Arcanists rapidly. When the Empire trains the Clone Legion, it will become easier since they are no longer required to go through the procedure of instilling the knowledge and principles of using spells into the clones' minds. More importantly, the Sharingan will make the process way cheaper, saving them trillions of Arcane Coins.

"Excellent work. Anything else?"

"Yes. I've recreated all the Mangekyou Sharingan's abilities like Susanoo, Amateratsu, etc. Most have become decent but unique spells, but not very useful–except for Itachi's Tsukiyomi. Its applications of illusion will significantly benefit our Illusion Department.

"What about the Rinnegan?"

"Most of its abilities are also useless," said Clone 3. Most of the capabilities of the Rinnegan are already achievable by different spells. Even with unique abilities like Limbo, Arcanists have too many ways to detect things that are invisible.

"It did help somewhat with our research with Resurrection Magic." In the Konosuba World, the Empire learned of Priest's Magic which included Resurrection Spells. So, the Rinnegan only provided a different perspective of reviving people, thus furthering the research. Unfortunately, it did not bring anything new or revolutionary.

"Kaguya's Rinnesharingan also provided some benefits. The Infinite Tsukiyomi is a great illusion, and I'm still working to turn it into a spell and maybe improve it.

"Then there is her use of Space-Time Ninjutsus. I've gathered all the data on how she used her Rinnesharingan to control space-time. It should have some help in your study of Space-Time Rules."

Edward calmly received the data and stored it to use later.

"Finally, it's the Byakugan. I've turned into a spell and Aura Technique, mainly used for Aura Masters. I did the same for the Sharingan so pure Aura Master can use these Dojutsus abilities."

Currently, the Empire had ways to grant every citizen magical powers. However, a large group of people prefers the pure Aura Master Path.

"Finally, this is the greatest value for the Byakugan," said Clone 3 before showing Edward a blueprint. "I've updated the Sorcerer Eye by fusing it with the ability of the Byakugan."

The Sorcerer Eye is one of the monitoring systems of the Empire. It's basically a satellite that covers the entire Empire's territory, looking for uninvited guess, sudden large energy quantity, and many more.

"How much is the increase?" asked Edward.

"35%." This number was a significant increase considering the last update of the Sorcerer's Eyes was less than three months since Edward left.

"What about the Tenseigan?"

"Nothing useful, but Clone 4 did create something from its Chakra Mode."

Clone 4 took the forefront stage while Clone went to continue his research.

"I would like to introduce you to [High Aura]," said Clone 4 before showing his research result. "After studying the Tenseigan's Chakra Mode, I had an interesting idea and went to a parallel timeline to capture Naruto with a Nine Tail Chakra Mode. Then, I created High Aura Mode–a special state that anyone with Aura can use. You should already guess what its main purpose is."

"Killing God," commented Edward. The Arcane Rune Magic is a form of High Magic capable of injuring and killing Gods. However, Aura does not have these capabilities, putting the Aura Master profession in a complicated position.

Gods not only have high magic immunity but also force immunity. In some ways, they are truly the perfect creature or power systems.

"Exactly. I've done preliminary research using the divine energy we have and the remains of Herpo. However, we also need a real God as test subjects." Clone 4 sighed.

"If the Floating City was here, I could cultivate a Tier 6 False God." He shook his head. Edward established a research group to create False Gods, and there have been some preliminary results.

The core of this research is to cultivate a Tier 6 Clone before creating billions of mortal-level clones brainwashed to worship the Tier 6 Clones. Then, create a False God through the power of faith gathered. And the only reason it's not a true God is the lack of a Divine Kingdom.

"Wait for a while, and we might find a God and maybe a few," said Edward, thinking about his following action. "Clone 5, what about you?"

"I'm in charge of studying Izanagi, and things are not going well for me," said Clone 5. "I've imitated the effect of turning illusion into reality. However, the price paid when using mana is not an eye but a piece of the soul." He groaned with some frustration.

"From Tier 0-3, it is best to transform mana into Chakra and use it. By then, you'll only lose an eye. However, from Tier 4-5, Chakra no longer works. Meanwhile, using magic has limited effects. For example, you can deal with heavy injuries but not fatal ones. In Tier 6, only skin injuries can be healed. Above Tier 7, it's impossible to play with the concept of truth and falsehood like that."

"Do you have hope for the path forward?"

"Yes. Izanagi is essentially a form of reality manipulation. With the Word Soul Magic you acquired from Black Clover, we have some information, but the research will take some time."

"That's good enough," nodded Edward. "Clone 8?"

Clone 8 did not say anything but showed him a small beast that looked like a puppy. Edward gazed at it for a moment before his eyes lit up. "A mana creature?"

"Exactly. The Tail Beasts are pure Chakra Creatures, and I've learned from my experiments with them."

Edward's plan to become Tier 10 at a faster rate is to become half flesh and half Energy creatures such as Dragon or Phoenix. So, he has been studying the idea of a Dragon Heart to store mana and Elementalization to create a Mana Creature to prepare for his transition.

Before, he had some success creating spells that could turn him into certain elements, but the transformation was not complete and temporary.

"Excellent work," he praised as he looked at the small creature.

"My work is only in the preliminary stages," said Clone 8. "But, from my prediction, it may even help with the Ultimate Magic Body."

Edward nodded. The Magus Race were creatures made of mana–similar to the Anodite in the show Ben 10. However, they could turn their bodies into flesh and blood and pass on their bloodline.

'Maybe the Anodite is a branch of the Magus Race,' thought Edward. After knowing the achievements of the Magus Race, he would not be surprised.

"Can this be weaponized?" asked Edward.

"I'm already working on it."

A creature wholly made of mana would be extremely powerful and could be used as another weapon of the Empire–similar to how Tail Beasts are in the Ninjia World.

Clone 9 stepped up and showed his result. "My research is on natural energy. I've discovered so far that only planets can emit this energy, and it's a form of unique life force."

"Mana cannot be transformed into nature energy?"

"No, they work well together but cannot be interchanged. To be exact, nature energy works for all: divine energy, solar energy, cosmic energy, and even negative energy."

"It's fine. As long we can produce nature energy of our own."

CLone 9 nodded since he already used a planet store in the interdimensional rings to test it and did not need to rely on the Naturo World to create nature energy.

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