Harry Potter: Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 424: Deputy Commander

(AN: Sorry, this chapter is not edited.)

"Yes, it's me," said Edward with a smile. "Are you going to invite me in?"

Itachi hesitated for a while before saying, "Come in, your majesty."

Edward walked in and observed the house. Besides a new Chakra Television, the house looked similar to the Uchiha's compound in the anime, except a lot smaller. He looked at the young Uchiha prodigy and asked:

"Now that you have been exposed to a brand new world and civilization, have you thought about your actions?"

Itachi sighed deeply, "I have."


"I was wrong. No, the entire Shinobi World is wrong." In the past few weeks, Itachi had to attend schools like every people on this planet, and he learned a great deal about history, sociology, modern culture, mental health, and many more.

And the conclusion he derived was his actions were wrong, and this conclusion was not just because his actions were idiotic, as the Emperor said during their first meeting. But also because the Shinobi War is twisted.

The cycle of hatred passed down from one generation after the other makes it impossible for peace to exist. And the system of treating Ninjas as tools is also a fundamental reason the entire system is broken.

Then there is the use of child soldiers. Children–no matter how gifted they are–should not be exposed to the cruelty of war. They should never have the burden of other people's lives on their shoulders.

"So, you've figured it out? I thought you would be stubborn and insisted you made the right choice."

"I have never been a prideful person and can admit my faults," replied Itachi calmly.

"A good quality to have," nodded Edward. "Have you explained everything to your brother?"

Itachi paused, "Wouldn't it be better for him to believe I was dead?" At this point, he has no need to have his brother kill him. Firstly, the Empire has safer ways for Sasuke to awaken his Mangekyou Sharingan. Secondly, he is not dying and can watch his brother's growth from the shadow.

Edward waved his hand, and a holographic screen appeared before him. He motioned his hand, and the screen floated before Itachi.

"What is it?" he asked, puzzled. However, his pupils squinted after seeing the title, and he quickly read through it. His hand trembled as he read. In front of him was a psychological evaluation of his brother, Sasuke.

And the result was that his brother had many mental problems–including possible suicidal tendencies. Itachi once took an online class on the Empire's server about the psychological effects of war on the young mind. This class greatly helped him figure out many things about his past and how his childhood affected the current him.

As such, he had some knowledge of mental health issues. So, as he scrolled through the lists of the things wrong with his brother, his mind was in chaos. And that's because he knew he had caused 99% of these problems–some he even did accidentally.

"What... have I done," he muttered. Maybe his Shinobi mindset believed he was a good big brother, paving the way for his brother to live in such a cruel world. However, his Arcane Empire mindset made him aware of the lasting damage he did to his brother. Damage that would affect him for the rest of his life.

"There is still hope for you two brothers," said Edward. "Although it would take years of family therapy and maybe the need for a powerful Spiritual Arcanist, you can still heal."

"Yes, there is still hope," he uttered with a slightly hoarse voice.

"Plus, it might help if your family was reunited," added Edward, making Itachi's eyes brighten as he remembered the Empire had ways to revive the dead. And it was not the inhumane method of Edo Tensei.

"Is it really alright for them to come back? Could they accept me after the terrible sins I've committed?"

"I don't know for sure," replied Edward. "What I do know is the love of a parent is boundless. They would take on the burden of your sins if it met you can be at peace."

From the way Fugaku and Mikoto accepted their deaths at Itachi's hand, it could be seen they understood their son's burden and accepted his choice. So, if they were revived, he would still be their beloved son.

Itachis' body trembled after hearing this. He remembered the pain he felt as he killed his parents and the despair he felt as he watched their bodies tumbled on the floor, blood staining the floor. He remembered the peaceful visage of his mother and father before their death, he remembered watching the life slowly dissipate from their eyes.

Itachi took a deep breath to control his emotions. He cannot run away all his life, so some things must be faced. And whatever the consequence, he would accept it.

"Your majesty, why did you come to see?" he asked after gaining his calm and stoic face. He did not think the Emperor came to see him to talk about his ideologies or his family's affairs.

"I came to give you an invitation," said Edward.

"To what?"

"The greatest military power of the Empire is not the Imperial Navy, the Royal Army, the Earth Defense Force, or the Auror–it's the Ghost Squad."

Itachi was confused, but he did not interrupt and listened. He also formulated some ideas on the Emperor's purpose.

"The Ghost Squad is my right hand, my shadow. They have access to all the resources of the Empire–including knowledge and secrets not revealed to the public."

Itachi understood what such a force meant. After analyzing the situation of the Empire, Itachi understood that the people of this world were in a "honeymoon" period where the Empire granted them access to many resources and knowledge to make their transition smoother.

However, once that period ends, everybody will be on their own, working to earn resources; they have to compete with the hundreds of billions of other citizens of the Empire.

And if he and his brother want to have a place in the Empire, it will be challenging–especially since the Sharingan no longer grants them any advantage. If Itachi wanted to revive his parents and his clan members, he could not fathom how much work that would require.

"Recently, I decided to create another special unit from the members of the Ghost Squad focused on intelligence gathering, infiltration, spying, and assassination. I want you to be the Deputy Commander of the Shadow Squad."

Itachi smiled wryly, "You led me to leave the darkness, and now, you want me to return."

"Darkness cannot be eliminated–even in my world."

"Since the Ghost Squad has so much power, there must be a catch."

"Yes, I control their soul," replied Edward calmly.

"As expected."

"You don't need to worry too much. Some people have signed temporary contracts to hand their souls for a specific amount of time. Afterward, I let them leave."

"Really? You let them leave?"

"Don't think of me in such a negative light," said Edward. "Besides having certain memories wiped, I do let them leave."

"Should I be thankful you still have some humanity?" he muttered softly before shaking his head.

"Why did you choose me? I know you have the power to control life and death. You could have asked people like Madara or the First or Second Hokage."

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